TechnologiesCell Phones

Why a mobile phone has a negative effect on health

A mobile phone is that gadget, without which it is impossible to imagine life in the modern world. But do you know what impact it has on your health? It turns out that it can be very harmful.

It is covered with microbes

It can be safely said that no one likes microbes, but if you simply can not tolerate them, then you should pay special attention to this point. On the mobile phone, on average, there are ten times more microbes than on the toilet seat, and if it does not distort you, then hardly anything will make you shudder at all. According to the microbiologist of the University of Arizona Charles Herb, the problem of phones is not only that people carry them around with them, including the toilet, but that they are passing their phones to other people to show them photographs and videos, But at the same time to exchange microbes. That's where the real threat comes from, because people basically do not get sick because of their own microbes - they get sick because of the germs of other people.


Your phone can harm your physical health - we found out, but what about the state of mind? The modern constantly changing world and the fact that people in everything can rely on their phones have led to the emergence of a new term - "nomophobia". It was first used in 2010, when the results of scientific research showed that more than fifty percent of people feel discomfort when they do not have a phone with them or when the phone runs out of battery. Nomophobia is a term that originated from the English combination of no-mobile-phone phobia, which translates as "phobia without a mobile phone." And this is not a fictitious, but quite real phenomenon. The study showed that people equate stress with the absence of a mobile phone to visit a dentist or a day of marriage.

It affects your memory

How many numbers do you know by heart? If you are not different from most people, then this number is unlikely to be large. In today's world, people just click on the name of the person they want to contact, and the phone does the rest of the work, and this can also have a negative impact on the person's mental health.

It causes great eye strain

Technologies equipped with screens are relatively new on a global scale, so it is not yet known what negative impact the long-term presence may have over the whole day before the screens. However, according to a 2015 study, about two people out of three complain of increased eye fatigue after a long period of time spent in front of the screen. There is even a special name for such a feeling: digital eye strain, or computer vision syndrome.

It can cause headaches

According to a 2014 survey, an average adult spends about seven hours a day behind a screen of a phone, computer, or any other gadget. More than half of people have associated interaction with smartphones with pain and eye strain, and if you are prone to headaches, then you should be aware of the existence of a link between these symptoms.

It causes pain in the neck

When you lean forward to look at the screen of the phone that you hold in your hand, pay attention to the position in which your head and neck are located, as well as how far you lean forward compared to the normal position of the body. Also pay attention to the tension that you feel in the muscles of the neck, shoulders and back. People are created to move this way, but not in order to stand or sit in such a position for several hours in a row. If you do this, it will lead to severe and prolonged pain.

Mysterious communication between mobile phones and cancer

The idea that mobile phones can increase the risk of certain types of cancer and brain tumors has existed in the scientific community for quite some time, and there is still no scientific confirmation of this. Long-term studies take a long time, and the results of the study, which was completed in 2016, lasted seven years and had a budget of $ 25 million, raised concerns about what could be the long-term effects of using a mobile phone and exposure to radio emissions.

It can affect your blood pressure

Your phone rings, but the number has not been determined. Or maybe it's a number you do not know. Or it may even be the phone number of a person who never calls you. Does your heart miss a beat? Have you ever thought for a second that this is a bad symptom? In any case, you are not alone. As practice shows, mobile phones can have a serious impact on your blood pressure, and can also increase the likelihood that you will have a heart attack.

It can affect your sleep

Sleep is a rather mysterious process, and to this day it is not yet known about it all. If you have trouble sleeping, the reason may be a mobile phone (at least partially). A huge number of people (about 80 percent aged 18 to 24 years) are sleeping, holding the phone at arm's length, and this can cause rather long-term health problems.

It can cause depression

Every person is familiar with the feeling of discomfort that appears when you can not use your phone. However, mobile phones have a negative impact on mental health in another way: they can develop and aggravate depression.

It causes a number of finger injuries

If you keep your phone so that the thumb performs basic functions while writing text, clicking on links and rewinding pages, you can doom yourself a serious pain. The study found that forty percent of users complained of pain in the thumb in connection with the use of a mobile phone. Almost half of people dream of having faster and dexterous thumbs - this even led to the creation of special exercises aimed at the development of thumbs.

It can cause pain in the elbow

Most likely, everyone has heard about epicondylitis - the disease of the elbow joint, which is typical for tennis players. But what about the disease characteristic of people using a mobile phone? These diseases are not related, but those who use a mobile phone, very often there is a cubital tunnel syndrome. It appears when the constant pressure is on the ulnar nerve, which you know, since it is his pinching that causes a very strange sensation in your hand when you hit with your elbow. A similar diagnosis is made when you begin to feel an unusual tingling in your hand, or rather in the part that is located below the elbow and closer to the little finger. This syndrome is associated with the use of mobile phones, but there are a number of things that can cause it. For example, the posture in which you sleep. Moreover, some people may be genetically predisposed to manifesting such a disease. Some people in this area have more muscles, which creates a narrower "tunnel", thereby increasing the chances of developing the disease.

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