Arts & EntertainmentTheater

"Bastoloch" (play): reviews, actors

"Bastoloch" - a performance, reviews of critics and viewers about which will be discussed in our article, with success goes to the Moscow theater on Taganka. Reviews about this performance, as well as about any other theatrical work, there are different, but in the majority they are positive. The public, which has long been overwhelmed by militants and thrillers on television screens and, perhaps, is already slightly tired of the original avant-garde productions and deep complex hidden authorial ideas, is very pleased to meet an easy comedy, viewing which raises the mood and helps to relax. But for the sake of fairness it should be noted that "Fool" is a performance, reviews of which are not only positive. Many criticize the play of actors, and the humor in the play is called too primitive. But as they say, everyone will not please, and this production on Taganka really managed to find its grateful spectator.

Author of the play

The play "Fool" (with Olesya Zheleznyak in one of the main roles) was staged based on the play of the same name. Its author is Mark Kamolleti, a rather popular French playwright-contemporary. At one time, the name Kamolleti was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records, thanks to one of his comic play called Boeing Boeing. It was she who became the product most often played in theaters in more than 60 countries of the world.

The works of this author are rightly considered the standard of modern comedy. Kamolleti is distinguished by the fact that in his plays there is always an intensive development of the plot, passions are constantly heated, and this is all accompanied by sparkling humor and famously twisted intrigue, which in the final is not always possible. An exception was not his play "Fool". The performance (the Taganka Theater), staged on this play, enjoys the audience's success.

The main idea of the author

"Bastoloch" - a performance, reviews about which often refer to his story, tells us about the things that we face in everyday life. The basic idea may seem very banal, but it remains very relevant to the present day. She tells the viewer that one should never judge a person by his appearance and behavior in any given situation. The performance "Fool" with Olesya Zheleznyak in the title role shows that even the most at-first-sight, at first glance, character can manifest himself completely unexpectedly and demonstrate the wonders of lightning savvy, if this is what the circumstances demand of him. The play shows how those who tease and chuckle at what they think are a close girl, when they change their habitual circumstances, begin to look completely stupid and ridiculous. And the one that was considered an uneducated slut, can become envious smart and intelligent.

The plot of the play

In one of the chic houses there is an absolutely ordinary married couple - a husband named Bernard, whose role on the stage of the theater is embodied by the actor Andrei Ilyin, and his wife Jacqueline, played by the actress and TV presenter Julia Menshova. Judging by the scenery, the house of this couple is quite well equipped, and the family has a certain material prosperity. Chic dresses and fashionable hairstyle of Jacqueline make it clear that this heroine is a real fashionista and a coquette. Her husband creates the impression of a dandy. This couple lives together and, it would seem, the couple are quite happy with each other: the husband brings money to the house and keeps the family, and the wife - beautiful.

One day they decide that they need an assistant in the house, and they call a servant from the village for themselves. She is the main character named Anna. Her role is played by actress Olesya Zheleznyak. At first glance, her character seems to be a close girl from the village. It creates a kind of awkward and not quite smart. The hosts do not miss the opportunity to laugh at their new servants and poke fun at her. They think that she is stupid and does not understand the elementary and familiar things for them. But by and large, Anna is quite happy with them. She prepares food, maintains order in the house and, most importantly, does not put her nose in the business of the owners. What the heroine Olesya Zheleznyak thinks about her employers is not entirely clear, but, for her part, she is glad that now she has a job, a roof over her head and the opportunity to make money.

Intensity of emotions

Once the circumstances in the family of Jacqueline and Bernard are such that their house must be empty for a few days. The head of the family leaves for business on a business trip. In order for a wife without her husband not to be bored alone, it is decided that she will go to stay with her mother for a few days. Since keeping servants in an empty house does not make sense, the owners decide to send Anna for a few days to the village, to visit her relatives. But the servant decides not to waste the money earned from the new owners. Anna thought that it was not necessary for her to go to the village, and, waiting for the owners to leave each other's way, she returned to the house that had been empty for several days.

Further it becomes clear that the decision to return was accepted not only by the servant, but also by the owners themselves, but they did not warn each other about this only. Becomes obvious adultery, because Bernard returned to the house with his mistress and Jacqueline, in turn, returned to the house with another man. None of the spouses guess that their legitimate second halves are in the house, they are sure that they stay at home only with their lovers. Ironically, full information is owned only by a small servant who with her own mind understands that if her masters convict each other of treason, then nothing good will end there. "Bastoloch" (the play, reviews of which are both admiringly positive, and vice versa, quite negative) demonstrates how a person who has been the object of ridicule for a long time, suddenly turns into the main puppeteer. After all, now Anna is holding in her head a huge flow of information, controlling the situation and doing everything possible to ensure that those who are in the house do not accidentally meet each other. She remembers which of the inhabitants of the master's house is now in the bathroom, who is in the bedroom, and who is warming by the fireplace. She remembers who ordered the wine, and who ordered bourbon; Who of them is a croissant.

