Arts & Entertainment, Literature
Top 50 richest book authors
These authors are known not only for their bestsellers, but also for their luxurious lives.
1. Joanne Rowling
A famous British novelist. Her fortune is estimated at $ 1 billion, which makes her one of the richest women in the world. The writer is best known for her fantastic novel about the boy-magician Harry Potter.
Rowling owns a beautiful mansion in Tasmania worth $ 10.7 million and a church cottage in Tutshill in South Wales worth $ 5.8 million.
2. Candy Spelling
This lady is an author, an entrepreneur and a secular man. Fame and 600 million dollars to her brought an autobiographical book "Stories from Kendilanda."
Like all the rich people, Candy lives on a broad scale. Currently, she owns a luxury condo apartment worth $ 47 million in downtown Los Angeles.
3. Stephen King
Fixed capital - $ 400 million - he earned on books. His most successful novels are "Shining," "Body," "Confrontation," "Carrie," "It," and "The Dark Tower." He writes in the genre of science fiction, horror, mysticism, thriller.
Stephen King owns luxurious villas and mansions, cars and a private jet.
4. Daniela Steel
Her fortune exceeds 375 million dollars. The American writer creates in the genre of romance, children's fiction and journalism. Her best bestsellers are: "Promise", "Crossroads", "Until the end of time", "Zoya", "Mother's sins", "Only with you", "Beautiful things", "Palpitation", "Sisters", "Star".
5. Tom Clancy
His condition is estimated at $ 300 million. American writer in his works skillfully interwoven spy thriller with science fiction. I wrote a couple of scripts for famous computer games.
6. Olivia Harrison
The widow of George Harrison's Beatles guitarist is a British-Mexican author. Her net worth is $ 275 million.
7. James Patterson
This American author is known for his fictional series about the psychologist Alex Cross. Approximate net worth of James is 250 million. His annual income was estimated at $ 91 million as of June 2013.
8. John Grisham
An American author, a democrat and a lawyer, who is best known for writing "legal thrillers" and novels about crimes. Many of his work is filmed in Hollywood. John "costs" 200 million dollars.
Like other famous authors, he does not deny himself the pleasure: he recently bought a luxury condo apartment in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
9. Jackie Collins
English writer, from the pen of which there were 29 novels, and they all became bestsellers! More than 500 million copies of her books have been translated into 40 languages and sold around the world. In general, Collins earned 180 million.
10. Michael Crichton
Michael Crichton was a famous and beloved novelist of his time in the genre of scientific and medical fiction, a thriller. According to experts, the net cost of its capital is $ 175 million.
11. Nora Roberts
Known to the general public, an American writer who composed more than 200 detectives and romance novels. Works very productively, releasing several books a year. "It is worth" 150 million.
12. Dean Kunz
American science fiction writer, a master of action thrillers. Mysticism, horrors and mysteries are his hobby. The capital of Dean is 145 million dollars.
13. Stephanie Meyer
American, who brought a glory series of novels "Twilight." I wrote only 10 books, but they all got world fame and brought the author 125 million.
14. Mary Higgins Clark
A popular American novelist who writes psychological thrillers and stories for children. Her famous novels - "Strive for Heaven", "The Cradle Will Fall", "Walking Through the City", "We Will Meet Again" and many others - brought Mary $ 110 million.
15. Dan Brown
American author. He is known for his bestsellers "Angels and Demons" and "Da Vinci Code". Its capital is 100 million dollars. Dan is known for writing mysterious thrillers and adventure novels.
He lives in a magnificent mansion in New Hampshire.
16. Clive Kassler
Clive is a former marine archaeologist. He wrote several adventure, detective novels and thrillers, which brought him $ 80 million.
17. Janet Ivanovich
Her famous works The Big Hero, Grand Final, Ivan Takes a Wife, Elsie Hawkins (4 books), Stephanie Plum (20 books) and others brought 80 million net income to their author.
18. Wolfgang Pak
This famous Austrian chef wrote several books about cooking and earned them $ 75 million.
19. Jonathan Franzen
He is compared to the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. Writing activities brought Jonathan $ 70 million.
