
This footwear is not just terrible, it is also harmful to health!

Inconspicuously Crocs entered the habitual usage of the inhabitants of North America, and now this unpretentious footwear conquers the expanses of Europe. Even celebrities dare to wear these ridiculous rubber sandals in public places. Everyone who wears Crocuses finds them surprisingly comfortable.

Two opposition camps

People divided into two camps, having their arguments for and against. Someone does not see any aesthetics in rubber sandals intended for bathing in the pool or garden works. Other people are quite happy with the comfort and fun appearance. But orthopedic doctors are categorical. They argue that the friendship of feet with ugly plastic causes irreparable harm to health. It seems that they have irrefutable evidence.

Disadvantages of this shoe

Experts argue that the main problem of Crocs is an open heel equipped with a loose strap. Thus, when walking, the leg remains unstable, and the connection between the heel and the toe is broken. In the opinion of orthopedists, such shoes are not suitable for daily use. Therefore, if you already have time to love the convenience of Crocs, you will have to alternate wearing this shoe with other, more suitable models.

What causes the insufficient fixation of the heel

A tight heel does not support the load when walking on the fingers. Long-term wearing of plastic sandals can cause serious health problems, among which tendonitis (inflammation of the tendon tissues), the formation of ossicles, painful calluses and corns. As you understand, the same problems can result in shoes made of more high-quality material, for example, leather sandals with a strap on the heel.

The absence of a flexible sole is another minus

Another disadvantage of orthopedic crocs is the lack of a flexible sole. Monolithic rubber when walking does not allow the foot to bend correctly and unbend. That's why the fans of this shoe have more chances to get painful sensations in the legs. Orthopedists categorically do not recommend their patients to wear Crocs from 8 to 10 hours a day. An exception can be two categories of citizens: people with a high rise of the foot and people suffering from permanent swelling of the legs. Also, according to experts, in this footwear there is nothing convenient. They often notice how people, dressed in Crocs, stumble and lose their balance.

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