HealthDiseases and Conditions

Treatment of dry cough: traditional and traditional medicine comes to the aid of a person

Such an unpleasant phenomenon as a cough is actually quite a useful manifestation of the activity of our body in the process of combating various irritants of the upper respiratory tract. When coughing with phlegm , both pathogenic bacteria and toxins are removed - the results of their work, which can not help being healthy. However, all this is true for the so-called wet cough, while dry barking cough not only does not bring relief, but also constantly irritates the mucous membranes. Therefore, it should be disposed of as quickly as possible.

Dry cough occurs when irritation of cough receptors occurs due to inflammatory processes or as a result of a certain impact - physical, thermal or chemical and impact. Experts believe that the treatment of a dry cough should be, first of all, in its suppression by the methods of symptomatic therapy. It is impossible to name such an effect as a full-fledged treatment, however, it is necessary to alleviate the patient's suffering.

Medicamental treatment of this disease consists in the admission of certain pharmacological preparations of central and peripheral action. Means of the first type suppress the cough reflex in the oblong brain regions, this is codeine, ethylmorphine, oxeladin, dextromethorphan, prenoxidiazine and glaucin. However, it should be remembered that the first two drugs are always administered under the supervision of the doctor and in the absence of any contraindications, since they have an overwhelming effect directly on the respiratory center. Peripheral medication treats dry cough more gently - they affect the respiratory tract receptors and their mucous membranes. These funds include: cough syrup "Bronchicum", broncholitin, bronchocin, panatus, kodelak, terpinkod and fervex.

But if the disease is of a periodic nature (the so-called dry cough attacks), then it can be treated with the help of traditional medicine. Preparations of vegetable origin (decoctions and infusion) are able to have a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes, softening and moisturizing them, contributing to the abundant formation of mucus and the removal of all foreign substances - viruses, bacteria and products of their vital activity. Such useful properties are possessed by many substances which for certain are in each house.

However, before embarking on treatment with herbal infusions or decoctions, it is worth paying attention to the substance even more accessible and useful - baking soda. Gargling with water and soda solution has a disinfecting effect on the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract and dilutes sputum. Treatment of dry cough in this way will help to reduce and defeat the inflammatory processes in the larynx, but for the disease affecting the trachea and bronchopulmonary tree, soda inhalations, with the addition of oregano or a few drops of chamomile broth (pharmacy), will be more effective.

Traditional medicine recommends people suffering from dry cough, drink a lot, especially alkaline mineral water. It is very good to reduce the cough reflex and to soften the perspiration due to the lubrication of the throat with Lugol solution and olive oil, as well as inhalation with eucalyptus oil - you need only a few drops to dissolve in hot water and breathe over the formed fragrant vapor, covering your head with a towel. But, as it was said before, the most effective treatment of dry cough with folk methods is possible with the use of infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs, for example, oregano, mint, mother-and-stepmother, St. John's wort, ledum and camomile.

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