
Preparation "Yodditserin": instructions for use, reviews

Why is a medical preparation called "Ioddicerin" necessary? Indication, as well as instructions for the use of this drug will be presented below. Also we will tell you about its properties and contraindications.

Form of medicament and composition

In what form is the medicine "Joddicerin" made? Instructions for use say that this product is available in the form of a skin solution. On sale, it comes in 25 ml vials, which are placed in cardboard packs.

The active element of this drug is iodine (5 mg). Also, the composition of the drug in question includes auxiliary ingredients in the form of dimethyl sulfoxide, glycerin and potassium iodide.

Pharmacology of a medical device

What is a solution like "Ioddicerin"? Instructions for use, reviews of specialists report that this is a disinfectant and antiseptic. This medicine has antibacterial properties, and also has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and local exertion effects.

Antiviral and antimicrobial activity of this agent is caused by its influence on lipids, surface polysaccharides and proteins of biological polymers of cell walls of pathogens of various infections.

Features of an external medicine

What is remarkable for the dermal solution "Yodditserin"? The instruction says that the bactericidal action of this drug extends not only to streptococci, gonococci and staphylococci, but also to meningococci, escherichia, pneumococci, as well as salmonella, toxicogenic, invasive and enteropathogenic strains, proteus, klebsiella, citrobacteria, sera, pseudomonas, Hemophilic rod, nonclostridial anaerobes, fusobacteria, clostridia, mycoplasma, chlamydia, varicella and herpes viruses.

It should also be noted that the drug in question is inactive with respect to microorganisms that have on their walls fat and wax (for example, mycobacterium tuberculosis, all the corynebacteria, leprosy, and nocardia), as well as a hydrophobic surface that is not wetted by "Yodditserinom."

Unlike other medications with iodine intended for topical use, this medicine does not accumulate and does not concentrate in the area of action, which excludes painful, irritating and necrotic effects.

In view of the fact that the preparation "Yodditserin" contains dimexid and cation of iodine, it easily penetrates biological membranes without damaging their structures. Also, dimethylsulfoxide is able to ionize iodine molecules, which have a pronounced bactericidal effect on microbes that are directly in the focus of purulent inflammation.

Kinetics of the external preparation

Is the "Joddicerin" cutaneous solution absorbed? The instruction says that the given preparation is absorbed rather quickly from the site of application, and also penetrates into the mucous membranes and tissues of intact skin to a depth that is due to the dose of the agent and the time of its direct contact with the surface.

The cumulation effect of this drug is absent. With a single application, as well as an average degree of accumulation of pus, the therapeutic effect of the solution is maintained for 9-12 hours. Most of the iodine is excreted by the kidneys.


The drug "Yodditserin", analogues of which are sold in all pharmacies, is used in the following cases:

  • In surgical practice - for the treatment of purulent wounds, frostbites, burns, gangrene, purulent processes in soft tissues, peritonitis and pleurisy.
  • In gynecology and obstetrics - with the preventive purpose of complications after the implementation of abortion, as well as for the treatment of erosion, inflammation and mastitis.
  • In proctology - in the presence of paraproctitis in the infiltration stage.
  • In venereology and dermatology - with viral and microbial dermatoses, herpes skin and lips, pyoderma, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis.
  • In otorhinolaryngological practice - in the treatment of sinusitis, otitis and sinusitis.
  • In dental practice - with gingivitis, stomatitis and periodontitis.

It should also be noted that the drug in question is highly effective in the treatment of bacterial transport in the upper parts of the respiratory tract.

Prohibitions on the use of the skin

When can I not use an external solution of Yoddicerin? Experts say that contraindications for this drug is a lot of content. These include the following:

  • stroke;
  • Hypersensitivity to iodine or other drug substances;
  • coma;
  • Giportireoz;
  • cataract;
  • Adenoma gland of the thyroid;
  • glaucoma;
  • Dermatitis of Dühring (herpetiform);
  • Severe atherosclerosis;
  • Period before and after treatment with radioactive iodine ;
  • Angina pectoris;
  • Simultaneous use of radioactive iodine;
  • Myocardial infarction;
  • Renal and hepatic insufficiency.

