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What are the signs of an early birth in a mole?

All pregnant women often think about the date of birth. The excitement is completely justified. Those who give birth for the first time, are afraid not to recognize the signs of such an important event and confuse the main harbingers with the usual malaise. The more experienced women, those who are pregnant the second time, perfectly remember all the precursors. But even they are often lost, colliding with their rapid flow. To avoid in vain excitement and be ready for all the changes taking place in the body, it is necessary to study what are the signs of an early birth in a miscreant.

At what time to wait for precursors?

It is difficult enough to correctly predict the period when the body begins to prepare for childbirth. Even experienced obstetricians and gynecologists can not call an exact date. However, physicians allocate mean values, when the signs of rapid delivery in the parasite appear most often.

At the second pregnancy, childbirth occurs, as a rule, earlier 1-2 weeks from the established date. Thus, the birth of a child at the 38-39th week is a frequent occurrence. This is especially true for those women who have an interval between the first and second pregnancies of less than 3 years.

Sometimes the repeated delivery can begin even at the 37th week. In this case, the crumb will be born absolutely healthy. The causes and signs of an early delivery in the re-parenting depend mainly on the characteristics of the structure of the mother's body. If at the 37th week the pregnancy is already complete, then it is quite natural for the baby to be born at this time.

Speaking about the causes and timing of the onset of labor, doctors analyze the readiness of the uterus and the maturity of the fetus. Once these indicators reach the norm (and this can be observed even at the 37th week), a woman should prepare for the appearance of the heir to the world.

Readiness of the uterus is determined by the following indicators:

  • It acquires sufficient dimensions and accumulates the necessary mass;
  • Complete ripening of the placenta;
  • The neuromuscular system of the organ is completely ready for contractile activity.

So, figuring out the terms, let's consider what are the signs of an early birth in the miscreant.

Instinct of "nesting"

A few weeks before the important date, the woman stabilizes the hormonal background. In this regard, there are the following signs of rapid precursors of labor in reproductive:

  • A burst of vitality;
  • Increased energy;
  • Sharp improvement in well-being;
  • Feeling of happiness.

A woman always tries to use this condition with advantage. In the house a general cleaning is started, the children's room is urgently set up. You can start washing things or ironing.

As a rule, such a syndrome of "nesting" is observed at 36-37-th week in the re-breeding.

Training fights

These signs of swift delivery in the miscreant occur approximately at the 32-37th week. At the same time, false fights can be quite weak. Most women do not even notice them.

Sometimes training fights appear in the miscarriages a few weeks before the birth. Such signs can easily be mistaken for real uterine contractions.

False bouts are characterized by such features:

  • They are short-lived and irregular;
  • With time they subside, but do not grow;
  • Accompanied by a small pain, reminiscent of discomfort with menstruation;
  • After a short rest, the bouts disappear.

Abdominal abscess

This precursor is one of the important first signs indicating the readiness of the organism for childbirth. A woman has a belly drop, as the baby in the womb descends to the entrance to the small pelvis. He is preparing to pass through the patrimonial ways.

Women, who for the first time will become mothers, face such precursors 2-4 weeks before the onset of labor. Repeated folk observe abdominal depression much later. At them the kid starts to prepare for sorts approximately for couple of days prior to birth. But we should not consider such a harbinger completely objective, assessing the readiness of the female body. In some, the abdomen is already lowered during the delivery.

After lowering the uterus, the woman's condition changes somewhat. There comes a little relief, but with it there are other inconveniences.

Pay attention to the first signs of rapid delivery in the miscarriages, provoked by the lower abdomen:

  • Heartburn is gone;
  • Breathing is facilitated;
  • Urination becomes more frequent (the uterus can now press on the bladder);
  • Movement is difficult;
  • There is pain in the region of the pubic joint.

Baby's behavior

The fact that the birth is approaching, you can guess on the behavior of the baby. A few days before the momentous event, the crumbs subsided. It becomes inactive. His movements are quite lazy.

Such a temporary calm is suddenly replaced by a stormy activity. These are signs of an imminent birth in a maternity woman. After all, this way the kid "works out" the technique of behavior during childbirth. So, he does not plan to stay in the womb for a long time.

Departure of the cork

Analyzing what signs of an early birth in the miscarriages, you should pay attention to the condition of the mucous plug. Her departure indicates that my mother is about to go to the hospital.

Cork is a mucus of brown or beige tinge that covered the fruit from infection during the entire pregnancy.

The process of departure can be different:

  1. The cork can move completely. In this case, the woman will see a lump of mucus. After retreatment, a woman often has pain in her lower back and lower abdomen.
  2. It may be observed the removal of the plug in parts. Periodically, mucus discharge will be observed. They have a dense structure and do not have an unpleasant odor. Sometimes mucus can contain blood veins.

In most cases, the cork goes away from the miscarriages a few hours before the onset of labor. However, in some women this phenomenon can be observed a couple of days before the appearance of crumbs into the light.

Food disorders

The appearance of a liquid stool in a woman can also be attributed to the precursors of an early delivery. This sign indicates the purification of the body. If a mating woman is faced with an unreasonable disorder, it is more likely that the baby will be born in the next 24 hours.

Many pregnant women perceive diarrhea as poisoning. After all, this sign is often accompanied by the appearance of nausea. And sometimes women even feel vomiting.

Similar precursors may be accompanied by other signs that indicate the imminent approach of the birth:

  1. There is a small weight loss. As a rule, it is 2-2,5 kg. The weight loss occurs 2-3 days before the birth.
  2. Puffiness decreases.
  3. Disturbance of digestion can be accompanied by a change in appetite.
  4. A woman notes frequent desires for emptying. But they turn out to be false.
  5. The pain that appears in the waist and pubic region is of a pulling nature. It is accompanied by a feeling of pressure in the perineal zone.

Faced with such precursors, you must understand that the birth is already on the nose.

The most important signs

Do you observe the precursors of childbirth? Do you have all the above signs of the fast? The onset of labor in the miscreant can occur rapidly. Therefore, you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible.

About the beginning of labor activity signals two characteristic signs:

  • Bubble rupture and water leakage;
  • Occurrence of regular fights.

Amniotic shells must be torn in the process of birth. Normally, water is released when the cervix is opened at 7-9 cm. However, in most cases, everything happens differently. The waters go away much earlier than the woman's contractions begin. And most often this is faced with a recurrence.

A fetal bladder may begin to leak slowly. Sometimes it bursts suddenly, and water "pours in stream". A woman does not feel pain when she breaks the amniotic membranes. But the hospital should go immediately, even if rhythmic contractions of the uterus is not yet observed.

Contractions are the main sign of the onset of labor. They indicate the opening of the cervix. It should be noted that in the case of re-birth fights can proceed much faster and more intensively. Therefore, to delay the visit to the hospital should not be.

Determine the beginning of fights can be on these features:

  • Painful sensations occur at regular intervals;
  • Gradually they begin to increase;
  • The contractions increase in duration;
  • Discomfort does not subside when the position of the body changes;
  • Painful sensations increase.

Opinion of women

Those who are preparing to become mothers for the second time, testify that they watched all the same precursors, as for the first time. But there are some differences. At the first pregnancy, all signs of childbirth occur gradually and slowly enough.

The second pregnancy is characterized by rapid flow. It is not always possible to notice signs of rapid delivery in the miscreant. Reviews of women show that often the entire process of the appearance of an infant begins with the passage of water. And thus, as a rule, before the established term. Childbirth often passes very quickly and easily enough.

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