HomelinessDo it yourself

Crafts: how to make a glass of paper

Paper is a very valuable thing. You can make many useful items from it. Suppose a glass in which you can store small items, also in emergency situations, it is suitable for liquids. And if you are thinking how to make a glass of paper, then useful instructions will help you.

A glass of paper in origami technique

They say that making a paper cup is not difficult. Surprisingly, he can find many applications. You can plant a small house plant in it, and if you use strong laminated paper to make it, you can pour liquid into the cup, although it will not last long.

If you are thinking about how to make a glass made of paper, origami will be an excellent option. Follow the instructions below and everything will turn out:

  1. The square sheet is divided in half diagonally.
  2. Next, you need to bend the corners as shown in the illustration.
  3. The top layer is folded down, and the lower one is folded back.
  4. After that, you need to re-bend the top and bottom walls.

How to make a paper from a paper: a stand for pens and pencils

To keep writing accessories in order help special supports. In addition, neatly arranged pencils and pens create a good impression on their owner.

For creative people, the standard organizer will not be interesting. You can make an original stand with your own hands. For this only useful tools are useful.

In search of the original options, you can think about how to make a glass of pencil paper. For these purposes, an ordinary cardboard tube (you can use the base from the wound yarn or from toilet paper). Cardboard cylinder is easy to decorate with colored paper, stickers and other decorative elements.

Wicker paper cups

You can make a paper cup for storing writing materials in different ways. Use of newspaper tubes is one of them. Moreover, one more problem will be solved - this way one can get rid of old unnecessary magazines.

How to make a glass of paper:

  1. Newspaper sheets of A4 format are cut into strips about 6.5 cm wide. 36 identical stripes will be required.
  2. Each of them must be twisted into a tight tube. To do this, the needle is placed obliquely on paper and spun into the newspaper. The end of the resulting tube is fixed with glue, and the needle is pulled out. One tip of the tube should be wider than the other.
  3. Next, you need a cardboard box. It is necessary to cut off its upper edge.
  4. At the bottom of the box, four tubes on each side should be glued. From above, you need to attach a cardboard rectangle, and the tubes from four sides to raise.
  5. One of the tubes is lowered down parallel to the table and the weaving begins, passing it between the other tubes. When the tube comes to an end, it needs to insert the other and fix the tips with glue. Weaving continues to the very top.

At the end, the protruding tubes are folded inward and glued to the walls. To make the paper cup more durable, it can be covered with glue.

Thinking about how to make a glass of paper, it is very important to read the instructions, because there are no other special skills here. Trying, everyone can do it.

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