Health, Stomatology
Periostitis of the tooth: types, causes, symptoms and treatment
The tooth surface resembles a dense film that almost completely covers its root. When the inflammatory process develops in this area, one speaks of periostitis. In people, this disease is called "flux". Severe pain, swelling and hyperthermia are just some of the symptoms that characterize it. If you do not go to the doctor on time or neglect treatment, you can lose your tooth.
What is a periostitis?
The tooth toothpaste is a vascular tissue consisting of a variety of nerve fibers and cells. Together they form a young bone. It is the main link for fastening the tooth with muscle tissue and ligaments. Because of this close proximity and a large number of vessels, any infection spreads unimpeded in the periosteal elements, provoking an inflammatory process. Such a mechanism of development has periostitis.
The disease can occur at any age, but it is rarely diagnosed in children and the elderly. The preferred place of localization of the pathological process is considered to be the teeth of the lower jaw. They are more likely to suffer from various dental ailments. However, periostitis represents the greatest danger for the teeth of the upper jaw. In addition to bone tissue and mucous gums, the sinuses themselves can be affected.
Main reasons
There are a lot of reasons for the development of periostitis. Teeth in the oral cavity are in constant work. With improper care, they become a real target for various dental diseases.
Inflammation of the periosteum of the tooth is most often due to the infection process. The remains of food constantly accumulate in its cavity or in the gum area. Over time, they begin to rot. From the top of the tooth pus forms a channel in the bone tissue, trying to break out. Breaking through all the obstacles, he stops under the periosteum.
Among other causes of periostitis, dentists identify:
- Traumatic damage to the tooth, surrounding tissues;
- A carious process started;
- Inflammation of the gingival pocket;
- Neglect of the rules of oral care;
- Infection with blood flow.
Reduced immunity, stress and frequent hypothermia also contribute to the development of pathology.
Symptoms of inflammation of the periosteum
The inflammatory process begins immediately after infection or a traumatic lesion of the gum. For several hours in this area develops a strong edema. The gums increase in size, painful discomfort appears during eating.
Gradually, the periosteum extends to adjacent soft tissues. As a result, the jaw, chin and lips slightly swell. With palpation, there may be a pain syndrome. In some people, the asymmetry of the contours of the face becomes distinctly discernible. The whole process is necessarily accompanied by hyperthermia. If at this stage you do not consult a doctor, an abscess may appear in the affected area.
What other symptoms does the periostitis have? Externally, the affected area looks like a swollen mucous substance with a cloudy white coating. The tooth becomes excessively mobile. When the inflammatory process is accompanied by suppuration, the serous fluid constantly tries to escape from the capsule. With a positive result, the cavity is cleaned independently. However, without adequate treatment, cases of relapse are not excluded. Abscesses will appear again with some periodicity.
Classification of periostitis
Any disease differs according to the forms corresponding to the clinical picture. Determine the stage of the pathological process and its appearance can only be a qualified specialist. To do this, it is not enough to conduct a physical examination. In addition, a picture of the affected area, a history of the patient, may be required.
Periodontitis of the tooth is classified into 2 types: acute and chronic. In the first case, the disease is characterized by the rapid formation of edema, multiple fistulas. Through the formed moves there is an outflow of a purulent secretion. Chronic periostitis is characterized by a slow course, its symptoms appear several days or weeks after infection of the gums.
The acute form of the disease is divided into the following types:
- Serous periostitis. It is accompanied by the formation of a small amount of serous exudate, infiltration of the periosteum.
- Suppurative periostitis. It is characterized by the appearance of an abscess and the formation of fistulous passages through which pus poured out. Otherwise, the serous discharge begins to accumulate, a strong edema occurs.
The chronic form of the disease also has several stages of development:
- Simple periostitis. Characterized by the formation of new bone tissue on the surface of the jaw. This process is considered to be reversible.
- Ossifying periostitis. It is accompanied by ossification and hyperostosis. The disease progresses very quickly.
The chronic form of the disease also includes fibrous periostitis of the tooth. By the degree of damage, it is limited and diffuse. In the first case, there is a fibrous thickening of the periosteum in the region of one tooth, and in the second - on the entire jaw.
Methods of diagnosis
To make the correct diagnosis, the doctor needs to not only examine the patient's oral cavity, but also conduct a comprehensive examination. The patient is assigned a roentgenogram of the jaw to determine the boundaries of the focus of inflammation. With a purulent form of the disease, a general blood test is mandatory.
