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Causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment of xanthelasm of the eyelids

Quite often people face such a problem as xanthelasm of the eyelids. It is worth saying that most often from the presence of such neoplasms affect older women. Naturally, having noticed uncharacteristic growths on the skin of the eyelids, patients begin to ask questions about how dangerous they are and to which doctor to seek help.

Xantelasm: what is it?

Xantelasms of the eyelids, which in medicine are also known as "flat eyelid xanthomas," are benign skin lesions. Most often, these plaques have a yellowish tinge and are localized to the skin of the upper eyelid.

According to statistical data, xantelasms of the eyelids are more often found in female representatives, although their appearance in men is also possible. Occasionally, such neoplasms are diagnosed in children, but in such cases they are associated with genetic disorders.

The main causes of the appearance of tumors

Despite the fact that the mechanisms of the development of such a disease are fairly well studied, it is far from in every case that it is possible to determine the exact cause. Most often xanthelasms of the eyelids are associated with a violation of lipid metabolism. Fat metabolism disorders, as a rule, are genetic problems. On the other hand, sometimes localized subcutaneous lipid deposition is observed in patients without disturbing the metabolic processes.

Xanthelasma of the eyelids often appear in people suffering from diabetes, various forms of obesity, hypertension, increased levels of harmful cholesterol in the blood, developing atherosclerosis. Risk factors also include myxedema, pancreatitis, certain forms of nephrosis (especially if it is a lipoid kidney disease), as well as severe liver disease, in particular cirrhosis.

What do xantelasms look like?

Xantelasm is a skin lesion, which most often occurs on the skin of the eyelids. As a rule, such outgrowths are soft to the touch and have a yellowish color. On the other hand, the shade can change, become darker or brighter. Sometimes xantelasms of orange color are found in patients.

Neoplasms can be either single or multiple. The same applies to the size - in some patients, beads the size of a bead are diagnosed, in others they are more massive, sometimes they occupy more than half of the upper eyelid. Neoplasms can be one-sided (appear only in one century) or bilateral (appear on both eyelids, and symmetrically).

As a rule, xantelasms are located on the inner side of the eyelid, although they can also extend to external tissues. In the presence of serious disorders of lipid metabolism, such neoplasms can spread to the face and neck skin, sometimes small fatty plaques are found even on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.

Are there any other symptoms of the disease?

Today, many people are interested in what the xantelasms of the century are. Treatment, patient feedback on therapy, the possibility of relapse - all these are very important points. And of course, the features of the clinical picture are no less important.

In fact, these neoplasms rarely cause serious inconvenience. For example, with such a disease, there are no symptoms such as inflammation, redness, swelling. When palpation, the tumor is painless. If patients complain of any systemic disorders, they are primarily associated with metabolic disorders and other comorbid conditions. By the way, xantelasm is not a primary disease, it is just a manifestation of already existing disorders in the work of the body.

How dangerous is xantelism?

Xantelasms of the eyelids are benign neoplasms, and therefore are not considered a threat to human health. Inflammation or suppuration of such growths is extremely rare and only in case of damage to the skin.

There is no risk of malignant degeneration. On the other hand, large neoplasms on the eyelids can lead to physical discomfort. And they are often perceived as an aesthetic flaw.

Modern diagnostic methods

Having found out at myself on a century uncharacteristic neoplasm, it is necessary to address to the doctor-dermatologist. As a rule, the diagnosis does not present any difficulties. Already during the initial examination, a specialist can determine that the growth is xantelasm.

Of course, further tests are followed, since it is important to determine the cause of the appearance of tumors. For this purpose, blood levels of cholesterol are analyzed, as well as complex lipid metabolism studies in the patient's body.

Is it possible to treat the xantelasm of the eyelids without removal?

In fact, therapy should be aimed not so much at removing xanthelasma of the eyelids as on eliminating the root cause of the disease. That is why treatment in this case should be comprehensive. First of all, patients are recommended to revise the diet. The menu should include a large number of fresh vegetables and fruits. At the same time, it is necessary to minimize the use of fatty varieties of fish and meat, alcoholic beverages. Dishes should be baked or steamed.

In more severe cases, patients are prescribed lipotropic cholesterolemic drugs, for example, "Cetamifene", "Lipamid." In addition, the regimen includes vitamins, in particular cyanocobalamin, ascorbic and nicotinic acids. To support the work of the liver, the "Essentiale" is recommended. The xantelasm itself can be treated with zinc-ichthyol ointment.

Xantelasmus of the eyelids: removal. Reviews, description of the procedure and price

Conservative treatment helps to normalize the metabolism. Sometimes on a background of therapy the size of already existing formations decreases. Nevertheless, in some cases, patients prefer to remove growths, especially when it comes to physical discomfort and cosmetic deficiency.

To date, there are many methods to remove skin lesions. The simplest and most accessible is surgical excision. On the other hand, such a procedure can lead to complications, including inflammation, infection of the wound, the formation of visible scars.

That is why today, more and more often used methods such as electrocoagulation (destruction of xantelasm tissue with the help of electric currents) and laser therapy (excision of the tumor with the help of a laser beam).

Such methods allow quickly and practically painlessly to get rid of skin growths. There are almost no traces on the skin, the risk of infection is minimal, and there is no need for a rehabilitation period. It is these activities that require the xantelasm of the eyelids (removal). The price of the procedure depends on the number and size of the neoplasms and, as a rule, ranges from 3 to 10 thousand rubles.

Preventive actions

Naturally, there is no medicine that can protect against the appearance of such new growths. But if xanthelasms are associated with a violation of lipid metabolism, then patients are advised to follow the diet, in time to treat liver diseases, to fight obesity, etc.

In addition, doctors strongly recommend adhering to the rules of personal hygiene, carefully monitor the skin of the face and eyelids, to select quality cosmetics that does not cause allergies. It is necessary to avoid injuries of the skin around the eyes and regularly undergo scheduled medical examinations from an ophthalmologist, therapist and dermatologist.

Traditional methods of treatment: how effective are they?

Naturally, there is a treatment of xanthelasma of the eyelids with folk remedies. However, the independent use of these or other home medications can harm the health, and therefore they can be used only with the permission of the attending physician.

For example, folk medicine men often recommend taking a yarrow broth. For its preparation, boringly pour two teaspoons of herb plants with a glass of boiling water and insist for an hour. After this infusion, strain. You need to take 50-75 ml three times a day, preferably before eating. This will help to regulate the body and normalize metabolism.

In addition, various ointments and compresses for external use can be used. It is believed that the so-called honey dough provides good results. To make it, you need to mix one egg, a tablespoon of flour and a teaspoon of honey. Ingredients should be mixed until a test is obtained, which should then be placed on the closed eyelid and left for 10 minutes. Rinse the dough with cool water. The procedure should be carried out once a day.

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