HealthAlternative Medicine

Useful properties of parsley and contraindications

Parsley is a spicy culture that has high value not only in cooking, but also in pharmacology, cosmetology, dermatology, perfumery. In ancient Egypt, it was considered a sacred grass, an adult on the blood of the son of the god Osiris. All parts of this plant contain special essential oils that give parsley a spicy smell and taste.

Grass-healer and a source of vitamins

So, what are the useful properties of parsley and contraindications to its use? This herb is a real healer. With its regular use, you can make up for the lack of vitamins and nutrients in the body. Apply not only leaves, but also the root of parsley. The latter is not easy. It has edible indigestible fibers, despite its whitish color, there is more carotene in it than in carrots, a huge amount of vitamin C, potassium, vitamins B1, B2, a huge amount of vitamin K (involved in blood clotting).

Having considered the useful properties of parsley, and contraindications to its use can not be left out. Recently, even a special resolution has been adopted prohibiting the use of essential oils of this herb in dietary supplements, since they have a pronounced strong effect. You can use them in medicines only with a special permit. This fact itself shows how clinically effective parsley can be.

Essential oils of this herb, giving it a special unique taste, have three main properties:

  • Antioxidant. They stabilize DNA; Can even kill cancer cells;
  • Bactericidal. For example, after chewing parsley, a person disinfects the oral cavity.

Parsley for the treatment of diseases

This herb is actively used by folk healers and in herbal medicine. In the old days, parsley, useful properties for women which were well known, was actively used for treatment and prevention. So, shortly before the wedding, the girl was prepared with a drink from the herb infused in boiling water. The bride was supposed to drink it three times a day for a month. It was believed that such a procedure would expel all the sickness from the body, and the girl would come under the crown completely cleared and healthy. In our time, a decoction is used to combat excess weight. It is checked that if you drink it, then at least two hours will not be hungry. In addition, the use of parsley produces a pronounced diuretic effect. Useful properties of parsley and contraindications should be carefully studied. It is proved that this herb can reduce headache, reduce pain in women during menopause.

Contraindications to the use of decoction

Not always useful is a decoction of parsley. Its contra-indications are the period of pregnancy and individual characteristics of people. So, because of the diuretic effect, it should not be drunk with pregnant women, besides, with the use of a large amount of parsley, the probability of miscarriage may increase. It is also undesirable to use it at low pressure.

Parsley in cosmetology

The use of parsley is also effective in cosmetic procedures. For example, it is an excellent remedy against edema and bags around the eyes. Means from parsley perfectly nourish the skin, vitaminize it, bleach it, soften it.

Useful properties of parsley and contraindications to its use are known from ancient times. And even now, despite the abundance of medicines, cosmetics, this herb remains in demand both in alternative medicine and in home cosmetology.

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