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Analysis of "Wild landowner." Transparent Aesopian Language

Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote a great many works, all his works are transparent and understandable. He could not hide behind words: even in the style of Aesopian tales, ruthless bluntness of images and thoughts was implanted. After all, the meaning and ideas of his fairy tales are open, as if in the palm of your hand. Analysis of Shchedrin's fairy tale "Wild landlord" is a direct quotation of the writer. But it is far from as simple as it might seem at first glance. We now perceive the tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin in a distant way, and in the century before last, on their birthdays, they were more journalistic than works of art.

The materials that underlie the "Wild landowner"

After the fertile reform of Alexander the Liberator, the empire, however, did not rush to catch up with the European countries. It skidded and stiffened bloody revolutions, but those who were supposed to deal with the analysis of the current situation, did not notice anything. Rich in resources, the country provided a comfortable life for a huge army of idlers who lived on unearned funds. Writers also began to conduct economic analysis. "Wild landowner" reveals his secrets precisely in this vein.

Before him Shchedrin created a publicistic work "Poshekhonskaya antiquity", in which he portrayed 20 different landlords of a new, post-Reform time. It would seem that it is even more clear to say to those who manage a huge state, about overdue and overripe problems. Then the "Golovlyovs" appear, a concentrated horror and savagery that corrodes the very foundations of life. There followed a deathly silence from those for whom the works were written. No, obviously not for the general public created Shchedrin works that are devoid of both the plot and the intriguing plot.

The writer was tired and exhausted

But his soul could not remain indifferent to the fate of the Motherland. Tales begin to be born - short, capacious stories on a specific topic exciting to a person. Thus the fairy tale "Wild landowner" was born. Its content does not imply any allegory.

The average Russian landowner in his imagination sees himself as an elite, the pinnacle of society. And accordingly it is expressed. A word is not a sparrow, it can be realized.

Shchedrin purposely simplifies and hyperbolizes the situation. Deprived of the word of his peasantry, the landowner is bereft, with his appearance the entire civilization descends, and he climbs, after all, a tree. There can not be such, but that's exactly how it happened. And not for a long time - for some two generations.

The moral of the tale is simple - if you are freed from worrying about daily bread, then you must think in order to work on bread, that's analysis. "Wild landowner" - a work for ages!

I wanted to insult you to think

It was not there. About one hundred and fifty tales come out one after another. And they were offended by thoughtless people thinking. How so, distortion of reality! But the writer did not hide that he was writing a fairy tale, in which lies with a hint. Shchedrin's fairy tale "Wild landowner" is useful to spend at leisure from works to heavy statesmen. This work is written for them, and not for those who daily worry about bread. And you can not compare yourself to those whom they govern, and who live for their bellies. After all, the landowner was led into a savage state by fattening life and ignoring his direct duties as a more developed member of society.

Analysis "Wild landowner": depth and superficiality

Shchedrin did not know how to create weak fairy tales. The same "Bogatyr", who slept through his glory until his body was eaten by a snake. "Trizor" - about the dog's heroism, and not a human. A whole cycle of fairy tales "Bears on the voivodship" about incorrect methods of management, but the tale "Wild landowner" turned out to be special, in which the spiritual infantilism, which is worse than any terrible voivodeship, is described. In those tales on characters, there are various factors acting in different degrees, and in this - an internal destructive force, from which it is even difficult to escape.

And the writer did not take a really lost person: he has friends, and they worry about him. When at the end of a fairy tale the wild landlord returns a human face, then for some reason it is vaguely believed. And Shchedrin at the same openly hints.

How tales jump over the centuries

Concentrated truth, concentrated thought is able, through a generation or another, to return to the social life of a new level. Powerful works Saltykov-Shchedrin "Lord Golovlev, in which he showed himself a brilliant artist, 10-15 years outlived itself. Life has changed, and understand what he wrote about, and what worried the writer without special preparation to the modern reader is difficult. But the analysis of the "Wild landowner" (a small work) is given to almost everyone without exception. The time has passed and the circumstances that led to the creation of the fairy tale were taken away, but it is surprisingly full of meaning for the living Russians. And this is because Shchedrin has snatched one of our bad traits and presents it to us so that we will outlive it. This is spiritual laziness, which is a native mother of the wild.

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