Food and drinkTea

Aristocratic Puer tea: contraindications and useful properties

The Chinese have long been famous for their love for such a drink as tea. Aromatic, invigorating, tonic, it perfectly warms in the cold time and refreshes in the summer heat. But the Celestial Empire is not only the country where for the first time a man tried this amazing drink - this is the birthplace of many varieties of tea.

Take, for example, Puer tea. Contraindications and useful properties of it are carefully studied by scientists, and ordinary people simply enjoy the excellent taste of the drink. Let's first figure out what it is. The usual black tea, familiar to us from childhood, in the homeland of Confucius is called tea red. Leaves are simply brewed with boiling water and insisted. The resulting drink has a rich red-brown tint. Really black tea (which has a dark brown color) the Chinese call "puer" - in the area where it grows. From red tea, it differs by the way of processing the leaves, the method of cooking, aging. Yes, Chinese Puer tea has properties similar to elite cognac: the longer it is aged, the better it tastes, and the higher its price becomes.

Plants, of which make Puer, are known to the Chinese for a long time: they are mentioned by the annals of the third century of our era. However, the complexity of technology makes such tea very expensive, not available to every person. Puer tea also has contraindications, but it has much more positive qualities. The leaves are completely fermented, so the drink has a rich taste and aroma, as well as a unique color.

Tea Puer, contra-indications and positive qualities of which are the subject of heated debate between scientists and doctors, is made as follows. Raw materials are piled into heaps, which are moistened with water. The dried out material is laid out in a thin layer and left for a month and a half. You can, of course, speed up the drying process, but this will negatively affect the taste of the drink. Puer is sold pressed or by weight (the first quality is higher).

Fans of the tea ceremony are interested not only in the question of what is Puer tea. Properties, contra-indications of it - this is also a topic for conversation. But especially interested in tea party fans, how to properly prepare a drink. The technology is rather unusual. A piece of pressed tea should be soaked in cold water for several minutes. Then it should be thrown into the almost boiling water and removed from the fire when it well zaburlit. After that, the broth should be infused for ten minutes, no less.

So, you already have Puer tea. We will list its contraindications quickly, since there are very few of them. It is not recommended to drink on an empty stomach, and also with caution should drink a drink to people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system (and that - only because of the high content of caffeine). But as for the beneficial properties, it should be noted that Puer improves digestion, removes toxins (with food poisoning and hangovers), lowers the sugar level, rejuvenates the cells. Puer tea, contraindications of which are so insignificant, is an excellent tool for combating excess kilograms. Not in vain until recently, this drink was sold in pharmacies on prescription. Today, every person will be able to try an amazing tea with an amazing taste, the ancient recipe of which came to us from the Middle Kingdom.

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