Homeliness, Tools and equipment
Well for the pumping station. Connecting the pumping station to the well
Often the greatest problems with water supply are experienced by residents of private houses. But all this was solved earlier with the help of the arrangement of wells. Water, however, had to be carried in buckets, which takes a lot of time and is time-consuming. Today, the delivery of water can be done by a pumping station. An appropriate well is needed for the pumping station, and the installation must be carried out correctly. We'll talk about all this in this article.
Some general information
The pump station consists of an electric pump , a check valve and a hydraulic accumulator. There must also be a water tank. For example, if possible, you can put a few plastic tanks in the basement or underground room. This will allow to always have a reserve in case of unforeseen situations. Nevertheless, you will need a well for the pumping station. It can be a well of shallow depth. In addition, you will install a coarse and fine filter. In general, the pumping station will work without electricity, which is its main advantage, but we'll talk about this a little later. Choosing a pumping station is a fairly responsible step. Usually it is necessary to be guided by the company, the equipment performance and its quality in general.
Construction of the pumping station
Any, even the most simple and cheap pumping station is equipped with a non-return valve. It is necessary for protection against suction "dry". This increases the safety and durability of the electric pump. Another important detail is the coarse filter. It serves to protect the check valve and the pump against mechanical impurities. But the most important and interesting detail is the reservoir. In the standard version, it is made divided into two parts. In one of them there is water, and in the second - air under pressure. This allows you to use water even without electricity. The air presses on the water that flows through the pipes. Usually the pressure is sufficient to ensure a normal head. The check valve in this case does not allow the carrier to flow into the pump. But the accumulator is not a storage tank. The volume of the latter can be quite large, at the same time the expansion tank usually has a stock of not more than 50 liters of water.
The operating principle of the pumping station
The well for the pumping station is used as the main source of water. With the help of the pump, the carrier is pumped into the expansion tank. After that, the station goes into standby mode and remains in it until the pressure in the accumulator reaches the normal value. When the consumer opens the tap, the water comes under pressure through the pipes. Gradually, the pressure in the tank begins to fall, and when it reaches a certain mark, the pump turns on again and pours out the liquid. During intensive operation, the pump heats up. The cooling system is simple enough and consists in the flow of cold water through the station. If the overheating does happen, the automation cuts off the pump. Well, now let's talk about how the installation is done.
Connecting the pumping station to the well
The first problem faced by residents of a private home is the question of installing a pumping station. By itself, the process can not be called difficult and time-consuming. The most important thing is to choose the right mounting location. In general, the closer the station is to the well, the better. Usually the pump suction depth is limited to 10 meters. At the same time, the further the station, the worse the set becomes, which is due to the friction losses. So, for every 10 meters of the pipe, 1.2 meters of head goes. But in this case, a submersible pumping station for a well is more suitable. The use of a submersible pump allows the use of a very deep well or well. In the well it is always possible to organize a special platform, on which the station is installed. So it will not freeze in the winter.
Installation of the pumping station in the well
The legs of the station have special holes for the anchors. With their help it is necessary to fix the pump on the surface of the well or inside on a special platform. The last option is good because the water will not freeze. The first one allows you to more easily maintain the equipment. There are only two exits at the station. One of them is connected to the well, for which an ordinary plastic pipe is used. It falls into the water with a small margin and is connected to the pump. In this case, do not forget about the installation on one side of the pipe clutch and check valve. Thanks to this, the pipe will always be filled with water, which is the main protection against dry suction. The final filter is a coarse filter. The end of the pipe with the coupling, valve and filter is lowered to the bottom of the well. Such a system will work long enough and effectively. But always it is necessary to remember about subzero temperatures, therefore pipes passing from the well to the house, it makes sense to insulate. For example, a pumping station for an Abyssinian well is installed on the surface, since it is not possible to create a platform under the ground. In this case, it is advisable to transfer the pump to a heated room.
A little about how to choose a pumping station
In order for the acquisition to be appropriate, it is necessary to be guided by certain parameters. One of them is the power of the pump. This parameter is extremely important. The fact is that insufficient capacity will contribute to constant loads and overheating of equipment. At the same time, a large supply of power is a waste of money. It is necessary to be guided here by the amount of water consumed per hour. The capacity of the pumping station must be at least 5% and not more than 15%. But it is worth paying attention to the well. For example, its greater depth requires mounting more powerful equipment or a submersible pump. At the same time, the diameter is also important. Although this parameter in some cases can be ignored, but if you are dealing with a well, it is mandatory. Installation should be performed only after all calculations have been performed. Installation, however, can be done on its own, however, it is necessary to follow the sequence of actions and technology. In this case, your pumping station for the well will work without problems. The price largely depends on the manufacturer. Usually the prices start from 10 000 rubles. For example, Sprut AUJSP 100A will cost 9-11 thousand. At the same time, you will get a unit with a capacity of 2.3 meters per hour with a head of 36 meters.
What do consumers say?
We have already sorted out a little with you how a pumping station for a well is selected. Customer feedback and expert advice can greatly help you in choosing. For example, some models people do not recommend buying for a number of reasons. But other pumps, even from little-known manufacturers, are very high-quality. At the same time, their price is much lower than European production. Many advise the brand "Sprut", as well as "ALK". Consumers say that the manufacturer offers a fairly good choice at affordable prices. Most importantly, with the correct installation for several years, there are no problems. Some negative feedback about pumping stations is a small resource of the main working body. How much the pump will work, it is better to check with the consultants.
About Grundfos
This manufacturer is engaged in the manufacture of modular pumping stations. You can say that in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries it is one of the most famous and popular brands. To a large extent this is due to the affordable price and good quality. Modular systems from this company are designed for drainage, conventional and treated sewage, as well as rain and surface water. The main advantage of such stations is that they are made of a material resistant to corrosion. This greatly extends the life of the pump and the station as a whole. The Danish company makes quality products, so the pumping station for the well "Grundfos" will cost you about 35-40 thousand rubles. For example, the model MQ-35 will cost about 36,000 rubles. But such equipment is equipped with a soft start system, has overload protection and much more. The power of the engine is 850 watts, which is enough to provide a performance of 3 cubic meters per hour and a head lift of 36 meters.
As you can see, a well for a pumping station can use the most common. A shallow well will do. In any case, the greatest attention should be paid to the installation of equipment. It is on how well you have installed the station, and will determine the effectiveness of its work. Of course, when choosing, pay attention to what consumers write about a particular model. Not always a well-known manufacturer is a guarantor of quality. In addition, to buy a used station is not worth it for a number of reasons. First, you will not get any guarantees, and secondly, it is not known what the pump resource is.
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