Health, Sleep
Why do I wake up at night? Why do people wake up in the middle of the night?
"I wake up very often at night!" - that's what some people say. Sleep for a person is an extremely important ritual. This is an integral part of life, which is needed not only for rest, but also for normalizing the work of the brain, for replenishing the missing energy of the body. More and more often, citizens have various sleep disorders. Either insomnia or constant awakening. Is it normal? When is a normal nightly rise considered to be the norm? Is there a reason for concern? How to deal with this situation? In fact, it is not as easy to understand all these issues as it seems. After all, the human body is individual. It's hard to say exactly why a person says: "I wake up at night". There are many options for the development of events. Therefore, it is often necessary to select a method of treatment by "trying" on yourself for one or another reason for a nightly awakening.
A bit of history
In order not to start panicking ahead of time, you should study historical facts. The thing is that earlier it was decided to go to bed with the onset of darkness and wake up with the first rays of the sun. Such a routine took place when electricity was a mystery. Many peasants could not afford candles and other illuminating devices. Therefore, they slept during the dark hours, and as soon as the dawn came, they woke up.
It should be noted that earlier 8-hour sleep was not considered the norm. People slept much less. Therefore, complain: "I wake up at night, I do not know if it's normal" - not always worth it. Intermittent sleep can be explained by the fact that this was how it was until about the 19th century.
How we slept before
How did people sleep earlier? Quite often it was intermittent sleep that was practiced. The fact is that in ancient times people slept until about midnight. Then they woke up. Due to the fact that it was dark, it was not possible to do the usual things. Therefore, after midnight, people usually prayed or pondered over their actions. Also, communication was allowed in a whisper.
After a while people fell asleep again. Already till the morning. And then, as a rule, they were engaged in usual, habitual, affairs. Therefore, waking up in the middle of the night - this was normal. Especially with the fact that in the winter it gets dark early. And before midnight you could sleep without problems.
It is likely that if a person wakes up in the middle of the night, then his body works just like before. Usually after some time again, one can get to sleep. Sleep lasts until morning.
To prove that night awakenings are sometimes the norm, some scientists have carried out various experiments on people. For example, psychiatrist Thomas Wer decided to study whether a really intermittent dream is really dangerous. He will offer to select several volunteers. Further, people were placed in total darkness from 6 pm and 8 am inclusive. The behavior of the volunteers was carefully studied.
First, all the participants slept well during the full night. The awakening was only in the morning. Over time, the volunteers began to experience sleep disorders. Or rather, people just woke up at a certain time. For example, at first it was possible to sleep for 2-3 hours, then followed the ascent, after several hours of wakefulness again there was a rest time, which lasted until the morning.
Thus, Thomas Ver could prove that complaints "wake up at night" are not always dangerous. The brain simply does not need a dream. Once the body makes up for a lack of sleep, it does not allow a person to sleep for a long time. No need to panic. It is recommended to somehow distract yourself and do your own business. Or just a little reflection - soon again you will be able to fall asleep. It will be necessary to get used to the fact that the brain does not need rest throughout the night.
But it happens that a variety of factors influence sleep. Not always night awakenings are the norm. After all, most of the world's population can now be diagnosed as "chronic nedosyp." This is a state where you want to sleep. So, the body needs as much time as possible to rest.
In some cases, the awakening is sharp, in a cold sweat. In this situation, it is recommended to look at the situation in which a person falls asleep. It is likely that the body feels uncomfortable. For example, the room is stuffy, hot or cold. The presence of a thick or thin blanket that does not fit the season is another factor that can disturb sleep.
This behavior of the body can be called normal. But for a person, this phenomenon is not the norm. After all, if a citizen complains: "I do not sleep well, I wake up at night in sweat" - it is recommended to normalize the situation. It is better to air the room before going to bed, to choose a blanket for the season. In general, do everything so that you can fall asleep with comfort. As soon as the situation is normal, the intermittent dream will go away.
