Spiritual developmentMystic

Mental magic: secrets and exercises

Thoughts are not just a non-material substance, but flows of energy that can influence reality and even materialize. Such a phenomenon as mental magic can serve as this best confirmation.

Definition of concepts

Mental magic is the ability to reconstruct and edit certain situations through thought forms of a high organization that act on the mental level. They are not just being introduced into a person's aura, but help to build events and phenomena in the right direction, launching a chain reaction.

Mental magic is parapsychology, the action of which is directed not at specific people, but on situations and events. By developing your abilities, you can direct the situation in the right direction in such a way that it will be practically impossible to recognize the external impact. This requires a maximum concentration of energy for successful operation.

Some people tend to confuse the mental impact with the ordinary. So, for example, known rites and conspiracies, which are designed to draw luck, money, love and other positive factors, just charge the person with energy, giving him confidence. As for mental magic, an individual achieves success, not knowing that a concrete impact has been taken on him. It is enough to form a mental and energy message.

The verbal component

Mental-verbal magic is all that is said out loud or mentally. Everything that a person says or thinks is a powerful mechanism that triggers a complex chain of processes. The proverb that "the word is not a sparrow", has arisen not from an empty place. So, speaking and thinking positive things, you are programming the appropriate script. If it's rash to say something bad towards another person, you yourself, unwittingly, can become the cause of the accident. That is why the training of magic should begin with the ability to control one's words and thoughts.

The basic elements of mentalism

Mental magic (the magic of thought, as it is still called) becomes more and more widespread. One and the same message can send absolutely different vibrations to the Universe. In accordance with the form of the energy flow, the following constituent parts of mentalism can be distinguished:

  • Telepathy is the ability to read and transmit thoughts at a distance;
  • Telekinesis - influence on physical processes by effort of will;
  • Telemetry - obtaining exhaustive information about objects that are at a considerable distance;
  • Teleportation - the instantaneous movement of objects or living organisms in space;
  • Pyrokenesis - the ability to obtain fire by the effort of thought without the use of any improvised means;
  • Levitation - the ability to soar in the air yourself or to lift other objects by reducing weight;
  • Hypnosis - the introduction of alien information through complete relaxation;
  • Clairvoyance - the ability to predict the future;
  • Extrasensory perception - supersensitive perception of surrounding phenomena.

Visualization as a basic principle

Visualization is the most common technique that is used in such a field as mental magic. Of course, this practice is not able to solve global problems, but on the way to realizing the desires of a particular individual, it can prove to be very effective. So, visualization should be carried out on the basis of the following rules:

  • Before you start practice, you need to think carefully about your desire for whether it is worth it to spend on it significant energy resources;
  • Make sure that the fulfillment of your desire will not cause harm to anyone around you;
  • For the maximum concentration of thoughts you need to come to a completely relaxed state (this is often achieved during sleep);
  • The picture that arises in your mind should be clearly detailed (this can be helped by a picture or a picture cut from a magazine or downloaded from the Internet);
  • Thinking about the desired object is necessary only in a good mood, sending positive emotions.

Mental Magic: Exercises

The ability to influence others, to foresee the future and materialize one's thoughts requires not only an innate gift, but also zealous training. If you do your best, then you will be subdued by mental magic. Exercises for developing abilities are as follows:

  • You need to pick up any object and focus on it. For a few minutes, study it, reviewing and noting the smallest details. Repeat such exercises need at least 10 days in a row.
  • It is necessary to learn to be fueled by the energy of the earth, even without the possibility of direct contact with it. You need to relax and imagine yourself in a green and sunny glade where you stand on the grass barefoot. You should feel how heat penetrates your body through the feet.
  • You need to learn how to concentrate positive emotions in the area of the chest and navel. It is necessary to imagine the oval in this zone and fill it with light and energy.
  • Learn to program yourself to succeed. It starts with the fact that, waking up in the morning, first of all it is worthwhile to scroll in your head the script of your future day. Everything must be presented in the best possible light. Every day this installation will work more efficiently.

Exercises involving the subject

Many people want to master this ability, like mental magic. The training begins with independent exercises, after which it is worthwhile to involve the test subjects. So, the following experiments will be useful:

  • Spread out on the table a few items, try to guess in advance what the opponent will choose;
  • By external signs it is necessary to determine whether the person is telling the truth or lying;
  • Ask the subject to touch one or another part of his body, trying to feel this touch on himself;
  • Practice in reading the thoughts of the subject who sits opposite you.

