CareerCareer Management

Office plankton: concept, pros and cons

Office plankton. This phrase in modern life is often enough. All at least roughly represent what is meant. This concept is generalized by office employees who, as a rule, do not have employees in subordination, are not too busy during the work day, and from which the final result of the organization (firm, enterprise) depends very little.

These comrades like to spend time talking (jokes, gossip, "washing their bones" and other), cups of tea and coffee, as well as reviews of news (catalogs, social networks, forums, chat rooms, etc.) on the Internet. Many are inclined to attribute office plankton with such characteristics as lack of a goal in life, lack of initiative and lack of will. It should be said that all people are different, so it is too early to impose labels. About everything in order.

Life goals

Everyone has a dream to which he aspires. Everyone has different goals. Someone's buying an apartment, others have a family and children, the third has a career, the fourth has only self-improvement. So you can continue indefinitely. Imagine that you went into a large workroom with employees. Before you office plankton. Each employee has his own desk, computer, papers and stationery. But they are not just people. It is worth looking a little deeper, and you will see in each person with individual goals. What if this work in the office is just one more step towards achieving it?

Let's analyze the examples.

If the goal is career growth, then "planktonism" is a step, albeit the lowest one. If life priorities are related to the family, then the work (place, team) is not so important. And if a person likes to travel? The work provides it financially, and a low workload allows you to plan new adventures. And here for him again, many factors, such as the collective, relations with the authorities, and often the occupation, are not important. There are many such examples. Worse, when there is no goal or it is, but the person does not move in its direction, finishing another cup of coffee for records, cookies and a solitaire.


If an objective look at the office plankton with a search for pluses, then you can identify communication. Holding a considerable time in the team helps to know people, teaches them to understand them and gives them the opportunity to absorb their best qualities. The pluses can be attributed to the salary, especially if it is "good", the availability of free time, which can be spent for their own purposes. In addition, working in the office without experience behind the shoulders will help this experience to gradually acquire.


To the negative features of the life of office plankton can be attributed the presence of a boss who sets tasks, chastises and in which case requires explanations. Another drawback is a sedentary lifestyle. But the main disadvantage is the empty "pants sitting". If you want to start a business, leave the country or retire and go on a round-the-world trip - go for it! And if the work in the office does not match your life projects, immediately throw it.

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