Yesterday's nerd and stupid, in a word - confused, begins to show wonders of wit and ingenuity, which can envy both ingenious tactics, and visionary strategists.

Performance "Bastoloch": reviews (Moscow)

Most of the spectators who visited this play leave their positive feedback. They say that the performance is very easy and leaves a good mood after watching. It is played in the form of some kind of vaudeville vortex, scenes change very quickly, and the development of the plot is not completely prolonged. The performance "Fool", the duration of which is 2 hours and 25 minutes, is played with one intermission and looks in one breath. In many respects this is due to the style of writing the play itself, since the author is Mark Kamolleti, famous for the fact that the stories in his works develop with lightning speed, they do not have protracted scenes, in one word - a whirlwind performance. And, of course, many people pay tribute to the actors who coped well with their roles. The audience notes that thanks to their play the performance is perceived very easily and at ease.

Negative comments from viewers after viewing

For the sake of fairness it is worth noting that the performance "Fool" with Olesya Zheleznyak in the role of Anna is also criticized. As you know, each viewer has his own perception of what is happening and what many are delighted with, some are capable of disappointing. Among the negative reviews, paradoxically, but there are those that talk about the length of the plot, many stories seem too predictable. The humor that comes from the theatrical scene seemed to some of the viewers to be base and primitive. Also, in contrast to those who praise the actor's play in this production, there are those who are dissatisfied with this game. Most often, the critic is subjected to the performer of the role of Jacqueline - Julia Menshova.


The role of the main character, Anna's maid, was performed by actress Olesya Zheleznyak. The general public saw it many years ago in the comedy series My Fair Nanny, where Olesya played Galya, the best girlfriend of the main character. Later, she was seen in the films "Maroseika, 12" and "Love in the City", where Zheleznyak also played comedic roles. But theatergoers know this actress and for serious theatrical works, in such productions as "Royal games", "Jester Balakirev", "Moulin Rouge Hospital", "Master and Margarita".

Julia Menshova is also known to a wide audience mainly for television works. For a long time she starred in the series "Balzac's age, or all of my men ...", now she conducts the transfer "Alone with everyone." But the list of the theatrical works by Menchova is also quite worthy. For several years she worked in the Moscow Art Theater troupe . Chekhov, where she played in such performances as "Halibut Day" and "Nameless Star".

Men's roles also went to well-known and beloved public actors, including Andrei Noskov and Andrei Ilyin.

Praise of acting

"Bastoloch" - a performance in which the actors, in the opinion of most critics, are chosen very well. Most often, laudatory reviews are dedicated to Olese Zheleznyak. Many write that almost the whole play is held by it, and it is clear that the actress is laid out completely on the stage.

Criticism of actors

Most of the criticism from the audience gets Menshova. Most likely, while contemplating the play of this actress on theatrical stage, many can not abstract from her screen image of the TV presenter. Now, many people know Julia because of her popular program called "Alone with Everyone". In some comments, the opinion is that Yulia does not lose her way to the end, and sometimes she just read the learned text in different intonations, like a TV announcer. This opinion is controversial, since most of the professional critics about the game Menshovoy responds quite flatteringly.

On one of the forums there is also a saying of a certain viewer, that the show itself seemed boring to him. And, in his opinion, it was noticeable that some actors are already bored. It was again about Yulia Menshova. It is clear that the view of one viewer can be considered subjective, but it also has the right to exist. It is possible that playing this play 10 times in a row, Menshova could get bored of him a bit.

Play of the play in different theaters of Moscow

This production can be seen not only on Taganka. The play "Fool" in the Mayakovsky Theater was successfully played in September. In October, the play returns to native Taganka, and on November 16 the play can be seen on the stage of the Moskvich CC. On December 10, "Dumbfounded" will again be staged on the stage of the "Commonwealth of actors in Taganka" theater.

Average ticket prices

Tickets for the performance "Fool" can be bought both at the ticket offices of theaters and ordered online. Prices, of course, depend on the places and the chosen theater. For example, in December, you can buy a ticket on Taganka for the amount of 1000 to 10,000 rubles. In the shopping center "Moskvich" you can see the "Fool" more cheaply. There, the price ranges from 750 to 5000 rubles.

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