Mage Levels

Continuous training and training is the key to successful management of thoughts and events. Unfortunately, the faculty of mental magic can not be found in an institute or university. Nevertheless, continuous self-study and communication with talented individuals help to reach a high level. So, there are 7 levels of magicians:

  1. A novice who has not yet developed a mentality. Nevertheless, there is a clear predisposition to extrasensory activity.
  2. The pupil successfully determines the intentions of the animals. When visual contact with a person can recognize some mental images.
  3. The apprentice can freely communicate with the superior magician through a mental or visual contact. As for animals, they can temporarily subordinate to the individual. Initial skills of influence on people appear.
  4. Master easily subjugates any animals, and also affects people who are easily susceptible to suggestion. The ability to read dreams is emerging. It also starts learning to manipulate at a distance.
  5. A master of the highest level can share the thoughts and emotions of a group of people who are in the same space. Appears susceptibility to the emotions of others. You can recognize the mood of a person who is at a distance of up to 500 meters. You can order a person to commit an act that does not correspond to his convictions and moral principles.
  6. A master can monitor a person's behavior, no matter how far away he is and whether he is suggestible. Can control a group of people up to 10 people.
  7. Archmage is the highest level. Can subjugate up to several thousand people and manage them at any distance.

True Mentalists and Charlatans

Mental magic - this is a relatively new trend, which immediately gained wide popularity. With the advent of new knowledge, many gifted people have significantly improved their skills up to the prediction of the future. Nevertheless among the true mentalists, who train daily, improving their skills, there are quite a lot of charlatans who are trying to derive material benefits. Thus, in order to influence people, the following methods can be used:

  • Speech to influence the audience;
  • Acting and affectation;
  • Knowledge of psychology and its active application in practice;
  • Expressed leadership qualities and charisma.

All these tricks do not need a person who really owns such a mystical gift as mental magic. Books, exercises, meditation, daily training - that's what distinguishes a real mentalist. At the same time, he can look absolutely unprepossessing and behave modestly enough.

How phases of the moon affect magic

Does mental magic depend on the phase of the moon? It has long been noted that yes. The night star is a faithful companion of fortune tellers, witches and occultists, and so many do not take it seriously. Nevertheless, the moon can also give attention to the formation of thoughts and energy flows.

The calendar of mental magic is divided into phases of the moon. So, the first is a new moon. The first two days of this period are named after Hecate, who in ancient Greece was considered the goddess of darkness. At this moment, thoughts, emotions, as well as features of nature are expressed minimally, and therefore in human activity there is a decline. But the work of the subconscious and vulnerability at this time significantly increase. In this period it is better not to resort to mental practice, because it is most likely not succeed. Also it is necessary to be more careful with words, because all that has been said can have a strong impact on the fate of the interlocutor.

The second stage is named after the goddess Thetis, who was considered the patroness of the water element. The energy of the body and thoughts gradually begins to grow. This is the best period for beginnings, because they will develop successfully and rapidly. As for the emotional side, this is the most favorable time for energy contacts. Given that the state of mind of a person is overflowing with grace, the second phase is the time to develop positive programs for the future.

The third phase of the moon is named after the goddess Diona, who is associated with the element of air. By this time the body has accumulated enough energy and is ready to channel it into productive channel. Given the inflow of forces that you can feel in this period, you are able to bring maximum benefit to yourself and others.

The fourth phase of the moon is associated with the name of Gorgon, who is the patroness of fire and personifies vengeance. At this time, the energy of the body is almost completely depleted, and therefore feeling hopelessness and impotence. At this time, it is better to put mental practice aside and analyze and summarize the work done. We need to rest as much as possible, so as not to go into a depressed state. The only thing that is allowed is the treatment of karmic diseases.

What rites to conduct in different lunar phases

Not only internal, but also from external circumstances, mental magic depends. The magic of thought is in many ways connected with the phases of the lunar calendar. Depending on the stage of development of the night luminary, the following rituals are recommended:

  1. New Moon is characterized by minimal influence. Any impacts produced during this period will not yield significant results. Spend this time on rest or gaining new knowledge.
  2. Start in this period some new business or the development of a new life-setting. Any undertaking, the start of which was laid during the growing moon, will be crowned with success. Particularly successful are love affairs.
  3. Full Moon is the most favorable period for magical rites . At this time, you can attract the right people into your life, multiply your well-being or increase your internal resources (attractiveness, mind, health, etc.). Talismans made on a full moon have the greatest energy and magical value.
  4. The waning moon is characterized by a decline in magical energy. Thus, this is the time for rituals aimed at purification from the negative and karmic dirt. During this period, rites of a negative nature (for example, a lapel) are also successful.

