Food and drink, Recipes
Vegetable dressing for the winter. Recipe
Many modern women try to combine work and home. In such a rhythm, many simply have a catastrophic lack of time. After all, you need to come home from work, cook a delicious dinner, play with the children and read a fairy tale for them at night. If you're lucky, then in the evening you can relax a little in the shower.
For many women, sunsets and various blanks are the salvation. Vegetable dressing for soups and second dishes will solve the problem over time. There are many ways to prepare. Here are the simplest.
For borsch
To get a delicious vegetable dressing for borsch, you need:
- Beet - two kilograms.
- Tomatoes, carrots and apples - for ½ kilogram.
- Green and yellow peppers are Bulgarian - ½ kilogram.
- Garlic - 5 heads.
- Chili pepper - 1 pod.
- Vegetable oil is 250 milliliters.
- Sugar sand - 1,5 tablespoon.
- Vinegar 9% dining room - ¼ cup.
- Salt.
Cooking process
Vegetable dressing for the winter is prepared very simply. First you need to prepare all the components. Apples and vegetables should be washed well. After that, the products should be dried. Apples, carrots and beets are worth cleaning, and then grind them to a large grater separately. Garlic should be chopped as small as possible. If possible, pass it through the press.
Sweet pepper and chili must be cleaned by removing the seeds and stems in the process. Now you can grind them. Sweet peppers should be cut into strips, and sharp - small cubes.
On the peel, a tomato must be made a small incision in the form of a cross. After that, vegetables should be lowered first into boiling water, and then into cold water. This will remove the skin from the tomato. Their flesh needs to be cut into cubes.
In a large-sized refractory, pour a little vegetable oil and heat it. After you need to lay beets and carrots. Vegetables should be fried for about 20 minutes on low heat.
To sugar beets and carrots you need to add sugar, sweet pepper, salt, tomatoes and apples. The mixture must be thoroughly mixed, and then put out for about 50 minutes under the lid.
Vegetable dressing for the winter is almost ready. In the received weight it is necessary to add garlic and sharp pepper. After this, the dressing should be stewed for another 15 minutes. At the end of the cooking, add vinegar.
How to store
When a vegetable dressing for the winter will be ready, it should be spread over the banks and rolled up. After this, the container should be turned upside down and left in this position until it cools down completely.
Banks, which will store vegetable filling for soup, should be prepared in advance. Tanks must be thoroughly washed and then sterilized. A ready-made dressing can be used not only for soup making, but also for garnish to meat dishes.
Beet filling
To prepare such a vegetable dressing, it is required:
- Beets - 1 kilogram.
- Tomatoes - 1 kilogram.
- Cabbage is two kilograms.
- Onion - 800 grams.
- Carrots - 500 grams.
- Sunflower oil is 600 milliliters.
- Salt - 20 teaspoons.
- Sugar - 16 large spoons.
- Essence of acetic acid - 1,5 tablespoon.
How to cook
This recipe for vegetable filling for the winter is useful to any hostess. After all, this mixture can help out at any time. To prepare a refueling for soups, you need to prepare all the products. Vegetables should be thoroughly washed and dried before use. If necessary, they should be cleaned. Carrots and beets must be rubbed on a large grater, and the rest of the vegetables - cut into cubes. All components are required to be folded into a deep saucepan and add sunflower oil, salt, granulated sugar. The container with the vegetable mixture should be placed on the fire. Its contents must be brought to a boil. After that, the fire should be made smaller and stew the vegetable mixture for about an hour. At the end of cooking, you need to add the acetic essence.
While preparing a vegetable dressing for the winter, you can prepare the banks. The glass containers in which the product will be stored should be carefully washed and sterilized. The ready refueling needs to be spread over the banks and rolled up. After this, the container should be turned with the neck down and left to cool. Keep the product better in the cold.
From greens and carrots
This vegetable filling is suitable for soups and second courses. For preparation it is required:
- Fresh carrots - 1 kilogram.
- Greenery - 300 grams.
