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About people who do not like people. The meaning of the word "misanthrope"

The modern world (the situation in it) causes diametrically opposite assessments and attitudes among the people who inhabit it. More and more often, the negative trends reflected in the concept of "misanthropy" come to the forefront. From the Greek language, this word can be translated as "hatred of people." In fact, the whole basic meaning of the word "misanthrope" fits in this translation. For the first time this concept was used by Moliere in the 17th century, and now, in the era of rapidly developing technologies, misanthropy is gaining popularity again. Why?

Cold World of Consumption

Such anti-human attitude of people to other people is caused by complete ignoring of the world of emotions. A person is deprived of the right to feel and rejoice, to reveal his emotions, to share them. This is considered a weakness. As a result, a misanthrope appears. The meaning of the word "kindness" loses any value to it. As the world is to man, so is man to the world. The 21st century is the era of total loneliness, where the sarcasm of a misanthrope is the defensive reaction in response to the indifference of the world.

Characteristics of the man-misanthrope

It turns out that this is a real social phenomenon, a trend, therefore the meaning of the word "misanthrope" includes several characteristic features. First, misanthropes do not tolerate a large number of people gathered together, they feel uncomfortable in the crowd, experiencing anger. Secondly, misanthropes tend to seek solitude, it does not bother them, but rather attracts them. Alone, they feel safe. And, thirdly, misanthropes categorically oppose themselves to the crowd. They consider themselves an exceptional person, while other people are a herd, a crowd.

Fashion Trend

Today you can see that the meaning of the word "misanthrope" acquires the features of some fashionable trend. Some people go so far as to begin to take pride in their sarcastic attitude towards others, they try every way to show their pseudo independence from the opinions of others. In social networks it has become fashionable to write statuses about what a person does not understand, about the charm of loneliness. Sometimes the desire to disregard the norms of society as a tribute to fashion develops into sociopathy (a person can no longer function adequately in society). This state of affairs is strongly encouraged by the means of mass communication.


Like everything in this world, misanthropy has antipode - philanthropy. Philanthropists are philanthropists, they really care about the welfare of other people and take direct part in the life of society. However, here you can not do without a fly in the ointment. Man, in his desire to improve at all costs the lives of all people, can go to extremes and lose all of his philanthropy. The philanthropist and misanthrope are two trends in the life of modern society, which, in fact, reveal some problems of the new time. To a certain extent, the meaning of the word "misanthrope" does not bear negative aspects, simply reflecting the needs of the person at this stage of society development. On the other hand, philanthropists may not be as positive as one might think. In fact, everything depends on the degree of manifestation of certain features. In everything you need to know the measure.

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