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Where and by whom to work: chemical technology

What professions exist in the field of chemical technology? This and not only will be discussed in this article.

Specialty "chemical technology" - what is it?

Chemistry unites a large number of various specialists. They are scientists, technologists, teachers, laboratory assistants and many other professionals. Without chemistry, it is simply impossible to imagine any modern technological device. Almost all the equipment around us is somehow connected with this science. Many people, especially schoolchildren, applicants or students, are asking about where they can work, who they work for. Chemical technology involves many different options. This includes, for example, the food industry, pharmaceuticals, factories and many other enterprises that produce different kinds of products.

In fact, a person who has chosen chemistry with his direction, for sure, will find where to get a job. The same specialty "chemical technology" includes many directions and subspecies. The main professions in this field will be discussed further. So, information for those who chose the direction of "chemical technology."

Who to work with?

Salary and the total number of duties - these are the two main criteria that interest applicants most. What can you tell us about the presented professional sphere? What kinds of work are there?

The specialty includes two main directions: practical and theoretical. What can you tell about the first? This includes, as a rule, workers of manufacturing enterprises. These are technologists, engineers, analysts (we are talking about specialists in controlling the quality of products) and others.

The duties of these professionals include researching the composition of raw materials, identifying defects, working with all sorts of synthetic fibers, fertilizers, etc. Chemists-technologists can work at metallurgical plants, in the oil or gas sector, in medical organizations, etc.

And what do theoreticians do? They develop science and move technology forward. The place of work of theorists is the laboratory, the university (the faculty of chemical technology) and other research institutions.

The question of wages can not be approached from unequivocal positions. Naturally, much depends on where the specialist works, in which region, etc. However, it is certainly impossible to say that specialists in the field of chemistry receive little. Here are some data on the average income of chemical technologists in Russia:

  • 41% of vacancies with workplaces in production with salaries from 35 to 45 thousand rubles;
  • 31% of vacancies with jobs (in the practical sphere) with salaries from 45 to 80 thousand rubles;
  • Vacancies in research centers with salaries from 40 to 50 thousand rubles.

At the same time, the most highly paid are jobs in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Required for work quality

Chemical technology is a special, complex and complex sphere. That is why we can not fail to mention the qualities and character traits that an appropriate specialist should possess.

It is also worth noting that the question of what type of personality a professional should have is undoubtedly more important than the question of where and by whom to work. Chemical technology is a specialty that assumes the following qualities of an employee:

  • Passion. There is nothing worse if the employee is not keen on his work and works only for money. A chemist-technologist, and even more a researcher, must love and respect the environment in which he works.
  • Analytical mindset, the ability to systematize and analyze knowledge.
  • High efficiency. It is worth noting that the work in this area is very laborious and complex (and no matter who to work with). Chemical technology is not a specialty for everyone. Only very hardworking, calm and stressful people can go here.

It is also worth mentioning that the employee will need a good memory, developed hand motor skills, excellent eyesight, smell and much more.

Required skills for work

Certainly, excellent personal qualities for work are important. And what about the knowledge and skills necessary for a quality work?

Here you can include:

  • General knowledge of the entire basic chemistry course (however, if the specialist is working in a highly specialized environment, then knowledge will be needed for some other disciplines and sciences).
  • The ability to conduct experiments and studies competently, qualitatively and safely.
  • The ability to constantly replenish their knowledge and confirm them in special courses for advanced training.

Of course, only the most basic and generalized moments were mentioned above. If you need to learn something in more detail about any narrow sphere, you will have to turn to special job descriptions and other documents; They also give an answer to the question of who to work with.

Chemical technology: training

Universities provide a variety of education options for specialties. So, besides the simple direction of "chemistry", there are also such kinds as "chemical technology and biotechnology", "chemical protection", "analytical control over the quality of chemical compounds" and much more.

Which educational institutions provide an opportunity to get education in the specialties in question? There are such high schools of Russia:

  • Moscow State University. Lomonosov Moscow State University;
  • Russian Chemical-Technological Faculty;
  • Russian State University of Oil and Gas and many other educational institutions.

Thus, above was told about all the most important points regarding the specialty "chemical technology". Who to work for, wages and incomes of employees, training - all such theses were disclosed above.

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