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Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of postpartum thyroiditis

The normal course of pregnancy is caused by a variety of factors. In the process of intrauterine development of the fetus with a woman, external and internal changes occur. The body's systems work either in a strengthened or in a slowed-down mode.

Throughout all 9 months the thyroid gland should fulfill its primary functions. During this period she has to work for two organisms. Closer to the middle of pregnancy the baby activates its thyroid gland, but it can not yet release hormones. After the appearance of its light, the body's systems begin to restore their functions. Sometimes it happens too actively, postpartum thyroiditis occurs .

Features of the disease

It is believed that during pregnancy, the woman's immunity functions at a slowed pace. Immediately after birth, a surge of hormones and antibodies is observed, all systems are activated. As a result, there is an increase in the thyroid gland, which manifests itself in the form of thyroiditis. Pathology begins its development by hyperthyroidism, and ends with hypothyroidism. At some point the body stops producing an increased amount of hormones, reducing their activity.

Postpartum thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease. It is considered to be the result of excessive activity of immunity. At risk are women with diabetes, as well as carriers of antibodies to TPO.

Thyroiditis itself is characterized by inflammation of the thyroid gland. Against the background of the ongoing pathological processes, her cells begin to die. Pathology is accompanied by unpleasant sensations and even pain in the neck. The postpartum form of the disease develops in 2-3 months, as a child appears. Six months later the hormonal background usually normalizes, and the ailment disappears on its own. Sometimes he goes into a chronic stage. In subsequent pregnancies in such women, the disorder is repeated.

Who is at risk?

Symptoms, causes, treatment of postpartum thyroiditis will be discussed below. First, it is necessary to determine the so-called risk group - women, whose probability of occurrence is high enough.

According to doctors, no one is immune from this disease. It can appear in any lady who enjoys pregnancy. However, a number of indicators are highlighted, thanks to which it is possible to identify a group of the most pathological women. First of all:

  • Age over 35 years;
  • Presence of hereditary predisposition;
  • Violation of the CNS;
  • Autoimmune lesions in the anamnesis.

The likelihood of increased symptomatology increases with the repetition of pregnancy.

Main reasons

As already noted, the main cause of the development of the pathological process is considered to be the suppression of the immunity of the future parturient. It was not accidental that these changes were conceived. Reducing the activity of the immune system during pregnancy is necessary so that it does not destroy the developing fetus. After the birth of a crumb, the need for this disappears. The defenses of the body return to the original state. In the case of postpartum thyroiditis, hyperstimulation is observed, the victim of which is the thyroid gland.

Assume that a woman will have to face this disease, it is possible to increase the antibodies in the blood to the thyroid. In addition, the pathological process contributes to the following factors:

  • Endocrine diseases of chronic nature;
  • diabetes;
  • Transferred during pregnancy, infectious and respiratory diseases;
  • Physical overwork;
  • Malnutrition;
  • Adverse ecological situation.

Clinical picture

Symptoms of postpartum thyroiditis appear only 8-14 weeks after the birth of the crumbs. At first the young mother feels an unprecedented energy. Because of the increase in the level of hormones in the blood, she begins to notice irregularities in the mood. Feelings of joy and satisfaction are very quickly replaced by anger, irritability.

At the next stage of the disease there is a sharp decrease in weight, while the woman does not suffer from lack of appetite. The clinical picture is supplemented by rapid heart rate. There may be a slight swelling in the neck area due to an increase in the size of the thyroid gland.

Then the signs, characteristic already for a hypothyrosis begin to be shown. There is drowsiness, the young mother has lost the desire to take care of the child. Even minor loads provoke severe fatigue. Against the background of a decrease in appetite, weight continues to increase. In some cases, failures in the menstrual cycle are recorded.

Methods of diagnosis

When identifying symptoms of postpartum thyroiditis, you need to seek help from an endocrinologist or gynecologist. Both these specialists are engaged in the diagnosis of such diseases. A gynecologist evaluates the work of female genital organs. The second doctor specializes mainly in endocrine pathologies.

Diagnosis of postpartum thyroiditis begins with interviewing the patient, studying complaints and her history. Since this disease does not have pronounced signs, to confirm pre-trial detention a woman will need to undergo a comprehensive examination. It usually includes the following activities:

  1. Blood test for hormones.
  2. Immunogram (allows to check the presence of antibodies to the elements of the thyroid gland).
  3. Ultrasound of the organ (during the study, the presence of tumors and nodes is recorded).
  4. Soft tissue biopsy (used to determine the malignancy of the pathological process).
  5. Scintigraphy (analysis helps to assess the size and contour of the gland, the area affected by the disease).

After receiving the results of the examination, postpartum thyroiditis treatment is prescribed. Today, doctors prefer to use 2 options for influencing the ailment: medication and computer reflexology. Each of them will be described in detail below.

Basics of drug therapy

With increased levels of hormones, thyroid glands are always prescribed thyreostatics. These drugs help to eliminate their excess. Medicines can be taken even during intensive lactation, because the active substances do not have a detrimental effect on the health of the newborn.

Otherwise, hormone replacement therapy is prescribed, during which only 2 medicines are used to choose from: "L-thyroxine" or "Eutirox". With prolonged treatment, the analyzes improve noticeably. However, this fact does not mean that the body managed to cope with the disease. Good levels of hormones indicate a correctly selected dosage of drugs, rather than restoring the endocrine system.

Computer reflexotherapy

Treatment with medicines improves the general condition of a sick lady, but does not help normalize the activity of the thyroid gland. In order to stabilize hormones, treatment is often supplemented by computer reflexology. Its essence is reduced to the effect of current on certain points associated with the brain center through the CNS channels. In this case, the use of medicines is not required.

Computer reflexology of postpartum thyroiditis allows to restore the working capacity of the gland with time. The thyroid gland after the course of treatment produces the necessary amount of hormones. A young mother recovers, and the main systems of internal organs begin to act in a coordinated manner.

Duration of treatment

The duration of the prescribed therapy always depends on the effectiveness of the preventive measures and the severity of the disease. As a rule, this period varies from two months to six months.

In this case, the attending physician must necessarily know whether the woman is planning to again try on herself the role of mother in the future. If she does not want to have more children, they do not resort to strict therapy. In this case, preference is usually given to wait-and-see tactics under the control of narrow specialists. During the year the disease can be eliminated on its own. If the family replenishment is planned, the patient will certainly be prescribed medication. During treatment, it is necessary to periodically undergo an examination, take blood tests for hormones.

Postpartum thyroiditis and breastfeeding

Many of the fair sex, after learning about their disease, begin to worry about the health of the baby. Is lactation permitted during the period of drug treatment of thyroiditis? Most doctors give a positive answer to this question. Modern drugs used in thyroiditis do not contradict breastfeeding and even pregnancy. As for the pathology itself, it is not transmitted to the mother with the mother's milk.

Prognosis for recovery

Is it possible to cure postpartum thyroiditis? The testimonies of many women testify that it is possible and necessary to fight this disease. Correctly prescribed therapy allows you to fully recover within a year. Otherwise, the disease can go into a chronic form, which requires a longer and more complex treatment.

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