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What does it mean to be a moral person from the point of view of different cultures?

What does it mean to be a moral person? At first glance, the question seems very simple. Moral names of those people who strictly adhere to the accepted ethics in society are guided by specific moral principles. But after all, ethical norms depend on society, they are different for all peoples. It turns out, on the question of what it means to be a moral person, can there be different answers? Let's try to understand.

The notion of morality in different countries

Morality is the unspoken code that guides the life of society. In different countries, the terms "good", "evil", "bad", "shameful", "good", "right", etc., are treated differently. What does it mean to be a moral person, for example, in Thailand? It is enough not to discuss aloud the life of the royal family, especially the actions of the king. In Russia, any person can express his opinion about the personality and life of the president. The moral from the point of view of Islam is considered to be a person who clearly follows the orders of the Sharia. The standard of morality is the motivation of his actions: sincere, selfish or hypocritical. Jews and Christians from ancient times believed that morality was sent by God and is a set of rules (10 commandments). It is only natural that when asked about what it means to be moral, the answers of representatives of these societies will give different, corresponding to a specific culture and morals. But in them there will be something in common: all cultures recognize that a moral person follows the laws and attitudes of the ethics that is adopted in a certain society, never violates the laws (legal and moral) accepted in his environment. This is a correct, but narrow understanding of morality. But in the world there are also universal human beings, which do not depend on the specific features of this or that culture of value. And from this point of view, the answer to the question of what it means to be a moral person will sound quite different.

Universal morality and morality

Moral and moral values are inherent not only to a concrete society, but also to a specific person. They can change over time: people and society develop, traditions and customs change, new relationships arise. However, all peoples, regardless of their time on earth, culture, religion and government, there are absolute moral truths. The prohibitions on murder and theft are only two examples of common human values. They are necessary for the prosperity of each society and for the peaceful coexistence of peoples with different religions and cultures. From this point of view, the answer to the question of what it means to be a moral person will sound somewhat different. Suppose someone follows the laws (written and unwritten), does not swear in the streets, does not kill animals and people, does not violate public order because it is forbidden or not accepted. Naturally, this person can be called moral. But if someone does the same on their own convictions, then he is considered deeply moral. What does it mean to be a moral person? Follow the prescribed rules and regulations to avoid conviction or punishment. What does it mean to be a moral person? Understand the value of values close to all people, follow morality, not out of fear, but out of persuasion.

Education of morals

A person is born in society, therefore, from childhood, he absorbs his morals. Unfortunately, it often happens that locale ethics begins to prevail over universal values. And then the Muslims are against Christians, the Crusaders are trying to impose their beliefs with the sword, some countries are carrying their own "democracy" to their neighbors, not being interested in their beliefs. In today's troubled world, it is especially important from the very childhood to educate the child in moral and moral bases.

Special subject

For this purpose, in 19 regions of the Russian Federation, a new subject "Foundations of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics" (ORKSE) was introduced into the school curriculum. What does it mean to be moral? What values are close to people around the world? What moral values underlie different religions? Why should people adhere to universal values? These and other questions are being answered by the teachers who lead the new subject. He is called upon to develop motivation for conscious moral behavior, based on the ability to make a correct and free moral choice.

Let's sum up the results

So what does it mean to be a moral person? It means:

  • Adhere to the morality adopted in a particular society.
  • Be ready to make a correct and conscious moral choice.
  • Consciously adhere to universal values.
  • In their behavior be guided by these values.
  • Be able to be responsible for immoral or immoral acts.
  • To understand that only observance of moral principles helps to spiritually live in a society, to avoid wars, to develop.

Tyrants, dictators, despots, some modern politicians seek to dominate and achieve their own goals, ignoring moral principles and moral laws. Societies headed by such rulers are degrading. Tyrants, having reached the summit, remain there alone.

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