
Tincture of the saber. Application and preparation

The popularity of the saber was high in the seventeenth century. To this day, this plant is widely used for a variety of purposes around the globe. And recognizes it as traditional, and non-traditional medicine. The tincture of the saber, whose application has won the confidence of the broad masses of the population, is valued by the fact that it has a huge amount of medicinal properties. This plant is an unrivaled biostimulator. This is explained by its unique composition - phosphorus, potassium, copper, magnesium and a large number of vitamins. However, the chemical composition of the plant has not been fully studied to date. It is known for sure that the sabelnik is rich in various organic acids, provitamin A, vitamin C, tannins and essential oils.

In folk medicine, this plant is successfully used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, osteochondrosis, tuberculosis of joints and gout. The effectiveness of the saber is explained by the fact that it contains a large amount of tannins, perfectly destroys bacteria, saves from pain, removes salt, removes inflammation and restores cells.

Tincture of the saber. Application and precautions

Decoction from this plant is easy to prepare at home. To do this, take a tablespoon of carefully dried grass, root and rhizome of the saber. All this pour water (approximately 100 milliliters) and bring to a boil. The resulting mass must be cooked on low heat for at least fifteen minutes. After this time, the broth should be cooled and filtered through gauze or sieve. The resulting product is diluted with water to 250 milliliters. Take it three times a day for a third of a glass. Tincture of a saber, preparation of which does not require much effort, is shown to people suffering from gout, radiculitis and osteochondrosis.

With strong sharp pains and inflammation of the joint, poultices help. With such symptoms as redness, swelling, increased local temperature, the lotions from this plant will help. For their preparation it is necessary to pour two tablespoons of dry raw material with steep boiling water and allow to stand for at least five minutes. The resulting mass should be wrapped in a napkin made from natural tissue and regularly applied to a sore spot. This procedure will help to get rid of radiculitis, gout and rheumatoid arthritis.

Remember that the use of this tool in the fight against diseases of the musculoskeletal system should be carried out after consultation with a specialist.

Disorders with the use of this drug can reduce the entire therapeutic effect to zero. That is why the tincture of the saber, the use of which relieves many diseases, must be prepared and accepted in strict accordance with the prescription. During the therapeutic course it is recommended to protect yourself from various colds. It is also important to adhere to a special diet. You can not use the following:

- dairy,

- salty, spicy, smoked, sour,

- meat and broth from it,

- alcohol.

It is undesirable to use this remedy for people suffering from kidney and liver diseases, as their condition can only worsen. It is not recommended to use other medicinal products if tincture of the saber is used. "Evalar" is a pharmaceutical company that produces this product in a form ready for use. Thus, you can save time on its preparation, if you do not have one.

Tincture of sabelnik, the use of which is effective in the treatment of many diseases, helps reduce dosages of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In some cases, their reception can be canceled completely.

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