Fashion, Shopping
Tattoo on caviar - bright and unusual
It is better to talk about preferences. Looking at different versions of tattoos on calves, photos of which are presented in the article and in abundance are available in the corresponding salons, it can be concluded that the female audience prefers more elegant thin patterns. They are more often asked to fill in cute drawings: birds, hearts, butterflies, flowers. But there are also more complex natures who prefer Asian aesthetics. On their legs are incredibly beautiful three-dimensional images of dragons, fish, lush pions or gentle twigs of cherry blossoms.
A separate category are various "funny" pictures. The mug of the unforgettable Bart Simpson will perfectly feel on both a thin female leg and a crooked man's leg. Cartoon characters like everyone.
In principle, any gender division, if it is a question of tattoos, is rather conditional. The same biomechanics or Maori drawings attract both sexes. The boundaries here are very greased.
And depilations when stuffing tattoos on caviar can not be avoided by anyone. The hair covering strongly prevents the master from applying a pattern, so he is ruthlessly disposed of before work. But the skin on the legs is not subject to strong age-related deformations, so that the image will not "swim" for a long time. Yes, and you do not need to shine once more with in-house painting. It is enough to put on trousers, and again you are a "respectable" citizen.
Now about the earthly. Tattoo on caviar is better done in the summer. Otherwise, warm winter clothes will constantly irritate the damaged skin. Light summer pants should be slightly tucked up so that they do not touch the fresh pattern. For the first time, until it's over, do not bathe in open water and in the pool. The procedure for drawing an image is not painless at all, sometimes it is difficult to walk. Therefore, a couple of days will not hurt to lie somewhere in the shade - it's not recommended to sunbathe.
And no matter how you strive for beauty, you can not stuff a tattoo on your feet with the most insignificant signs of varicose veins. Health is still more important.
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