
Chemical (liquid) anchor: instructions for use, features, consumption and types

The liquid anchor is an alternative solution for fixing the mounting structures. It replaced the traditional mechanical method. The fixation is fixed due to the solidification of the chemical composition in the material base. The use of such a method does not provide spacers, which indicates the absence of a deformation stress.

Scope of use

Such fastening is used for installation in materials with a weak monolithic or density, among them:

  • Foam block;
  • Shell rock;
  • Clinker brick;
  • Hollow blocks;
  • Aerated concrete.

Key Features

Liquid anchor 20 years ago was considered an expensive novelty, and was used only as an experiment. Since then, the composition and technique of such anchors have stepped forward, which made this kind of fasteners preferential and cheaper when working with complex materials. Quite often this technology is called a glue dowel.

Chemical anchor is a synthetic two-component resin for joining and fixing metal products with base material. On the market, such a solution appeared relatively recently, but due to its outstanding characteristics, it won the recognition of consumers. Chemical anchors are most often used when conventional plastic or metal dowels do not cope with retaining the structure.

Liquid anchor found its distribution when working with:

  • Dense concrete;
  • Porous materials;

Hollow building products.

As for porous materials, among them additionally it is necessary to isolate expanded clay, cellular concrete, sandstone and limestone. If we are talking about construction products, then in this case we need to mention porous ceramics and bricks.

Varieties of liquid anchors

Liquid anchor is offered for sale in two varieties, among them - ampoule and injection. The former are one- and two-component compositions. As for injection, they are sold in tubes and cartridges, and their second name is capsular.

Ampoule liquid anchors are represented by glass cylinders, inside of which there is a resin, it hardens when exposed to air. Before using this solution, holes are drilled in the material, where an ampoule with polyester resin is placed . At the next stage, there is screwed an anchor in the form of a hairpin made of metal. The ampoule is broken, then the glue is released, which seizes. In this case, the pieces of glass play the role of reinforcement.

The liquid chemical anchor can be mixed with styrene, and the setting will depend on the air temperature and the grade of the material. Injection anchors are used as follows. At the first stage, a hole is made in the concrete, the internal cavity of which is well cleaned. There the glue is squeezed out and the fastening element is inserted. In the process of solidification, the composition fills all pores and irregularities. More such a technique is suitable for building materials.

Features of the liquid anchor HIT-RE 100 from the manufacturer Hilti

The liquid anchor "Hilti" is very popular among consumers today. Among other varieties on sale, you can find HIT-RE 100. This epoxy adhesive is designed to install reinforcement and anchors in concrete. The basis is epoxy adhesive. Transportation and storage of this mixture can be carried out at temperatures ranging from +5 to +25 ° C. The anchor can be operated at a rather wide temperature range from -40 to +70 ° C.

As one of the main advantages of the anchor is the absence of risk of cracking. The curing time of the mixture is extended, which allows you to adjust the elements during the installation. The liquid anchor Hilti, the method of application of which will be mentioned below, is suitable for use inside and outside the premises together with the material in a different state, namely:

  • Wet;
  • Dry;
  • Filled with water.

The areas of use of the anchor are:

  • Replacement of reinforcement;
  • Fastening of steel structures;
  • Fixation of steel elements;
  • Connection and fastening of concreted reinforcement.

The cost and main features of the Hit Re 500 liquid anchor from the manufacturer Hilti

The above-mentioned liquid anchor, whose price is 2200 rubles. For the packaging, is great for holes that have an impressive diameter and depth, and were made using diamond technology. The material is reliable and of high quality. It is capable of undergoing significant loads and allows the installation of studs with a diameter exceeding M24.

Stresses in the concrete are absent, this reduces the distance between the axes and the pitch to the edge. Anchor is flexible, it can be used even in wet holes, but adhesion does not decrease. The packaging has an economical dispenser, so you do not have to apply special efforts when injecting. The volume of construction waste is reduced due to the unique packaging. The composition has no sharp odor, so you can work with it even indoors. The installed fittings and studs can be controlled due to the red color of the mixture.

Consumption of liquid anchor Hilti

The consumption of the chemical anchor will vary depending on the diameter of the hole, its depth and the diameter of the anchor. If the last parameter is equal to M8, and the standard hole depth is 80 mm, then the filling volume of one cavity will be 4.14 ml. The hole diameter is equivalent to 10 mm. Using a 300 ml cartridge, you can fill 72.4 holes.

With an anchor diameter of M10 and a standard opening depth of 90 mm, you will spend 6.71 ml of compound with a cavity diameter of 12 mm. Using a 300-ml cartridge, you can fill 44.7 holes. If the anchor diameter reaches M30, and the standard depth of the hole is 280 mm, then the volume of the composition for one hole will be equivalent to 177.71 ml. These data are relevant for the hole with a diameter of 35 mm. By purchasing a cartridge, the volume of which is 385 ml, you will be able to fill 2.2 holes with the above characteristics.

Instructions for use

Drilling holes before filling should be done in one of two ways:

  • Use of a diamond machine;
  • Application of a perforator.

The first technology is the most preferable, because the holes are perfectly round and even. As for the technology with a perforator, it should provide for the use of calibrated drills. Sludge should be removed by hand pump or compressor.

Installation of the anchor should be carried out with the help of special equipment. If you decide to use a liquid anchor, the instruction for its use must necessarily be studied. In the next step, the reinforcement method should be installed using the immersion method, acting on it with a slight effort. In this process, a small amount of the mixture will surface, which should be removed before it cools.

The wizard should wear protective gloves and goggles. After installing the reinforcing bar, it is necessary to wedge to the full hardening of the anchor so that the element is not pulled out under the influence of its own weight.


After the composition has hardened, it is important to make sure that the anchor has been installed correctly. The mechanical element must not rotate at the base. The anchorage will not be damaged from the outside. If you are installing at low temperatures, the base material must be heated with a propane torch or a construction hair dryer. Before installation, the hairpin is cleaned of rust.

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