In some cases, the phenomenon under study becomes a clear indicator of disease. In fact, this is a rather rare situation. As a rule, waking up at night is not dangerous. Diseases rarely so manifest themselves.
"Every night I wake up in a cold sweat," - so people can say, who suffer from a disease called hyperhidrosis. This is an increased sweating. This phenomenon has not yet been explained. With hyperhidrosis, the body produces sweat in large quantities without any reason.
Also, the phenomenon under study is a consequence of cancer. A small clarification - it should be accompanied by a fever. For example, people who are sick with tuberculosis or AIDS sometimes wake up at night in a cold sweat. A similar reaction is observed in diseases of bone tissues.
The next reason is usually observed in women, but men from it are not insured. The thing is that if a person says: "I often wake up at night in sweat" - it is worth paying attention to his hormonal background. It is recommended to take tests to make sure that the hormones are normal.
If this is not so, do not be surprised. It is better to consult a doctor who will help normalize the hormonal background of the body. Then intermittent sleep, accompanied by the release of cold sweat, will cease.
Bad habits
Sleep disorders often affect people with bad habits. Especially it concerns smokers. They, as doctors say, observe the so-called nicotine starvation during a night's sleep. After all, a healthy vacation is 8 hours. So much an organism without tobacco can not "stretch", so it awakens a person to make up for the lack of this or that component.
How to deal with this phenomenon? There are not many options. Either smoke, or throw bad habits. Sometimes you can consult a doctor for help, but it is unlikely to help. By the way, in smokers awakening is also often accompanied by sweating.
Why do you wake up at night? A frequent phenomenon in the modern world is the awakening from an overabundance of emotions. Or, in general, there are sleep disorders. It does not matter which ones - positive or negative - emotions take place. The main thing is that the brain is not able to rest and process a strong flow of information.
If a person complains: "When I sleep, I wake up often at night", it is worth paying attention to his life. Any emotion, a busy day or just a lot of information, perceived by the day, all contribute to the disturbance of sleep. It is recommended to relax before going to bed, and also to ventilate the room. Evening walks sometimes also help.
In some cases, you can contact a psychologist or a neurologist. If the problem with sleep disturbances is frequent, doctors can prescribe a sedative or a sleeping pill. Not the best, but not a bad option to fight the disease. When the emotional tension disappears, sleep normalizes.
Fear and excitement
"I wake up at night, crying, beating" - such words can be heard from some people. Sometimes the cause of restless sleep is fear and anxiety. Even at a subconscious level, people can not even think about them.
The only logical solution is a visit to the doctor. The therapist will help to detect fears, and also to overcome them. Only in this way will it be possible to return the organism to its normal state.
Sex and age
It should be remembered - the older a person is, the more problems he has with sleep. This is the device of the body. It's no secret that the old people are able to doze off during the day, but at night they are awake. This fact must be taken into account. Do not panic. Do it all the same, nothing happens - except to take sleeping pills.
Women are more likely to experience sleep disorders than men. And at any age. This may be due to menopause or its approach. Also during pregnancy a girl can wake up for numerous reasons: pain, uncomfortable position, internal disturbances - all this has an effect on sleep. During lactation, many at night wake up not because of the crying of the baby, but because of thirst. When breastfeeding it is normal - the body is just trying to fill the lack of fluid, although at night.
If we woke up at night
Many people think: "What if I wake up at night?" There are several useful tips to help you cope with the problem. Among the most common recommendations are the following points:
- Do not spend much time in bed. If a person wakes up at night, it is better to go to bed later. Spending more time in bed is the most stupid thing that can ever be.
- Afternoon do not doze off. Even with great fatigue. Then at night, the body will need more time to sleep.
- Refuse bad habits or limit them. It has already been said that smokers may have a nicotine deficiency. The same goes for the other bad habits.
- Control emotions and stress. A disturbed emotional state leads to problems with sleep.
- It is also recommended not to look at the clock and do not count how much time is left for sleep.
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