Solution "Ioddicerin": instructions for use

This medication is used only externally in the form of compresses, applications and bandages, which are applied to the entire area of the purulent-inflammatory focus. Such procedures are performed 2-3 times a day for 20-30 minutes, applying 5-15 ml of solution (depending on the size of the affected area).

The timing of treatment with this drug is determined by the time of complete cleansing of the wound surface, as well as the appearance of epithelialization and granulations. As a rule, the course of therapy "Yodditserinom" is 3-5 days.

In the presence of deep or extensive lesions, the solution is impregnated with turundas, gauze dressings or tampons, and then superimposed on purulent areas or injected directly into the wounds, and then fixed or banded with plaster bandages. If required, the gauze dressings or tampons impregnated with the preparation are additionally coated with a polyethylene film. Do this to increase the antibacterial effect.

How should I treat cavities of abscesses and serous cavities with a solution of "Ioddicerin"? Instructions for use asserts that after removal of pus, as well as rinsing the wound with hydrogen peroxide or a physiological sterile solution, 5-10 ml of the drug (depending on the size of the affected area) are introduced and drained for the purpose of constant outflow of the contents. This procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day until the wound is completely cleansed, epithelization and granulations appear.

Side effects

What negative reactions can the drug "Yodditzerin" cause? Instruction for use informs that against the background of using this remedy, the patient may experience allergic reactions, angioedema and pain in the place of application. The following side effects are also possible:

  • Hyperthermia (when using funds for a large area of the wound), systemic reabsorption of iodine;
  • Neutropenia, changes in the results of tests of thyroid gland functional activity;
  • Phenomena of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, signs of iodism (with prolonged use of the drug, more than 7-10 days);
  • Skin rashes like urticaria, runny nose, metallic taste in the mouth, salivation and lacrimation.

It should also be noted that dimethylsulfoxide is well tolerated by patients, but in some cases itching is likely to occur, erythema, mild burning, dry skin, dizziness, redness in place of application, adynamia, insomnia, dermatitis and diarrhea. Also, sometimes with poor tolerance of dimethylsulfoxide in people, there are desires for vomiting, nausea and bronchospasm.

The application of the solution to large surfaces of severe burns or wounds can cause such undesirable phenomena as changes in the level of electrolytes and osmolarity of the blood, impaired renal function, metabolic acidosis and acute renal failure.


When using a large amount of "Yodditserina" in a person, such phenomena of iodism as a runny nose, metallic taste in the mouth, lacrimation, hives and drooling can be noted. Also, skin irritation and burns are possible.

If the solution is accidentally swallowed, the patient develops vomiting, symptoms of intoxication and diarrhea.

Special Information

Before starting treatment with "Yodditserinom", it is necessary to conduct a drug test for the tolerability of the drug. To do this, the solution is applied to the forearm with a cotton swab. If after this there was a sharp itching or redness, as well as signs of iodism, this indicates a patient's hypersensitivity to the drug.

With special care, the medication in question is combined with other drugs that are applied to a purulent-inflammatory focus.

Due to the danger of a chemical burn caused by mercury iodide, this drug is not allowed to be used together or immediately after the use of mercury derivatives.

With prolonged use of the drug, it is required to periodically monitor the thyroid gland.

Avoid contact with the external agent in the eyes, and do not use it inside.

Children up to one year of this drug is contraindicated.

Customer Reviews

What do consumers say about the drug "Yodditserin"? According to their reviews, this remedy manifests itself as a very effective antiseptic and disinfectant drug for external application.

Specialists say that such a medicine should be kept in your home medicine cabinet. After all, it can come in handy at any time, including when getting burns, purulent wounds, frostbite, as well as the development of viral and microbial dermatoses. To treat such conditions, you must strictly adhere to the rules that were described in the attached instructions.

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