Food and drink, Recipes
Unsafe baked goods
Bad pastries are often a hot snack, a second course or a hearty breakfast. It includes pies with various fillings of meat, cheese, vegetables, poultry, sausages and other. In addition, home-made bread also belongs here with pizza, sausages in the dough, and kulebyaki.
Recently, unsweetened pastries have quickly become very popular, as it is easily and quickly prepared and has good taste qualities.
Let's consider several recipes for preparing such dishes.
1. Kubdari with meat.
Ingredients. Dough: five hundred grams of flour, ten grams of yeast, half a spoonful of salt, one spoonful of sugar, two tablespoons of vegetable oil, one egg, twenty grams of water. Filling: six hundred grams of meat, three onions, one spoonful of hops-suneli, sixty grams of butter, salt and spices.
Bad pastries begin to prepare when meat and onions are ground in a meat grinder, add butter, hops-suneli, salt and spices, mix well and put in a cold place until the test is ready.
From these components, knead the dough and leave to come. Then it is divided into two parts, one of which is rolled out, spread on a greased baking sheet. On top put the prepared forcemeat. The second part of the test is also rolled out, put on it minced meat and connect both parts along the edges. All the eggs are smeared and pierced in several places with a fork. Kubdari is baked for forty minutes.
2. Bad pastry "Funny guys."
Ingredients: three glasses of flour, two hundred and thirty grams of margarine, fifty grams of fresh yeast, two hundred grams of milk, one spoon of salt, one egg.
In cold milk, yeast is mixed, mixed with a pinch of salt. The flour is poured into the dishes, add margarine to it and cut with a knife, and, gradually pouring in the milk, mix the dough (not too steep).
Roll out the thin sticks and cut them into pieces in ten centimeters, spread on a greased baking sheet and let stand for fifteen minutes.
Meanwhile, break the egg into a plate, add salt and whisk. Bad pastry is smeared with this mixture and baked in the oven for thirty minutes.
3. Pizza.
Ingredients: fifty grams of yeast, half a liter of water, one egg, one spoon of salt, flour (how many will come in), three hundred grams of sausage, two onions, two tomatoes, one hundred grams of cheese, and vegetable oil and one hundred grams of tomato sauce and mayonnaise .
Yeast is bred in water, add egg, salt, mix well and add so much flour to make the dough thick. After that, the dishes are set aside for two hours.
Meanwhile, cut sausage, onion and fry them separately in oil, then mix everything, add sliced hard tomatoes.
On a greased baking sheet spread the dough and put it in the oven for fifteen minutes. Then it is smeared with sauce, top put stuffing and again poured with sauce and mayonnaise, sprinkle with grated hard cheese. Bake unsweetened pies until the dough is completely fried (you can check it by punching it with a toothpick or match).
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