
Ear drops "Otypaks": instructions for use

A few months ago, after a prolonged flu, my ears began to hurt. After examining me, the doctor prescribed the medicine "Otipaks." An interesting name inspired belief in an early victory over ailments and, I must say, did not have to wait long. The drug relieved me of pain, and I again felt how great it is to be healthy!

I know that usually people read the instructions to the medication and only then take it, and I usually do it myself, but this time I got acquainted with the contents of the instructions a little later. Perhaps someone will find this information useful.

Ear drops "Otypaks": composition

The active substances are phenazone (0.64 g), lidocaine hydrochloride (0.16 g);

Excipients - ethyl alcohol, sodium thiosulfate, purified water, glycerin.

Otypaks. Instructions for use: general information

"Otipaks" are ear drops, which are produced in glass bottles (16 g) with a dropper cap. In the sale of the drug comes in a cardboard box, each bottle is sold with instructions for use. In appearance, the drops resemble a transparent solution with a hint of yellowness, there is a smell of alcohol. Produced in France.

Store the drug in a dark place at room temperature, not exceeding 25 degrees, away from children.

In a closed form, it is available for use for three years from the date of release, but if the vial is opened, it should be used within six months.

Available without a prescription.

The active substance contained in Otypaks can give a positive result in doping control.

Otypaks. Instructions for use: indications

"Otypaks" is a combined preparation for topical treatment in otology, which has a pronounced anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to the properties of the components, "Otipaks" is able to remove pain sensations in a short time and maintain an anesthetic effect for a long time. It is recommended as a local symptomatic treatment, an anti-inflammatory and analgesic for adults and children from the moment of birth when:

  • Acute period of middle otitis media;
  • Postgripposis otitis (my case);
  • Paratraumatic otitis media;
  • Purulent, unspecified average otitis;
  • Abscess of the external ear;
  • External otitis media;
  • Nemnoy otitis;
  • Chronic mucus median otitis;
  • Chronic serous middle otitis media.

Otypax. Instructions for use: use of the drug

Before first use, you must carefully remove the aluminum cover from the bottle by pulling the tab. Remove the dropper and insert it on the vial.

To warm the pots a little, hold them for a few seconds in the palm of your hand. Unscrew the cap, flip the bottle and drop 4 drops into the ear. Lie down for a few minutes, then turn over on the other side and drip drops into the other ear. Then tighten the white cap, put the bottle in the package and put it in a dark place.

You need to drip twice a day.

The course of treatment should not be delayed for more than 10 days.

Otypax. Instructions for use: contraindications, side effects

Side effects from the use of drops occur extremely rarely in the form of redness, irritation or skin itching.

Contraindications to the use of the drug: increased sensitivity to the components that make up the composition; Mechanical damage to the tympanic membrane, pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding.

If the drops are used with a perforated membrane, there is a possibility of complications from the contact of the components of the middle ear system and the active substance that is part of Otipax.

In pregnancy and lactation, drops can be used as recommended by a doctor.

As for me, now there is always a place for these magic drops in the home medicine cabinet, but I would not advise using them without medical examination and recommendations of a specialist.

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