Food and drinkSalads

Parsley. Useful Properties and Applications

This plant is familiar to everyone. Probably, there is no person on earth who does not hear about this "green miracle". But very few people are familiar with the positive qualities of such a beautiful plant.

Contained in parsley vitamins and minerals (calcium, magnesium and potassium), have a positive effect on blood circulation, and iron helps fight anemia. Parsley, useful properties of which help to remove toxins from the body, also positively affects menstruation. The plant helps to stimulate lagging menstruation, increases bleeding. Parsley is also a proven way for menstrual pain. Decoction from it positively affects the muscles of the pelvis, as well as with diseases of the bladder, prostate and kidneys. Parsley root is a good diuretic and is used for swelling and problematic fluid retention in the body.

Parsley, the useful properties of which are also good antiseptics, has a positive effect on the process of digestion and prevents urinary tract infections. Provitamin A, contained in the leaves of the plant, has a positive effect on vision. The daily intake of vitamin C is satisfied by one tablespoon of root vegetable. Thus, it should be added to the dishes, especially during periods of poor health (during the spring solstice). In addition, it refreshes the breath and is able to mask odors, for example, garlic.

Parsley is used for the following diseases and symptoms:

• asthma;
• bladder problems;
• cough;
• retention of water, liquids;
• problems with digestion;
• high blood pressure;
• bloating and gas;
• kidney problems;
• problems with the prostate;
• liver disease;
• rheumatism;
• absence or irregular menstruation.

Application of the "green miracle".

Parsley leaves retain most of the properties of its roots. It can be used as an additive to food and salads. Dried and frozen parsley wholesome properties completely preserves. At the same time, during cooking some useful properties are lost, including vitamin C. It is best to tear off the leaves of the plant in the early morning, when the sun does not so warm and the leaves do not fade quickly. Dry the greens should be, spread them on a flat surface and leave in a place where there is a shadow and the wind does not blow. The plant can be frozen in ice molds and stored in plastic bags.

In natural medicine parsley is used usually in the form of infusions and broths. Root crop also has good taste qualities. It adds sweets and aroma to soups, especially broths.

At present, wild plants are rarely found. Parsley is grown all over the world as an addition to nutritious dishes, salads and soups.

Parsley seeds are used to make oils that have antirheumatic properties, hypoallergenic, antiseptic, astringent, carminative, diuretic, laxative and gastric, and also improves blood circulation, freshens breath and improves psychological comfort.

Parsley oil also has the property of detoxification and speeds up the removal of toxins from the body. When urinating, the body gets rid of toxins and unwanted effects, such as excess water, salts and uric acid.
Astringent properties of the oil are used externally and internally. It causes a reduction in the gums (affects the strengthening of the teeth), hair follicles (prevents hair loss). Accelerates wound healing.

The carcinogenic action consists in elimination of the symptoms connected with excessive accumulation of intestinal gases.

Parsley oil also affects the digestive system. It stimulates appetite and metabolism, maintains the necessary level of gastric juice, reduces inflammation, protects against infections and ulcers. Gynecological properties are manifested in the regulation of the menstrual cycle and alleviation of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and menstrual pain.

Parsley, its useful properties are numerous, it is also used in the treatment of many other problems, such as cellulite, lumbosacral radiculitis, hemorrhoids, cystitis, weakening of libido.

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