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Toxicosis in pregnancy: when to start worrying?

Toxicosis during pregnancy can very impair the first joyful emotions from the long-awaited two strips. It arises because of hormonal, immune and vascular changes in the body due to the development of the fetal egg. Unpleasant sensations, as a rule, end near the 16th week.

Why does toxicosis in pregnant women occur in the early stages?

Doctors still have discussions about this: some women do not have it at all, and others can suffer almost all nine months. The decisive role still played by the nervous system, which during pregnancy has a special effect on the stomach and intestines. There is vomiting, nausea, increased salivation.

Still doctors have noticed, that the toxicosis at pregnancy begins, when allocation of a chorionic gonadotropin (the basic "a hormone of pregnancy") reaches the peak.

If the future mother initially has problems with the stomach or intestines, then the risk of toxicosis rises many times.

Toxicosis in pregnancy is still considered a pathological condition, because it can adversely affect the fetus. In severe form, it can provoke a lack of oxygen and nutrients for the development of the child, up to the termination of pregnancy.

What are the symptoms of toxicosis?

The main manifestations: nausea, vomiting, excessive salivation (ptyalism), a change in taste sensations, intolerance of some smells. All these phenomena can manifest themselves, either individually or together. Less common toxemia in pregnancy manifests itself in the form of seizures, skin lesions (dermatoses), softening of bones (osteomalacia), asthma or jaundice.

Vomiting is the most frequent phenomenon that manifests itself to a greater or lesser extent in half of pregnant women. But in this case, treatment is necessary only for every tenth of them. If several times a day, vomiting occurs - on an empty stomach in the morning or after a meal, the usual smells cause an inadequate reaction, starts to often vomit - these are the usual symptoms that do not require medical intervention.

Most often, such toxicosis phenomena occur after the fifth week of pregnancy, and worry about it should not be. The more the future mother worries, the more pronounced toxicosis she can get.

What toxicosis is dangerous for the health of mom and baby?

Toxicosis in pregnancy is three levels of severity.

Easy degree

After a meal or in the morning, vomiting occurs, but not more often 4-6 times a day. There is a decrease in appetite, but the general condition of the body does not suffer. Weight may fall within 3 kg.

As a preventive measure, three types of drugs are recommended:

- reducing nervous excitability;

- eliminating toxins;

- Normalizing metabolism.

Average degree

Vomiting up to 10 times a day, the general condition worsens, the heart rate increases to 90-93 beats per minute, the temperature rises to 37-37.5 degrees. The average severity of toxicosis is noted even if vomiting almost does not bother, but there is a constant nausea, because of what the woman stops eating at all.

This case already requires hospitalization or treatment in a day hospital. Droppers are placed to fill the lack of nutrients and fluids. If the symptoms of toxicosis progress, the doctor may prescribe drugs that suppress the urge to vomit.

Heavy degree

This is already an indication for immediate hospitalization. Constant vomiting, in which the body does not take even water, a significant metabolic disorder, dehydration, severe deterioration of the general condition, acetone in the urine, changes in blood composition are signs of severe toxicosis.

Appoint most often treatment, similar to the average severity. But if the condition does not improve, it can lead to termination of pregnancy due to medical conditions. Fortunately, this happens in very rare cases.

In any case, toxicosis is good news for any woman, because it means that the baby is growing and developing. For the sake of happiness to become a mother, all these troubles can be endured. In addition, if you properly treat temporary discomfort, do not worry, tune in to good, then the toxicosis passes quickly enough, leaving no negative memories afterward.

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