Business, Agriculture
Breeding of queens in beekeeping
The efficiency of the beekeeper's work directly depends on the quality of the queen bees. Experienced specialists carefully monitor that the apiary was reliably provided with fruit specimens, so the withdrawal of the queens for the beekeeper is one of the main activities in the apiary. The work on rejecting old and barren uterus is very laborious, but without this the productivity of the apiary is out of the question. A few words about what is the most productive womb. It turns out that the larger the queen bee, the higher its egg-laying, respectively, the larger the bee family, the better the final result. A good uterus should not be older than two years, only in rare, exceptional cases, it can be useful for a third year, but no more.
It would seem that the bees themselves will figure everything out, without human intervention. So it is, but the natural conclusion of the queens has its drawbacks, which can lead to the interruption of normal work in the bee family. As a result, this leads to losses in the beekeeping economy and the unprofitability of the apiary as a whole. This can mean only one thing: it is necessary to provide families with young fetal uterus, derived artificially, and only from productive families. The output of the queens is divided into the main stages: drones are grown first, then barren uteri are removed, and in the end - the specimens are fetal. But this is if in a nutshell, but in fact this process is labor-intensive and without certain knowledge it is practically impossible.
Even during the season it is necessary to chart 2-3 families, which turned out to be the most productive, and in the autumn to put honeycombs with drones in them. In the spring there will be full-fledged early drones, which can then be used for further withdrawal of queens. At the same time, several families should be selected in order to obtain strong prolific queens, and it is necessary that other bees be fed with royal jelly. It is very important not to miss the moment of final maturation of the queen cells, to cut them out of the cells in time and place them in cells, otherwise the first mature womb will immediately destroy all the others. This process is inevitable, since in the bees there are originally natural instincts and they will be the main factors in the development of the family.
The withdrawal of the queen bees is possible in several ways (with the transfer of larvae, without transferring them, from the queen cells), but in each one requires care, scrupulousness and patience. One must understand that in such an interesting occupation as beekeeping, the withdrawal of queens is one of the most important moments, without which the apiary will not bring you the desired results. It is necessary to remember some rules, observance of which will help to get the desired result:
- that the eggs that the uterus takes out are large, it needs a seven-day rest before breeding;
- the optimum temperature in queen cells is thirty-two degrees;
- the withdrawal of the queens is best performed in a warm time, so that the bees can bring nectar and pollen every day;
- The 12-hour age of the larvae is ideal for breeding the best queens.
Undoubtedly, this is far from all that one needs to know about the withdrawal of queen bees, but the main thing is a desire, patience, diligence, a clear mind, a willingness to constantly learn. Now you know what points you need to pay attention to when you need to withdraw the uterus of the bees to continue the genus. Only in strong and healthy families can normalize the atmosphere, bringing a large amount of honey and other products of beekeeping. Many of us sooner or later came across these issues, but not everyone was able to solve the problems associated with bees. These are very fragile creatures, and with the slightest disregard they simply leave their beehives. Remember this always, and you will have a lot of tasty and healthy honey!
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