Education, Colleges and Universities
Types of education in Russia and the USA: comparison
Education in Russia is regulated by the Federal Law "On Education", adopted in January 1996. According to this legal act, the system of education includes various municipal, state and non-state institutions - preschool, general education, institutions of additional education, professional, etc.
Currently, there are the following types of education in Russia: preschool, secondary, vocational and higher professional.
The structure of preschool education includes a large number of institutions that have a great deal of autonomy in the choice of training programs, the main directions of the educational process, which perform many functions. These include: ordinary kindergartens, kindergartens designed for pupils with deviations in mental and physical development, child development centers, health centers, etc.
The main and most important link in the system is a general education or school. It includes secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, schools with in-depth study of languages, evening schools, lyceums-boarding schools, designed not only for education but also for students, special schools, schools for teaching children lagging behind in mental development, Musical and art schools.
As a rule, various secondary schools, which train graduates of working specialties (locksmiths, welders), and colleges (technical schools), are referred to secondary special educational institutions. Graduates of academies, universities and institutes receive higher professional education . And often it happens that one educational institution is part of another. For example, the institute is part of the university.
Modern forms of education went to our country as a legacy from the pre-existing Soviet Union. The very system of education and upbringing of children in special institutions of the tsarist and then imperial times was significantly different from ours. With the collapse of the USSR, Russian youth received the opportunity to study in almost any country in the world, while a few decades ago it was available only to units, children of especially privileged officials. At present, theoretically, anybody can get business education abroad, unfortunately, in practice everything is much sadder. Education in universities in Europe can not afford an average Russian resident.
The education system in the US is very different from ours. It does not have one centralized structure, therefore each state has the right to regulate the educational process in its territory at its own discretion.
So, the types of education in the US:
Crèche. This institution is not required to visit. It is designed for children 3-4 years old and involves teaching the child basic knowledge - correct speech, writing, counting, drawing.
Kindergarten. In the United States, kindergartens, or as they are otherwise called - preparatory classes, are part of the primary school. Their visit is considered compulsory for all children 5-6 years of age.
Primary School. At the end of this institution, the child receives elementary or primary education. The training process lasts 5 years. The initial American school has some features. So, during all 5 years, as a rule, one qualified teacher is engaged in the training of children. At the same time, the composition of the classes is re-formed every year from the total number of students.
The secondary school, attended by children aged 11-14, involves the study of many new subjects, each of which is taught by a separate teacher. The compulsory component of the secondary school curriculum is athletic training.
High school involves the training of adolescents aged 14-18. After graduating, the graduate gets a secondary education, sufficient to start work.
Such types of education as professional, higher (bachelor), postgraduate, doctoral studies can be considered as a separate stage of training. Receiving them is necessary for people who want to associate their life with jurisprudence, medicine, science.
At first glance it may seem that in the United States the types of education are the most diverse. Although in fact the only weighty difference is in the names of institutions. Thus, it is easy to draw a parallel between the Russian kindergarten and American nurseries, a higher education in the US (bachelor's degree) and an unfinished higher education in Russia.
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