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Blood donation for money in Moscow and other regions of the country

Donation is literally translated from Latin as "donation" and involves the voluntary surrender of blood (or its individual components). As a rule, the blood taken from the donor is transfused to other people for medicinal purposes or used to create stocks. In addition, donated blood can be used for research purposes. According to statistics, transfusions need to be done annually by more than 1.5 million Russians - this number includes those who suffered from unsuccessful surgeries, injuries, burns, and heavy births ...

Who can donate blood?

You can quite help people in such a way as donating blood for money if you fall under the following parameters: you are an adult (in other words, over 18); You are physically fit; Your weight is more than fifty kilograms. Men can donate blood five times a year; Women four times. For donation, there are a number of contraindications. First of all, these are diseases such as AIDS, hepatitis of all kinds, tuberculosis, oncology, blood diseases, drug addiction. Blood donation for money is not possible for people with mental illnesses, heart disease, bronchial asthma, skin diseases. If you have recently done a tattoo, piercing, inserted an implant or have been vaccinated, donations will also have to be delayed. Women can not undergo the procedure in a state of pregnancy, immediately after the abortion or miscarriage.

The Benefit of Donating

Do you want to know more about how the blood donation for money passes in Moscow? Do you want to find out what will happen to you directly during and after the procedure? If you are completely healthy, then recover very quickly. A slight weakness and dizziness accompanying the procedure for blood donation will soon pass. In addition, if you regularly donate blood, your body significantly increases the resistance to blood loss. The circulatory system is more often renewed, the probability of diseases of the cardiovascular system and atherosclerosis decreases.

Donation today

In January 2013, the law "On gratuitous donation" began to operate in the Russian Federation. Regular donation of blood for money is now supplemented by a free lunch and an annual allowance, the size of which is 9,959 rubles. The allowance is assigned to those who donated blood at least forty times. It was caused by the fact that once again, when the blood supply in Moscow was due for money, was not more than forty percent of regular donors. Thus, there was a threat of possible shortage of blood in medical institutions. Therefore, it was decided to postpone the bill for an indefinite period. According to the latest news, additional campaigning will be conducted among the population in favor of donating, a number of benefits will be offered to people. Another nice bonus, which is accompanied by the surrender of blood for money - a delicious free lunch.
The price of the issue in Moscow averages from 650 to 400 rubles per hundred milliliters. The price of platelets - 4, 5, erythrocytes - 6 thousand. In addition, the donor receives a thousand rubles for food.

It is difficult to say whether this bill affected the number of likely donors. Free delivery of blood is distributed gradually: the rare blood components are still well paid. Multiple donors will retain all their benefits (free travel on public transport, paid leave and a discount on housing and communal services).

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