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What is dogma in philosophy, science and religion?

What is dogma? To begin with it is necessary to say about the origin of the word. This term has Greek roots and in translation means "decision", "opinion", "resolution". One of the synonyms is the word "doctrine", but in a broader sense.

What is dogma in philosophy? Initially, in the science and logic of the ancient world, this term implied a certain thesis. And the truth of this thesis is placed in the basis of the philosophical system without the right to review.

What is dogma in the Christian religion? This term is considered by adherents of any religious system as an irrefutable, unshakable fact that does not depend on specific conditions, place, time and reality. It is dogmas that form the basis of any religion. Accepted exclusively on faith, they can not be subjected to change, doubt or criticism. In Christianity there is a special term "dogma of faith" - it is necessary, exclusive, obligatory for the recognition of believers teaching, which has some kind of supernatural, mystical origin.

The Christian Church argues that dogmatism is a necessary moment for faith. These are divine revelations received by certain people, transmitted for application and dissemination. However, it can not be argued that the dogma of "love," as the basis of Christ's teaching, has the right to exist. From the theological point of view, the notion of "Christian morality and love" is not dogmatic theses, but points for the comprehension of these concepts by believers in their spiritual individual practice.

What is dogma in later philosophy and science? Scientific thought denies religious dogma, supporting only certain philosophical axioms and theories. In science, dogma often begins to take on slightly different forms - this term scientists often refer to obsolete provisions that are supported and defended by either close-minded people, either by too conservative-minded researchers. The philosophy of Marxism and Leninism is a vivid example of the categorical opponent of any dogma. The founders of these currents stressed that they consider their doctrine not as a dogma, but as a reflection of some continuously developing processes in real life, as a guide to active action and change.

"Dogma" is a word meaning blindly assumed unprovable position, connected with the notion of dogmatism. Most often this phrase is mentioned in a religious context. For example, in Christian Orthodox theology, the term "dogma" has the meaning of an immutable, divine truth. And it is due to its inhuman origin that it can not be disputed and criticized. For example, the bright model of religious dogma is the doctrine of the triune God, the divine origin of Christ. The church introduced the concept of dogma in the sense of a cult religious formula, in which its verbal expression, and not only its content, is necessary, as it was in ancient philosophy. What is characteristic, the very term "dogmatism" was introduced by the ancient Greek skeptics Zenon and Pyrrhon, who denied the true knowledge and blamed the other philosophers for wrong, subjective conclusions.

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