Automobiles, Cars
What is an auto shampoo for contactless cleaning, and how to choose it right?
In no case should you confuse the usual shampoo with the car. These are completely different things! Of course, if one or two times to apply household chemicals to wash the car body, nothing will happen to it. But if this process is repeated regularly, the appearance of scratches and bloated ink is guaranteed, and in a very short time. Why is this happening? The fact is that an auto shampoo for contactless washing - unlike household counterparts - is not as aggressive to plastic, glass, rubber and other materials. Those products that are used at home have a more potent composition that perfectly removes fat from dirty dishes made of glass, ceramics or porcelain. But the impact on metal will be completely different, so do not save on such a tool as an auto shampoo for contactless washing. The price of it, by the way, is small, and anyone can acquire auto chemistry of this kind. Of course, everything depends on the volume, quality and manufacturer. For example, the cost of car shampoo for a non-contact car wash "Kercher" starts from the mark of 100 rubles. Per liter. Agree, this is not so expensive.
Application Features
First, this liquid is poured into the sink capacity, and then water is added there. Apply the entire solution with a special foam gun, which without direct contact with the body thoroughly processes the entire surface (hence the name - contactless washing), eliminating dust and other contaminants. The foam is fed under pressure of 6-8 atmospheres. Exposing a larger value is strongly discouraged, as water will simply destroy the paintwork. As a result, we get an ideally clean and shiny machine.
How to choose the right remedy?
When choosing a person, pay attention to the date of manufacture. An overdue car shampoo for contactless cleaning is absolutely useless - its use is equivalent to the use of ordinary tap water. Also pay attention to the label - it should include the exact address of the company, its logo and (as far as possible) quality certificates. Do not buy products from dubious companies.
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