Mental magic: books

Every person dreams to manage events, people, and also to read and direct in the necessary channel of thought of associates. In this connection, the question arises as to how to learn mental magic. If you do not have direct contacts with professionals, books will help you in this difficult matter. It is worth paying attention to the following publications:

  • "The power of thought is the secret of mental magic" (VA Atkinson) is one of the author's best works. This book contains information on the development of magnetism and hypnotic abilities. By developing the qualities inherent in everyone, you can dominate others.
  • "The power of magic: prophecy" (A. Soloviev) - this is more a creative work than a practical guide. Nevertheless, one can draw useful information about the features of foresight of the future.
  • "The healing power of thought" (E. Padus) - a book about mental health and the formation of a formula for success. Knowing how to think correctly, you can normalize the work of the body and direct the flow of life in the right direction.
  • "Managing the energy of thought" (K. Menshikova, A. Reznik) explains why a person sometimes fails to achieve what he wants. This manual will teach you to communicate with your inner world, as well as to think correctly.
  • "The mysterious power of the subconscious in the labyrinths of the brain" (A. Belov) explains the essence of brain activity and teaches the basics of hypnosis. Having studied this manual, you will learn how to read the thoughts of others, and also to heal illnesses on the mental level. There is also a practical guide to understanding the language of animals.
  • "Technique of development of the subconscious" (O. Andreev) - publication of one of the largest centers of development of attention and memory. From here you can learn about the main mysteries and phenomena in the work of the human brain. In addition, given the exercises that will help identify the presence of certain abilities and develop them in the right direction.
  • "The mystery of hypnosis" (D. Coates, E. Bertram) tells the story of the emergence of hypnosis from ancient times to our days. There is also a practical guide for the development of appropriate abilities.
  • "Loneliness of zombies and mental magic" (I. Zinchenko, N. Listvinskaya) is the story of a strong magician, sentenced to a solitary existence. Despite the artistic bias of this work, there is a lot of useful information for practicing mentalists.

Mental tricks and their exposure

It is worth noting that not always magic is used to adjust scenarios for the development of events. Many people use such a phenomenon as mental magic to achieve popularity. Focuses are associated not only with the sleight of hand, but also with the ability to master the attention of the audience.

It is worth noting that you can demonstrate miracles both with the use of the props, and without it. The exposure of the favorite tricks of mental magic is presented in the table.

Name of the trick Description Disclosure
Sliced aces The essence of the focus is that, by quickly mixing the deck, the mentalist throws out 4 aces, and puts the remaining cards aside. Then each of the selected cards must be cut. One part of the halves to give the viewer, and the second to mix. Now you put one of the halves on the table and ask the opponent to do the same thing, using his set. Halves should coincide. Mixing the halves of the aces, the mentalist, not giving a mind, should study them carefully. As if at random, he puts one on the table (shirt up), and the subject - down. If the two halves did not coincide at once, continue the experiment until the opponent has placed the desired card on the table. Now with the help of sleight of hand you turn the cards so that the halves match.
Four choices The magician carefully mixes the deck of cards and spreads it into the tape with his shirt facing up. Now the viewer should put the tip of his finger on any card and separate it from the rest. The remaining cards are removed by the mentalist, beforehand, 2 more and given to the viewer. He must put them in a pile and break twice. All this time you are back to the viewer. Next, he must throw scraps of cards in the bag you proposed. Mixing the fragments well, the master randomly pulls out 4 that make up the map originally selected by the viewer. The secret is that the two top cards were prepared in advance. In each of the corners, a pinch is made using a pin, which helps to recognize the necessary scraps. And the map chosen by the viewer will be completely smooth.
The denomination that is curtailed Putting a bill, the magician begins to make bizarre movements with his hands, without touching it. As a result, the banknote is automatically curtailed. In fact, it is worth to note in advance a barely noticeable fishing line, the end of which is in the hands of the magician.


For many centuries, mankind has been intrigued by specially protected secrets of predictions, mental magic. Unmasking them is not so mysterious and inexplicable as it might seem at first glance. The secret is to continuously train in control over your words and thoughts, which contain a kind of life code. Thus, the mentalist has the opportunity to influence not only his life, but also the fate and behavior of others.

Certainly, innate abilities for manipulation, hypnosis or foresight play an important role. Nevertheless, persistent pursuits can lead to the success of even the person who naturally does not have such inclinations. It is extremely important to combine the study of theoretical literature with practical training. They can be conducted independently or with the participation of the subject.

Having achieved a certain success in mental magic, you can program not only your destiny, but also the behavior of other people. Being able to read their thoughts and influence their progress, you can achieve significant success in this or that field of activity. Particularly successful mentalists can subordinate themselves to several thousand people who are in different parts of the world.

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