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Icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source": what helps. Temple of the icon of the Mother of God "The Life-giving Spring"

With boundless love and veneration are in the Christian world to the Heavenly Queen - the Blessed Virgin Mother of God. And how can you not love our Intercessor and the Prayer Book before the Throne of God! Her clear gaze is directed at us from countless icons. She showed great miracles to people through her images, famous as miraculous. One of the most famous among them is the icon of the Mother of God "The Life-giving Spring".

The miracle revealed in the sacred grove

The sacred legend tells that in ancient times, when Byzantium was still a prosperous state and the heart of the world Orthodoxy, near its capital Constantinople, not far from the famous "Golden Gate", was a sacred grove. It was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Under the canopy of its branches, a spring streamed from the earth, causing coolness on hot summer days. There were rumors circulating among the people that the water in it has some healing properties, but no one took them seriously, and gradually forgotten by all the source is overgrown with grass and grass.

But one day, in 450, a warrior named Lev Marcellus, passing through a grove, met a blind man, lost in the thick trees. The warrior helped him, supported him while he got out of the thickets, and sat him in the shade. When he began to seek water to water the traveler, he heard a wonderful voice commanding him to find a nearby source and wash his eyes with water blind.

When the compassionate warrior did this, the blind man suddenly saw the light, and they both fell to their knees, offering thanks to the Blessed Virgin, as they realized that it was her voice that was heard in the grove. The Queen of Heaven foretold Leo Markell the imperial crown, which came to pass in seven years.

Temples - grateful emperors' gifts

Having reached the supreme power, Markell did not forget the miracle revealed in the sacred grove, and the predictions about his such amazing rise. By his order, the source was cleaned and surrounded by a high stone border. Since then, he became known as the Life-Bearer. Here, a temple was built in honor of the Blessed Virgin, specially for him was painted the icon of the Mother of God "The Life-giving Spring". Since that time many miracles have become famous for the source of blessing and the icon, which is kept in the temple. Thousands of pilgrims began to flock here from the remotest parts of the empire.

A hundred years later, the then ruling Emperor Justinian the Great, suffering from a severe and incurable illness, came to the sacred grove where the icon of the Mother of God "The Life-giving Spring" stood. Having washed himself in the fertile waters and performed a moleben before the miraculous image, he regained his health and strength. As a token of gratitude, the lucky emperor ordered to build next to another temple and, in addition, to found a monastery designed for a large number of inhabitants. So more and more glorified icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source", the prayer before which was able to heal from the most serious ailments.

The fall of Byzantium and the destruction of temples

But the terrible calamities of 1453 came upon Byzantium. The great and once prosperous empire fell under the onslaught of Muslims. The great star of Orthodoxy has sunk. The wicked invaders betrayed Christian shrines. Was defeated in the ruins and the temple of the icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving spring", and all the monastery buildings that stood nearby. Already much later, in 1821, an attempt was made to renew the prayer services in the sacred grove, and even a small church was built, but it was soon destroyed, and the fertile spring was covered with earth.

But people could not calmly look at this sacrilege, in whose hearts the fire of true faith burned. Secretly, under the cover of night, the Orthodox cleared their scorned shrine. And just as secretly, risking their lives, carried away, hidden under their clothes, vessels filled with holy water. This continued until the internal policy of the new owners of the country changed, and the Orthodox was not given some easing in the performance of divine services.

Then a small church of the icon of the Mother of God "The Life-giving Spring" was built on the site of the destroyed church. And since Orthodoxy can not be without charity and compassion, we built an almshouse and a hospital in the church, in which many sufferers and cripples gained health by prayers to the Most Pure Intercessor.

Veneration of holy icons in Russia

When, with the fall of Byzantium, the sun of Orthodoxy rolled in the East, it radiated with new power in Holy Russia, and with it a number of liturgical books and holy images appeared. And then life was inconceivable without the humble and wise faces of the saints of God. But the special attitude was to the images of the Savior and His Most Pure Mother. Among the most revered icons were those written in ancient times on the banks of the Bosphorus. One of them is the icon of the Mother of God "The Life-giving Spring".

It should be noted that since the XVI century Russia has become involved in the practice of sanctifying springs and reservoirs located in or near the monasteries, and at the same time dedicating them to the MostHoly Mother of God. This custom came to us from Greece. Numerous lists have also been distributed from the Byzantine image of the "Life-giving source". However, compositions written in Russia before the XVII century, has not yet been found.

Image of the Virgin in the Sarov desert

As an example of a special love for her, we can recall the famous Sarov desert, whose glory was brought by its name by the unremarkable light of Orthodoxy - St. Seraphim of Sarov. In that monastery a temple was specially erected, in which the icon of the Mother of God "The Life-giving Spring" was kept. Its significance in the eyes of the believers was so great that the Monk Elder in especially important cases sent pilgrims to pray to the Theotokos, kneeling before this Her miraculous icon. As evidenced from the memoirs of contemporaries, there was no case that prayer remained unheard.