- Sweet peppers are medium in size - up to 6 pods.
- Salt, preferably large - 1 kilogram.
How to prepare carrot filling
Carrots should be washed, peeled, and then grated. Pepper should be cleaned from the stem and seeds, and then finely chopped. Greens should be finely chopped. All components must be mixed in a deep container. In the vegetable mix, you need to add a large salt, and then decompose it into pre-prepared jars and ram. The containers with the capron cap are closed. Store vegetable filling for the winter in the refrigerator. Use the finished product for soups and various sauces.
Recipe for vegetable filling for the winter for cabbage soup
To prepare such a filling, you will need:
- White cabbage - three kilograms.
- Sweet pepper, preferably red - up to 15 pods.
- Tomato juice is three liters.
- Parsley fresh - to taste.
- Pepper fragrant - up to 8 peas.
- Laurel leaf - up to 6 pieces.
Stages of preparation
To begin with, tomato juice should be poured into a deep saucepan and put on fire. The liquid is important to bring to a boil. While the tomato juice is heated, the rest of the ingredients should be prepared. Greens, peppers and cabbage should be chopped, finely chopping. Vegetables must be mixed and then poured into boiling tomato juice. Cook the mixture for about five minutes. The finished product should be spread over sterilized jars, and then rolled up. Tanks should be placed upside down and left to cool completely. You can use the dressing not only for cooking soup, but also as a salad.
Refueling for dishes "Summer"
To prepare such a filling, you will need:
- Sweet pepper, carrots, tomatoes - one kilogram.
- Greens, for example, coriander, basil, dill, parsley - 150 grams.
- Salt ½ kg.
How is the summer refueling going to be?
To begin with, vegetables need to be washed and dried. If necessary, it is worth cleaning them. Sweet peppers should be cut into strips, carrots - grind into a grater, and cut the tomatoes into slices. Greens should be finely chopped. All the ingredients need to be combined. Do it better in enamel or plastic dishes. In the mixture, add salt and mix well. The finished product should be placed in dry and clean jars, and then tightly closed with capron lids. It is stored only in cold weather.
With beans
Borsch with dressing for the winter with beans will allow to cook a very tasty and aromatic soup. In addition, such a preparation is very easy. For preparation it is required:
- Tomatoes are five kilograms.
- Beans - one and a half kilograms.
- Beets - two and a half kilograms.
- Carrots - one and a half kilograms.
- Onions are one kilogram.
- Sweet pepper - one kilogram.
- Salt - about five large spoons.
- Vegetable oil - 400 grams.
- Dill and parsley.
- Vinegar 9% - 250 grams.
How to prepare a dressing with beans
A borsch refueling for the winter with beans is a unique billet that will save a lot of time. All vegetables need to be washed and then dried. Tomatoes it is better to pass through a meat grinder. Carrots and beets should be rubbed on a large grater. Onions must be cut into half rings, sweet pepper - straws. Beans are better to open until almost ready. All ingredients must be transferred to a deep pan. In the vegetable mix should be put salt, vegetable oil. Greens and vinegar is best added at the end of cooking.
Vegetable mixture should be extinguished about 50 minutes after it boils. The finished product should be spread over sterilized cans and closed tightly with lids. The rolled containers should be placed under the "coat" and left to cool completely.
And can I freeze?
If there is no room for storing cans with preforms, then vegetable filling frozen is ideal. It is prepared even easier. Required:
- Pepper is sweet Bulgarian.
- Carrot.
- Parsley.
How to cook
Bulgarian peppers should be thoroughly washed and cleaned, removing all seeds and stems. After that, cut the vegetables with straw. Carrots also need to be cleaned and thoroughly washed. Then it should be crushed. To do this, it is better to use a large grater.
Greens should be washed, dried and finely chopped. All products must be combined in a deep container, thoroughly mixed. The resulting mixture must be spread on polyethylene bags, and then placed in a freezer. This dressing is ideal for preparing saltwort, borsch, soup and ordinary soups. If you want, you can change the set of vegetables.
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