HealthDiseases and Conditions

Belching with air. Causes in aerophagy.

At the most inopportune times, and not only after eating, belching can arise. The reasons can be very different. On the one hand, this is quite normal, because we always "eat" a little air together with food. But if the eructation becomes too frequent, this already indicates the presence in our body of a problem that needs to be identified and eliminated.

If you have a loud and unexpected belching of the air, the causes should be sought in a disease such as aerophagia. With every sip or piece of food in our stomach gets from two to three milligrams of air, and this is normal. Getting a small amount of air into the stomach is inevitable. It can gradually accumulate and at some point there will be an eructation of air. The lump in the throat indicates that the air bubble has become too large. To eliminate it, we swallow and gain more air into the stomach. In the epigastric region there is a feeling of raspiraniya, there is heaviness and nausea.

An eructation of air most often arises from our daily rush, congestion and lack of time for a good full and quiet dinner. We eat quickly, swallow whole chunks, without chewing, we wash the food with water so that it quickly passes into the stomach - and continue to deal with its urgent business. All of the above and leads to the formation in the stomach of a food coma and the accumulation of a large portion of air. Add more chewing gum. After all, today few people do without it, and you are guaranteed a belching out of the air.

The causes can also be found in smoking, which helps the air to enter our stomach and stay there. Sometimes aerophagia occurs because of excessive physical and emotional stress, frequent neuroses and stress. The appearance of eructation in some cases indicates the onset of serious mental disorders or hysteria. If, for such reasons, there is an eructation of air, a lump in the throat is an additional symptom. Patients with mental illnesses make constant swallowing movements, trying to remove the lump in the throat, press the chin to the chest and prepare for the eruption.

In addition to the above signs of the disease, patients with symptoms such as nausea, belching air, often worried about hiccough. An eructation of air provokes shortness of breath, chest pains similar to angina pectoris, and palpitations. Before you start treatment yourself, be sure to consult a gastroenterologist. It will help to find out the exact cause of the pathology. After all, in some cases, if there is an eructation of air, the reasons can be in the stomach disease.

It is very important to pay close attention to how you eat. Food should be eaten as slowly as possible. Give the process of food at least twenty minutes, as experts advise us. Do not talk during it and chew food with a closed mouth. And after a tasty, full and not very plentiful lunch, it's best to take a stroll in the fresh air. Do not overeat and exclude smoking, especially during meals. And of course, if you prefer to drink Coca-Cola, beer or soda as drinks , the eruption is inevitable. Try to reduce their consumption. Also, all air types of products can cause a belching.

Traditional medicine will help you get rid of belching with air. Prepare the broth from the root of valerian and use it daily, dividing the glass into several equal receptions. This will help stop uncontrolled swallowing of air. Get rid of bad habits and pay more attention. Often understanding the problem and eliminating the cause, the patient ceases to complain of eructation. If you carefully monitor your habits and control the swallowing of air, the aerophagia will soon cease to torment you.

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