News and Society, Environment
Where Our Climate Is Moving
Recently, calls to our agency have become frequent with the question of how the climate is changing - towards warming or cooling.
Yes, in fact, the year 2012 can be considered a boundary climate change. Finally, the people of Africa saw the snow. This encouraged them so much that they began to actively seek members of the global warming society to solemnly hand them shovels to harvest African snow. Rome was paralyzed by a five-centimeter layer of snow. Afghan children played snowballs. The Tunisians sculpted a snowman. Dushanbe this year noted on March 21, the arrival of the spring new year - Nuvruz - with snow. The boundary of the snow impact crossed the boundary of the originally warm countries (Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria). At the same time, the middle zone of Russia began to get rid of severe frosts, and actively pummeled the road slush throughout the winter period.
The climate has changed, but why? The answer to this question I recently heard from the release of Russian news. Meteorologists (the country was not named) explained that climate change is due to the fact that ocean currents began to move in the wrong direction, and the winds began to blow in the wrong direction. A beautiful and mysterious version of what is happening, emphasizing the same thinking, the same experts. Well, let's try to figure it out. Let's apply the tools of quality management to find the cause of this phenomenon, and not to spoil the investigation.
From simple analysts, even a small number of the above facts show that the temperature zones seem to be swinging, making the climate more diverse in different climatic zones. What "rocks" the climate, can the planet Earth itself? In this case, only its axial rotation and displacement of the rotation axes in the solar system can lead to climate change. From the theory, we know that the Earth's rotation axis is inclined 23.4 ° relative to its orbital plane, this causes seasonal changes on the surface of the planet with a period of one tropical year (365.24 solar days). Earth has its own satellite, the Moon, which began its orbit around the Earth about 4.53 billion years ago, which stabilized the axial slope of the planet and caused tides that slow the Earth's rotation. Because of tidal synchronization, the Moon moves away from the Earth by about 38 mm per year. And of course this removal does not pass without a trace - the angle of inclination of the Earth's axis begins to change. The closer the axis of Earth's rotation to the plane of the ecliptic, the more severe the climate on the planet. Here's the reason. And the most extreme consequence looks like this: when one of the poles is directed directly to the Sun and the other to the opposite side, and as the Earth orbits the Sun they will change places. The poles, in this case, will be directed directly to the Sun in summer and winter. Planetologists who studied this situation, argue that, in this case, on Earth all large animals and higher plants would be extinct.
In our southern region in the last 30 years, the arrival of spring has shifted exactly one month. Winter has become more "soft" and snowy. In the summer it is not so hot, the rain has become a frequent occurrence. Personally, I like this change. It is important to cool and stop all attempts at speculation on natural phenomena. For regions subjected to negative climate changes, one must take into account that one should not expect a miraculous return to "velvet" weather. Urgently develop a program to adapt your states to the inevitable climate change. Do not entertain yourself with empty slogans for the ecological salvation of the world. The planet Earth exists more than 4 billion years, and the person reasonable only some millenia tries to equip the vital space. Remember the phrase from the famous song: "We are the children of the planet Earth." With nature it is necessary to live in harmony, to be always ready for the surprises of the weather and to think about the future of mankind.
We were taught for a long time how to live, but did not teach how to manage your life. Let's try.
A.V. Banduro
- Only his thoughts - strangers tried not to use.
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