Homeliness, Building
Wooden bricks with their own hands: properties and prospects
Today, no one surprises with innovative building materials. Every year, experts release a novelty to the market. Recently, in the construction industry, too, everyone started talking about the need for environmentally friendly products. And the result did not take long. Russian experts have released relatively inexpensive and at the same time reliable material that does not harm the environment. This is a wooden brick. He was already appreciated and used in construction.
Bricks made of wood: what is it?
I must say that this innovation is similar to conventional brick only in its form and name. In fact, the "relative" of this product is a bar, but with smaller dimensions. In appearance it is a block with dimensions of 650x190x60 cm.
For convenience of use on the sides of each brick, special locks designed for fasteners are made.
To produce a wooden brick, only high-quality softwood is used.
The result is a building material that no longer requires any additional finishing work. This is a profitable solution. If you build a house from such blocks, then you no longer need to trim the facade - it looks great.
In addition to standard sizes, produce and individual wooden bricks. The unit can be of any size as desired and necessary.
Advantages of eco-friendly innovation
When this building material was created, the inventor of the product decided all the most problems that arise in the construction of wooden houses.
So, houses made of wood are made for several years - it is necessary to wait until the building dries. Then wait, when it will shrink. Next, install doors and windows. And only after this the builders pass to the finishing works. Using new innovative material, you can safely skip the stages of drying and shrinkage. An environmentally friendly building is ready for use immediately after construction.
In addition, blocks of wood do not deform during drying - they have small dimensions. Because of this, the original shape of the blocks is perfectly preserved, and the products themselves are perfectly connected with each other. In this case, you can forget about the gaps - they are not.
Another advantage of this know-how is the low cost of construction if a wooden brick is used. The construction constructed in this way costs much less due to the absence of the need for expensive equipment for work, in gaskets, cement and sand, and in the absence of the need for further plastering. The most expensive in the construction will be pillars and crowns. Naturally, you can build an excellent ecohouse without them, but no one wants the building to suddenly turn up. If you want to get a reliable building, then you can use a glued beam. It's cheaper, and the result is not worse than with a solid pillar.
Designers do not limit the overall dimensions of bricks, as in the case when logs or timber are used. So, the given building material allows to create on its basis even the most unreal and surprising elements of architecture.
And, finally, the price of a brick made of wood is several times lower than the cost of a glued beam. This is definitely an important advantage.
This material has a lot of advantages. But potential buyers should be warned about some of the shortcomings that a wooden brick has.
It is also not recommended to build from ekokirpicha multi-storey buildings, which differ in a large area - there will be no necessary stability.
Do not start construction without a project developed by competent specialists. A house made of such building material, made without a project, can collapse under the influence of even minimal loads.
Wooden bricks: manufacture by own hands
Construction professionals, manufacturers and suppliers will say with one voice that this is simply impossible, but nothing is impossible. For production it is necessary to have high-precision milling and grinding machines. In addition, you need to carefully select the raw materials. Wood for bricks should correspond to the mass of requirements. If there are such opportunities, then there is nothing complicated.
Masonry rules
Among professionals, there is an opinion that they can not cope with the process of laying this construction material themselves. With this you can argue. There are a number of rules that must be observed.
So, the brick must be laid strictly strictly. Be sure to observe the order.
In the interval between the outer and inner walls a layer of thermal insulation is placed. In rare cases, you can fall asleep there sawdust. They also have excellent heat preservation properties.
Where is the wooden brick made?
In Russia, there are several enterprises where they are engaged in the production of this construction know-how. So, produce a brick in St. Petersburg, where it was invented. It was in this city on the basis of the company "Stankom" was created this innovation. You can see the first houses in the construction of which the material was used. These buildings are in Zaozerye, Zaichikhino, in the village of Harmony. The company produces products under the trademark Woodbrick.
Another company is located in Tomsk. They produce pine products. The product is supplied under the "Cozy House" brand. That's how these wooden bricks look. The photo can be seen below.
Feedback and prospects
This material has good prospects, however, it is suitable only for low-rise construction. Professionals claim that this material is suitable for those who already have a house and additionally want other buildings on the site.
The second nuance is the price. Producers are not very willing to share information about them, but the cost of material from the Cozy House is $ 470 per 1 cu m, while a profiled bar with the same size can be bought for $ 320, rounded log and for 240 at all.
There is another problem that has a wooden brick. The testimonies indicate a large deviation from the tolerances. Size should be strictly maintained to hundredths of a millimeter, especially on locks. A large number of connecting surfaces can turn the structure into a sieve if the gaps are too large. Locks are connected either with a serious backlash, or with a hammer.
Wooden bricks: crude technology
Such a wall, in which gaps and mechanical stresses are abundant , will sooner or later crack.
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