
Can I use the "Albucid" drops in my nose to the children? At what age is the drug prescribed?

In order to answer the question of whether it is possible to dig in the nose to children, it is necessary to determine what the given drug is and what it is assigned for. The drug is released in droplets for both children and adults, differing only in the percentage of active substance content - sodium sulfacil, or sulfacetamide. The main effect of the component is directed to the elimination of bacteria such as streptococci, gonococcus, E. coli, staphylococcus, chlamydia, etc. Since the single dose of the substance is rather small, and the level of its absorption into the blood is low enough, "Albucid" in the nose can be instilled in children almost without restrictions . It should be noted that newborns are prescribed the drug from the first minute of life for the prevention of eye diseases.

Effect of the drug

The drops of "Albucid" are an antimicrobial agent, whose action is directed to the destruction of the process of building amino acids in bacterial cells. As a result, the multiplication of pathogens stops. This drug has a wide range of effects, so it is often prescribed for various infections of the upper respiratory organs.

At what a runny nose these drops are prescribed

It should be noted that such a drug is not suitable in all cases of rhinitis. The drug "Albucid" in the nose of children is prescribed only in the case when the common cold is bacterial in nature. At an early stage of the disease, there are mucous discharges from the nasal cavity, which are more often provoked by viruses, so the purpose of the drug in this case is inexpedient and useless. Indications for the use of drops of "Albucid" is a prolonged runny nose, which is accompanied by a bacterial infection.

Signs of bacterial cold

- protracted current;

- the presence of thick, sometimes fetid discharge from the nasal cavity;

- greenish-yellow or green color of the separated;

- Ineffective treatment of rhinitis with usual medication.

In some cases, the "Albucid" drops for children are more effective than other antibiotics. This is because the antimicrobial substances that are contained in nasal drops are often able to affect only a certain type of bacteria. Getting on an insensitive pathogen, such antibiotic, as a rule, does not work. Therefore, in order to find out whether it is possible to dribble "Albucid" to a child, it is necessary to determine the exact cause of the common cold, otherwise all treatment will be in vain.


Basically, the drug is prescribed for the treatment of eye diseases such as blepharitis, conjunctivitis. It also eliminates various purulent lesions. Often pediatricians prescribe drops of "Albucid" in the nose to children with bacterial infection of the upper respiratory organs.

With an allergic rhinitis drug does not have a therapeutic effect. Therefore, before using this medication, especially for young children, you should make sure that nasal secretions are provoked not by the body's reaction to teething. Infection of the nose is accompanied by greenish discharge, while the allergy is characterized by transparent and light nozzles.


Drops "Albutsid", the use of which is safe even for newborn babies, still have some contraindications. The main one is the hypersensitivity of the organism to drugs from the group of sulfonamides. In addition, it is not recommended to use this medication in renal failure, and also take it simultaneously with the means containing silver.

The drug "Albucid" for children (the instruction describes in detail all the properties and effectiveness of this medication) is an indispensable assistant for many young mothers, since it is quite easy to apply.

Use of the medicine

For the treatment of bacterial cold, the drug "Albucid" should be instilled in each nostril, pre-cleaning the mucous membrane by washing with saline and then marking off the mucus. If necessary, use an aspirator. It should be noted that this medicine can be irritating, so you need to strictly comply with the dosage. Before burying the tip of the baby, it is recommended to dilute the solution with boiled water 1: 1, to reduce the concentration of the active substance. In each nostril should be installed no more than two drops of the drug three times a day.

If during the procedure the baby is uneasy and constantly spinning, you can gently wipe his spout with a cotton swab dipped in water, while slightly throwing back the head. It is noted that the drug has a drying effect on the nasal mucosa, thereby reducing the amount of secretions. Sometimes a child can react sharply to the introduction of a medicine, which is explained by a burning sensation, so mothers should not be very worried about this. Applying drops, you ensure the exact entry of the active substance into the very epicenter of the congestion of microbes, thereby protecting your child from taking antibacterial drugs inside.

Use the drug "Albucid" or not, can only solve the pediatrician, so at the first symptoms of a cold in your baby must consult with a specialist. Modern pharmaceuticals constantly create and develop new drugs, which can be more effective and more quickly affect the pathogen, so the doctor's help will not be superfluous.

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