The image that strengthens in the struggle with sorrows

What is the power of the Icon of the Mother of God "The Life-giving Spring"? What helps it and what can you ask for it? The most important thing that this miraculous image brings to people is getting rid of sorrows. Life, unfortunately, is full of them, and not always we have the mental strength to cope with them.

They come from the enemy of man, because they are the product of unbelief in the providence of God. Here in these cases, and brings peace in the soul of the human "Life-giving source" - the icon of the Mother of God. What do we pray for yet to our Most Pure Intercessor? About how to protect us and the very sources of these sorrows - the troubles and misfortunes of everyday life.

Celebrations in honor of the holy icon

As another example of the special veneration of this icon, it should be mentioned, the tradition that has developed throughout many centuries to serve on Friday of the Bright Week a water-moleben before this image. He served in all churches immediately after the end of the Liturgy. Since ancient times, it has been customary to sprinkle water, consecrated on this prayer, gardens, orchards and arable lands, thus calling the help of the Blessed Virgin in the gift of a rich harvest.

The holiday of the icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving spring" is celebrated twice a year. Once this happens on April 4, as it was on this day in 450 the Virgin Mary appeared to the pious warrior Lev Markell, having ordered to erect a temple in her honor in the holy grove and pray in it about the health and salvation of Orthodox Christians. On that day, the Akathist Icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving Spring" is surely performed.

The second holiday takes place, as stated above, on Friday of the Bright Week. On that day, the church recalls the renewed temple in honor of this icon, which was once near Constantinople. In addition to the rank of the water authority, the celebration is also accompanied by the Easter procession.

Features of iconography of the image of the Virgin

It should be particularly noted on the iconographic features of this image. It is commonly believed that the Icon of the Mother of God "The Life-giving Spring" goes back to the ancient Byzantine image of the Virgin, named "The Lady of Victory", which is in turn the outcast of the icon of the Theotokos. However, there is no single opinion on this issue among art historians.

If you study the spreading icons of the time, it is not difficult to notice some significant compositional changes introduced over the centuries. So, in the early icons there is no image of the source. Also, not at once, but only during the development of the image, a bowl called a vial, a pond and a fountain entered into his composition.

Distribution of the holy image in Russia and on Athos

A number of archaeological findings testify to the spread of this image in Rus. So, for example, in Crimea during excavations a dish with the image of the Virgin was found. Her figure with prayerfully uplifted hands is depicted in a bowl. The find is dated to the 13th century and is considered one of the earliest images of this kind located on the territory of our country.

The description of another image, corresponding to the image of the "Life-giving source" of the XIV century, can be found in the work of the church historian Nicephorus Callistus. He describes the image of the Virgin in the vial set above the pond. On this icon the Blessed Virgin is depicted with the Infant Christ in her arms.

The fresco "The Life-giving Spring", located on the Holy Mountain Athos, is also interesting. It refers to the beginning of the XV century. Her author - Andronicus of Byzantium - presented the Virgin in a wide bowl with the blessing Eternal Infant in her arms. The name of the image is written in Greek text on the edges of the fresco. Also a similar plot is found in some icons, stored in various monasteries of Mount Athos.

Help poured out through this image

But still, what is the unique attraction of this image, so how does the icon of the Mother of God "The Life-giving Spring" attract people to itself? What helps and what does it store? First of all, this image bears healing to all those who are suffering corporally and in the prayers of those who hope in the help of the Queen of Heaven. It was with this that his glorification began in ancient Byzantium. This he won love and appreciation, being among the expanses of Russia.

In addition, he successfully heals the icon and spiritual ills. But the main thing is that it saves those who resort to it from the pernicious passions that so often overwhelm our souls. It is their influence that saves the "Life-giving source" - the icon of the Mother of God. What are they praying for in front of her, what do they ask the Queen of Heaven for? First of all, about the gift of forces to cope with all the low and vicious that is inherent in us, damaged by original sin, human nature. Unfortunately, there is much that surpasses human possibilities and in what we are powerless without the help of the Lord God and His Most Pure Mother

The source of life and truth

In all cases, no matter in which compositional solution the author of this or that cure of this image stops, one must first of all understand that the Life-giving source is the Sacred Virgin, through whom the One who gave life to all who exists on earth was incarnated.

He spoke the words, which became the stone on which the temple of true faith was built, He revealed to mankind both the way, and the truth, and life. And with that gracious Life-giving source, whose streams have been washed from sin and watered the Divine field, the Queen of Heaven, the Blessed Virgin Mother of God became for us all.

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