HealthDiseases and Conditions

Trichomoniasis. Symptoms and Treatment

Trichomoniasis is, perhaps, one of the most common diseases that are transmitted during sexual intercourse. It is caused by vaginal trichomonads, which live in the genitourinary apparatus of a person. This single-celled organism is very viable and can exist for 24 hours in wet clothes, in water and urine. If a person is stricken with trichomoniasis, symptoms may appear even after a week, and in many cases the course of the disease can also go without any visible signs.

Trichomonases affect both the male and female urethra. In addition, women suffer from the cervix and vestibule of the vagina, and in men - the prostate gland. If a woman has trichomoniasis, the symptoms will be as follows: frothy discharge of gray-yellow color from the vagina, soreness of urination, itching and redness. Men also have discomfort with urination and discharge of white from the urethra.

If the patient has acute trichomoniasis, his symptoms are significantly worse: severe itching, abundant leucorrhoea, burning sensation. Often can also pull the lower abdomen. The aggravation occurs, mainly, in violation of sexual hygiene and the presence of other infectious diseases such as syphilis or gonorrhea. Non-treated trichomoniasis can lead to severe consequences - infertility in women and prostatitis in men.

With the diagnosis of "trichomoniasis", treatment can take time from 10 days to one month. First and foremost, general strengthening agents are used, which strengthen the body's defenses. It is excluded from the menu fried food, acute and salty, and also absolutely contraindicated alcohol, which is not compatible with antitrichomonadnymi drugs. Strict adherence to hygiene and the rejection of sexual acts also contribute to a speedy recovery. Both partners should be treated at the same time, irrespective of whether trichomonads are found in both, or only in one.

In treatment, both general therapy that kills trichomonads, and local, cleaning signs of trichomoniasis - inflammation, itching and the like are used. In addition, one must know that local therapy alone does not lead to recovery, but is used only in combination with the main one. Since drugs for treatment are mainly antibiotics, then in parallel with the course of treatment, care should be taken to maintain normal microflora. For this, you can eat foods containing bifidobacteria.

It is recommended to treat partners in one clinic, which significantly increases its effectiveness. At the end of the course of treatment several times within 2 months, repeated tests for trichomoniasis are performed. Symptoms may disappear, but this does not mean that the cure has come in full. Only careful laboratory tests can confirm that the disease was completely removed.

For the prevention of trichomoniasis it is desirable to use a condom, which is a fairly reliable protection. If there was a sexual intercourse without a condom, you should immediately wash your sexual organs with household soap and use antiseptics like miramistine. If the disease is found in adults and the family has female children, they also need to be examined in order to avoid serious consequences.

It must be remembered that there is, albeit not a large one, the likelihood of contracting this disease by the domestic way. This can be facilitated by using personal hygiene products, linen, using a shared toilet. Traditional medicine offers its methods of treatment - leaves of lilac, celandine, calendula, bird cherry, aloe juice, garlic and onions, water tincture of aira. They are also told about the cure of the disease with the help of medical leeches. But still, it is better to turn to a specialist who will conduct qualified treatment, and not risk his health, since the disease is serious and cure it is not so simple.

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