
Belching, treatment and prevention

An eructation causes the accumulation of gases in the stomach. Under their pressure, there is an involuntary contraction of the diaphragm, the abdominal muscles and the pylorus. Air with gases reflexively breaks into the mouth with a specific sound.

Eating belly after eating can be the result of many reasons

  • In a healthy body belching Is observed periodically, as a rare phenomenon, not involving special troubles. The air in the stomach is released when there is an unusual abundant diet, when using soda water. Systematic food intake dry, hastily swallowing little chewed pieces occurs with an inconspicuous swallowing of air, which eventually breaks out.
  • Often and loudly belching occurs in men who have diseases of the digestive system and other organs located in the abdominal cavity. An eructation of air is accompanied by heartburn with increased acidity of the stomach. This may be a symptom of chronic gastritis or stomach ulcers. Sometimes patients with stomach diseases complain not of heartburn but of an acidic aftertaste in their mouth after eructation.
  • The bitter aftertaste of the eructation indicates that the bile is splashed out of the gallbladder and into the stomach. Bitter eructation is considered a symptom of a violation of the gallbladder or liver. It happens that bitterness occurs due to blockage of the bile duct.
  • Gases with a rotten odor accumulate in the stomach if there are stagnant processes of digestion. At the same time, the natural progress of the eaten masses through the digestive tract is disturbed.
  • An eructation of air often accompanies nervous disorders. After all, in the excited state of the body there are uncontrolled contractions of the diaphragm. So, air gets into the stomach in the process of crying, sobbing, fast conversation. This eructation is called aerophagia, it is often observed in people prone to hysterics.
  • Air is captured by mouth adults and children who abuse chewing gums. Recent medical studies prove that a smoker is able to involuntarily pick up excess air during the smoking process of a cigarette.
  • An eructation of air haunts sweet tooths, preferring air dishes such as different souffle or whipped cocktails.
  • Physicians separate into a separate category a burp, which appears as an allergic reaction to certain foods. Often it happens after consuming milk, chocolate, corn, nuts, eggs.

Belching, treatment and prevention

  • Since the eructation is a consequence of a certain disease, you can get rid of it by curing the underlying cause under the supervision of a gastroenterologist or therapist.
  • To get rid of eructations, healthy people are recommended to learn the rules of eating. Food is better chewed if the mouth is closed. This increases the salivation, the air is completely expelled from the mucous mass.
  • An eructation, taking place against a background of reduced acidity of the stomach, is treated by taking medications containing hydrochloric acid. You can not go to bed at once, standing up from the table, after eating.
  • Belching with air with heartburn is treated with drugs that have an alkaline environment. A good result is mineral water.
  • In folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of burping, goat's milk is widely used , they drink 0.5 l daily, dividing the intake by 3 times. They drink immediately after eating.
  • Before eating, the medicinal root of the calamus is swallowed in dried form. It is enough half of a teaspoon of the dry agent, pertertego in a powder. Order of admission: for 15 minutes. before meals.
  • To avoid belching, experienced people use fresh carrots or an apple instead of dessert. Ingredients are equally good individually and ground together until a consistency of puree.

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