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How to remove chewing gum from clothes
Sooner or later, but before each one gets up the question of how to remove the cud from the clothes. I really do not want to part with clothes because of the stains left by Velcro.
There are several ways to remove the chewing gum from clothing. They are sometimes based on opposite methods. It can not be said that one of the methods works in 100% of cases, and the other does not help at all. You can try the most sparing methods first, if they do not help, then proceed to the following. Sooner or later, get rid of the stain.
How to remove chewing gum from clothes
The first way. We use freezing. Dry thing, stained with chewing gum, put in a cellophane bag and leave in the freezer for several hours. The time of freezing depends on the tissue and on how deeply "chewed" the gum is in the tissue. When the thing is thoroughly frozen, pull it out and scrape off the frozen velcro. This method is quite effective in many cases, only scraping, use blunt objects that can not damage the tissue. Sometimes on the fabric there is still a stain, but after washing it disappears.
The second way. We use the heating of the chewing gum with an iron. On the stain, put a napkin and iron it on top (set the temperature in accordance with the recommendations for ironing and do not forget to turn off the steaming mode). The spot gradually shifts to a napkin, which has to be changed several times.
The third way. We use hot water and an old toothbrush. Immerse the stain in boiling water, with a three toothbrush. From high temperature, the chewing gum slips into pellets and separates. But remember that this method can only be used on cotton things that do not lose color when boiled. To enhance the effect and accelerate the process in the water, you can add a dishwashing detergent.
The fourth way. We use liquid detergent (non-abrasive and without acid). On the spot we pour undiluted remedy, wait for a few minutes, and remove the old chewing gum from the old toothbrush. In some cases, you can try the usual laundry soap. Harm will not be any, and a positive effect, perhaps, will be.
The fifth way. We use a liquid to remove varnish. Wet the stain, rub and remove the lumps. Then wash. Use a liquid to remove varnish carefully - some tissues can collapse.
The sixth way. We use gasoline. It is better to take high-grade gasoline. For example, for refueling lighters. The process is understandable - wet and wipe off.
Seventh way. We use ... cud. Softened cud, from which the sweetness has gone, mne in the fingers until it becomes sticky. Now, sticking it to the spot, sharply tear off. This method can sometimes get rid of the main amount of adherent chewing gum, and then try to wash the remaining stain in warm soapy water.
Tried everything, but nothing helps? The question remained open. How to remove the chewing gum from clothes? You can try universal stain removers, which are sold in large quantities in stores. When choosing a remedy, read the instruction - there should be indicated "removes stains from chewing gum". Next, treat the stain following the instructions.
On sale there are also cans with a cooling effect, which may prove to be effective.
How to remove chewing gum from trousers
Separate problem can be the removal of chewing gum from trousers. They are most often sewn from a fabric that includes wool. On these pants, heating can not be used categorically. But you can try to remove the stain with gasoline, detergent or liquid to remove varnish. You can use a frost or stain remover.
In order not to damage the fabric, try each of the used products on the inner surface (on the lapel, pocket, etc.). If there is no change on the fabric, boldly work the stain.
Did not help? How to remove the chewing gum from clothes? There was the last way - to attribute a thing to dry cleaning. Perhaps there will be a way to cope with the problem.
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