A similar clinical picture has other dental pathologies that need to be distinguished. Otherwise, the prescribed treatment will be ineffective, and the periostitis of the tooth will go to the chronic stage.
Differential diagnosis is performed with the following diseases:
- Acute periodontitis. It is characterized by the development of the inflammatory process at the apex of the root. Reaching the stage of exacerbation, the purulent exudate breaks out, forming a fistulous passage.
- Abscesses, phlegmon, lymphadenitis. These pathologies are accompanied by the appearance of dense formations. The skin above them is slightly hyperemic.
- Inflammation of the salivary glands. A purulent secret is secreted from the salivary ducts. Teeth and gums remain intact.
- Acute osteomyelitis. With this disease, the temperature rises sharply, the patient feels a chill all over his body. There may be headaches.
Based on the results of complex diagnostics, the doctor prescribes therapy.
Treatment with medicines
Regardless of the form of the disease, therapy always begins with the prescription of medications. For example, with purulent periostitis, antibiotics are recommended. The most effective are the following: Lincomycin, Ciprolet, Amoxicillin. For topical application, various gels and ointments are used, also based on antibiotics ("Levomekol", "Metrogil-Denta"). In cases of severe inflammation, it is better to take pills or capsules. Treatment of the flux with antibiotics continues until the symptoms disappear completely.
Additionally prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs. Usually it is Nimesil or Diclofenac. These drugs not only relieve inflammation, but also stop pain.
It should be understood that drug therapy is part of the whole course of treatment. Therefore, when the first symptoms of periostitis appear, you need to see a doctor. Uncontrolled and long-term use of drugs can not only harm, but also aggravate the course of the disease.
Operative intervention
Treatment of the flux with antibiotics is justified only at the initial stage of the development of the disease. If the patient ignores her first manifestations and does not consult a doctor, an abscess may appear. In this case, you can not do without surgical intervention. The operation is conducted to create conditions for a full outflow of purulent secretion, to eliminate the source of infection. It consists of the following stages:
- First, the dentist examines the focus of inflammation, determines the course of treatment and selects the type of anesthesia. Usually a conductor or infiltration option is used.
- After treatment of the oral cavity, the doctor performs an incision of about 2 cm. The depth of excision of the periodontium is achieved by the bone tissue of the jaw.
- The opened abscess is carefully cleaned, processed with a disinfecting solution.
- The next stage is the preparation of the dental crown.
- In the cleared channels drugs are introduced, the tooth itself is sealed.
In particularly serious cases, tooth extraction is indicated.
Recovery after surgery
The periosteum of the tooth, the treatment of which is carried out in a timely manner, is practically not accompanied by complications. However, after surgery it is important to follow certain rules. With their help, the rehabilitation process will go faster, and the risk of negative consequences will be zero.
The recovery period includes mouth rinsing with antiseptic solutions, the use of analgesics, and competent hygiene. Since the probability of relapse still exists, it is necessary to examine the cured teeth every day. And the gum and tissues near them can re-inflame.
Completely periostitis passes for 10 days. During this time, it is allowed to eat food at room temperature only. In this case, it is necessary to pay special attention to its consistency. It is recommended to chop the meat into minced meat, and to make mashed potatoes from vegetables and fruits. After each meal, rinse your mouth with antiseptic. They can be bought at every pharmacy.
How to remove the flux at home?
The use of folk remedies in the fight against the disease is permissible. However, first you need to consult a doctor and eliminate the cause of the abscess. Otherwise, such treatment will only ease the symptoms, but will not lead to a full recovery.
How to remove the flux at home? Among the variety of folk remedies, the following are characterized by special efficiency:
- Rinsing with a weak solution of soda;
- Application of infusions and broths on the basis of anti-inflammatory medicinal plants (sage, chamomile, mint, calendula);
- Application to the affected area of ice to reduce puffiness.
It is important to understand that periostitis is an inflammatory process, so you can not heat the gum and teeth. The same principle should be followed when using compresses and rinses. The water temperature in infusions should not exceed a mark of 25 degrees.
Preventive measures
To prevent inflammation of the periosteum of the tooth, all foci of infection must be treated in a timely manner. This applies to minor caries and serious forms of periodontitis. Many chronic diseases are characterized by an asymptomatic course, and they can be seen only on the roentgenogram. For the prevention of dentists recommend periodically undergo examinations and professional cleaning of teeth.
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