20. E.L. James
Do you recognize? This author of the famous erotic novel "50 shades of gray" - British Eric Leonard. Her writing talent is estimated at 60 million.
21. Gary Larson
This talented writer and cartoonist once earned $ 50 million. Today he lives as a hermit in Seattle, Washington, receives an annual $ 4 million rent, which he immediately transfers to the Anteater Fund.
22. Stig Larsson
A Swedish writer and journalist whose capital is estimated at $ 50 million. He passed away in 2004 because of a heart attack.
23. Carol Radziwill
The author, television celebrity and journalist, Carol Radziwill "has a net worth" of $ 50 million.
24. Ann Rice
American writer, who glorified the novel "Interview with a Vampire." In total, with her talent, she was able to earn 50 million.
25. Ken Follett
Welsh and British prose writer. His fame was brought by the novel "Needle Ear". "It is worth" 45 million dollars. His most significant acquisition is an ancient townhouse in London.
26. Terry McMillan
American writer, known all over the world for bestsellers "Expectation of exhalation", "How Stella got her answer", "Mama", "Well, if you do not know", "Dollar", "Get to happiness", etc. Her capital is estimated In the amount of $ 40 million.
27. Jonathan Kellerman
Working as a practicing psychologist, wrote several books in the genre of medical thriller and earned $ 40 million.
28. John Kracauer
This outstanding American writer and journalist (the main photo of the article) has a capital of $ 35 million. He is fond of mountaineering.
29. Nicholas Sparks
The author of novels about human destinies, love and Christianity. Its capital is estimated at $ 30 million.
He lives in a beautiful large house on the waterfront in New Bern, North Carolina.
30. Jane Ann Krenz
The author of romance novels. This woman has a sharp mind, a subtle sense of humor, loves herbal tea, vegetarian. With his work earned $ 30 million.
31. George RR Martin
American writer, producer and screenwriter. He writes in the genre of science fiction. With a capital of 30 million, it still lives in a simple house in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and operates the old Mazda RX-7.
32. Nelson Demiel
In the writing field earned 25 million.
33. Elizabeth Gilbert
She is a talented American writer. He is the author of many famous memoirs and essays. Exclusively writing earned $ 25 million.
34. Cecily von Ziegzar
The talent of this American writer, the author of youth novels, is estimated at 25 million.
35. Harlan Cobain
Popularity and wealth ($ 25 million) brought to him detective thriller novels.
36. Jack Canfield
He was noted in the Guinness Book of Records as the most popular author. Wrote a series of stories "Chicken broth for the soul," which was called the publishing phenomenon. "It is worth" 25 million.
37. Lee Ann Tui
The capital of 25 million US dollars, she brought a writer's talent.
38. Tony Morrison
She is a Nobel laureate and Pulitzer Prize, professor and author of children's books, plays and short stories about the life of African Americans. "It is worth" 24 million dollars.
39. Nick Hornby
Earned $ 22 million, satisfying his passion for writing.
40. Patti Mallett
Known not only as the mother of megastar Justin Bieber, but also as the author of several bestsellers, which earned $ 20 million.
41. Lisa Gibbons
In addition to her career as a TV presenter, Lisa is also a famous writer. On her books, she earned 20 million. She does not like to save herself by surrounding herself with all sorts of luxuries.
42. Martin Handford
The author of children's books earned 20 million.
43. David Chilton
Canadian writer David Chilton is "worth" $ 20 million. Specializes in topics on financial success.
44. Robert Cramb
I earned 20 million comic books!
45. Brad Melzer
One of the best-selling authors in the world. His fortune is estimated at $ 20 million.
46. Nancy Grace
The former prosecutor wrote such successful books as "Defendants of celebrities", "11 victims", "Objection!", "High-ranking defense lawyers" who brought her $ 18 million.
47. Joe Esterhaz
The Hungarian-American writer and former journalist has a net worth of $ 18 million.
48. Timothy Ferriss
By publishing his books, this young American writer earned 15 million.
49. Salman Rushdie
Famous British-Indian celebrity, his writing talent is estimated at 15 million dollars.
50. Joan Lunden
Earned 15 million mainly on books about a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.
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