
What happens if you do not brush your teeth? 24-hour dentistry

Surely every person wants to have healthy and strong teeth. But how to achieve this? To keep the teeth white, there was no plaque, it is enough to clean them 2 times a day. In this case, you can forget about the bad breath. Many people are interested: "What will happen if you do not brush your teeth?" First, they will lose their natural color. Secondly, there will be a raid. Thirdly, the oral cavity will become a place where a lot of microbes will be concentrated.

Habit or necessity?

In our time, the question of oral care is quite relevant. In the modern world, the appearance is of great importance. A beautiful smile is the key to success. To ensure that the teeth are always white, without plaque and caries, they must be cleaned daily. Is it always necessary? Recently, many skeptics have come up who say that using toothpaste and brushes is more likely a habit imposed by society. This is not necessary.

Opinion of doctors

Answering the question about what will happen if you do not brush your teeth, dentists come to an unambiguous conclusion - nothing good. Of course, the ancient people did not use a brush and powder, but they did not use sweets as much as they do now. Apple and carrots still help to cope with the plaque, but the bacteria are too tough for them.

Experts have proved that in the oral cavity, specifically in the language, there are the most microorganisms that can cause a variety of diseases. To remove them, and you need daily procedures - brushing your teeth. It is better to do them 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening.

We go against the rules

Many people are puzzled, why brush your teeth, because the smell from the mouth in most cases does not appear from the plaque, but because of problems with the stomach. This is true, but dentists tell in detail about what you can face, ignoring these procedures:

  1. Plaque, which can only be removed by a doctor with the help of special rubber attachments. Dentists assure that the film begins to form after each meal, so it is advisable to finish the meal, use an irrigator or rinse your mouth. The plaque changes the color of the enamel, it becomes more yellow. In addition, a special environment for the multiplication of bacteria is created.

  2. Caries of enamel. On the surface of the tooth appear dark spots, which can lead to many diseases.

  3. A stale smell. Bacteria living in the mouth can cause gingivitis. And the pleasant smell from the mouth will have to be forgotten for a long time. Do not help even mint chewing gum or candy.

  4. Toothstone. These deposits appear, as a rule, in the inner part of the organ. They are remnants of food, plaque, phosphorus salts, bacteria, dead cells. If you do not use the toothbrush and do not remove these elements from the mouth, they harden and turn into stone. To cope independently with the problem will not succeed, the dentist and the corresponding procedures will come to the aid.

  5. Periodontitis. This is one of the most common diseases that arise due to improper oral hygiene. Bleeding gums, purulent inflammation - these problems can be faced by those who reject banal procedures (tooth cleaning).

Asking about what will happen if you do not brush your teeth, carefully read the information outlined above. Ten minutes spent on procedures can protect you from a number of problems and diseases.

Accustoming toddlers

Parents are often interested in the question: "When do I start brushing my teeth for children?" You can do this from the time when the first incisors appeared. As a rule, this happens when the crumb turns 8-9 months old. For such purposes, special brushes that are worn by the mother on the finger are perfect. They are not rigid, they can not damage the gum. In this case, you protect the crumb from bacteria that are in the mouth.

Do I need to clean my baby teeth?

Many parents are perplexed: "Why clean your baby teeth, because they will in any case fall out?" First, this procedure disciplines the kids. It is very difficult to teach a child to the process when he is 6-7 years old. It is better to do this from an early age.

Secondly, do not forget about the caries of enamel. In babies it spreads very quickly. Crumbs with reluctance and great fear go to the dental office. In some cases, for the treatment of infant teeth, it is necessary to resort to general anesthesia, which adversely affects the health of the baby.

Older children: what do you need to know about the purity of the oral cavity?

After the child turns 2 years old, it is necessary to think about buying the first brush for teeth and toothpaste. There are rules here that dentists recommend to listen to:

  1. Use adult pastes or powders is unacceptable. They contain a lot of fluoride and other substances that can damage children's enamel and lead to increased sensitivity of the body.

  2. Brush for teeth should be not rigid, it is convenient to be placed in a child's hand. It is better that it was colored, with the image of a fairy-tale hero, to interest the baby.

  3. On average, the process of cleaning teeth should take at least 5 minutes. In pharmacies and large supermarkets you can buy a special hourglass. They will be interested in crumbs and make the process fascinating.

It is better to teach a child to brushing teeth from the very childhood, in this case they will be healthy and strong.

Making the process interesting

As a rule, children are always interested in learning something new. But the cleaning process quickly gets boring. To prevent this from happening to your baby, it is important to properly interest him:

  1. Before brushing your teeth, look at the pictures or video about a beautiful smile.

  2. Choose the brush that the crumb will like.

  3. Properly buy the paste or powder: the taste should be liked by the child.

  4. Turn the process of brushing your teeth into an exciting game.

  5. Explain the benefits of this procedure.

Do not forget to demonstrate by your own example how to brush your teeth well and properly.

Sharp toothache caught unawares - what to do?

Toothache is the strongest. It is almost impossible to endure it. How to be in that case, if she caught unawares, for example, at night. To help come round the clock dentistry. Recently, such institutions have been opened in all major cities. And this is the right decision. There are situations when pulling until the morning is just dangerous (for example, periostitis).

In Moscow, you can find 62 objects in which dentists are ready to provide medical assistance 24 hours a day. In addition, they are equipped with the latest equipment. Do not have to wait in the morning to take an X-ray.

24-hour dentistry has become a real wand for many patients who face acute toothache at night. Doctors are ready to help with joy. The procedures are slightly more expensive than in the daytime. But do not risk your health, timely procedures are much more valuable than savings.

Summarizing, it is worth noting that to care about the purity of the oral cavity need from childhood. Asking about what will happen, if you do not brush your teeth, you need to face the truth. A great tragedy will not happen. But bad breath, plaque, discoloration of the enamel, various diseases of the mouth are guaranteed to you.

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