Food and drinkRecipes

Easy recipe for fritters on yogurt

Thanks to the modern achievements of cooking many housewives have become so spoiled that once again they are too lazy to cook something delicious for their relatives. It's easier, of course, to go to the store and buy a ready-made dish, but it's still not the same. After all, what is prepared with their own hands, has a much more pleasant taste. But if we talk about pancakes, I think every woman should be able to cook them. Well, at least because it's easy to do, and the cooking process does not take much time. But what kind of yummy it turns out!

There are several ways to bake pancakes. Perhaps the most popular is the preparation of fritters on kefir. That's what we'll talk about. First, I'll tell you about some tricks that you need to know in order to make delicious pancakes.

As for kefir, the more sour it will be, the better. Ideally, for preparation of fritters it is better to use not fresh yogurt, but a little bit in the refrigerator. Even if it is slightly spoiled, it's okay. By the way, the fat content of yogurt also plays some role. Those. The more its fat content, the better. It is not possible to get real fritters from a low-fat product. Before preparing the dough, kefir should be warmed, but it should be done carefully, since this dairy product can be quickly stratified. Many people add boiling water to warmed kefir in order to achieve the desired temperature. It is not necessary to do this, it is enough to heat kefir.

On how much sour kefir will be, depends on the amount of soda added. The more it is sour, the more you need to take soda. Another little trick: mixing kefir and soda, the latter, as is done when baking other flour products, it is not necessary to extinguish vinegar.

You should know how to properly prepare a dough for fritters on kefir. It should be quite thick, like, for example, sour cream of high fat content. It is clear that if it is liquid, then when baking we get, rather, pancakes, rather than pancakes.

Delicious fritters are baked with the addition of sugar. How many it to add, everyone will solve individually. I note only one thing, that sugar gives not only sweetness, but also gives the product a color: the more sugar, the more roast and ruddy are the pancakes.

So, tricks, are open, like, everything. Now consider a few simple but delicious recipes.

The recipe for fritters on kefir N1

Ingredients: 2 cups kefir, flour, 1 egg, salt, soda, sugar.

Preparation: beat the egg, add warmed yogurt to it, salt and sugar to taste. We pour one teaspoon of soda and flour. Flours need to be poured so much to get a thick dough. We heat the frying pan with vegetable oil and spread the dough on it with a spoon to make round pancakes.

If you think that pancakes are baked only from flour, then you are deeply mistaken. They can also be made from potatoes, zucchini, carrots.

The recipe for fritters on kefir N2

Ingredients: 0,5 kg of potatoes, 1 onion, 2 eggs, 4 tbsp. Kefir, 3 tbsp. Flour, salt.

Preparation: Peel the potatoes and rub it on a fine grater. Add to it finely chopped onion, kefir, egg, flour and salt to taste. We mix everything well until we have a homogeneous mass. Fry pancakes in boiling vegetable oil over medium heat.

The recipe for fritters on kefir N3

Ingredients: 500 g carrots, 3-4 tablespoons kefir, 1 egg, 2-3 tablespoons flour, sugar and salt to taste.

Preparation: carrots are cleaned and rubbed on a fine grater. Add to it a whipped egg, kefir, flour, salt and sugar. All mixed, make sure that the whole mass was thick in moderation (well behind the spoon). Peel pancakes with hot vegetable oil.

Recipe for fritters on kefir N4

Ingredients: 300 grams of zucchini, 0.5 cups of kefir,), 0.5 cups of flour, 1 egg, sugar and salt to taste.

Preparation: Beat the egg in the plate. Squash to wash and peel. Grate on a fine grater. Add kefir, beaten egg, sugar, salt and flour to grated zucchini. All mix well. The dough should be like thick sour cream, if it is thicker, then it will be necessary to dilute small amounts of kefir. Bake in a heated frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil.

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