HomelinessDo it yourself

How to make trellises for cucumbers with your own hands

Every gardener knows that achieving a high yield of cucumbers is not so easy, especially in the open field. The main enemy of this tasty and healthy vegetable is a disease called downy mildew. Modern chemical agents are not able to completely protect cucumbers from this aggressive infection, and the traditional method of growing them only promotes the development of the disease. The only way out in this situation will be trellises for cucumbers. Advantages of this solution are many, we will talk about them today.

Why did not he spread it?

Experienced growers know that the introduction of mobile infectious spores occurs through the stomata from the back of the leaves - the spores actively move in droplets of moisture (dew, rain and water spray) present on the leaf. Harmful spores winter on the surface of the ground, from where with water spray and fall on the bottom of the cucumber foliage.

As a result, only the cucumber plants acquire the first young leaves and start to spread along the ground, they are immediately attacked by the infection, and it is good, if the plant has enough strength to bring even a meager yield of greenery. All this happens because many gardeners do not give due importance to the nature of the plant, and in fact it is a grassy liana with mobile tendrils and a rough stalk, with the help of which it can cling to any vertical support.

Tapestries for cucumbers: advantages

Cultivation of cucumbers on trellises is much more productive than in spreading. Firstly, the plant has the ability to move away from the last year's "deposits" of infection on the ground. If even part of the spore is carried by the wind, the lower part of the foliage will be available for spraying with protective solutions. Consequently, the problem of controlling powdery mildew is practically solved.

Secondly, plants are much more efficiently blown with air and illuminated, so dangerous moisture evaporates faster. Thirdly, the quantity of poor-quality (deformed, stained, etc.) flaws is significantly reduced, because No contact with the ground. In addition, the total volume of the crop increases many times due to longer fruiting of the plant. Fourth, the conditions and productivity of labor in the care and collection of fruits are substantially improved and facilitated.

Site preparation

About the site for growing cucumbers on the supports should be taken care of in advance. The soil must be enriched with organic fertilizers. Row trellis is better to locate from north to south - this will save plants from the hard noon sun rays. The width of the rows can vary from about 1.5 to 2.5 meters - this distance ensures the convenience of harvesting not only manually, but also with the help of small-size machinery. In small homestead territories, this distance can be reduced to 0.8 m.

Tapestry for cucumbers own hands

As the trellised supports used pillars, which can be made of various materials, for example, from pine logs, metal or reinforced concrete columns, etc. The last trellis poles should be stronger than the intermediate ones. They will carry the load of the whole series. For example, with a trellis height of 2.8 m, the diameter of the outriggers should not be less than 50 mm, and the intermediate supports - 35 mm. The pillars under the trellis for cucumbers are buried at a depth of about 60 cm. The edge, anchor supports should be installed at an angle of about 70º to the surface of the earth, covering them by 75-80 cm. Inclined supports should be anchored with wire extensions to metal corners sloped In the ground to a depth of about 90 cm.

The maximum distance between the supporting poles in the row should not exceed 6 m, but if materials permit, it is better to put the supports more tightly. Before making trellis for cucumbers, you need to determine the material. It can be a special plastic mesh stretched between two wires - the top and bottom.

You can make trellises and simply from wire, the thickness of which should be at least 2.0 mm. In this case, the lower row of wire is stretched between supports at a height of 15-20 cm, the next - through 70 cm, etc. For the upper row, use a thicker wire (3.5 mm), because It will carry the main load. After planting the cucumber seedlings next to each plant, from the lower row of wire to the top, a hemp twine stretches along which the creeper will move upwards. Tapestry for cucumbers in a greenhouse is made on the same principle.


In parallel with the construction of a cucumber trellis, it is necessary to solve the issue of irrigation of future plants. If you are interested in a good harvest, it is not worth much hope for a natural watering with rain. There is a practice of watering on the furrows, but this method is not very convenient from a practical point of view. Soiled soil will prevent the care of plants and the collection of fruits.

The most rational option is drip irrigation. Even in regions with a hot climate, it is enough to lay one drop tape for watering one row of cucumbers. And if, planting seedlings, along the trellis for cucumbers on both sides to lay strips of mulching dark film, this will help to save irrigation water and prevent the growth of weeds.

Planting of cucumbers

About a month before planting cucumbers on the trellis, the seeds are sown in cassettes and wait for the appearance of 2-3 developed leaves. Plant seedlings in calendar time, when the probability of frost is no longer there. Young plants are arranged in a row, at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. In the process of growth, a solid wall of foliage should form, but the leaves should not overlap one on another.

Practice is also the seedless method of growing cucumbers, but before sowing the seeds must be prepared. Used for sowing full-grown seeds 2-3 years ago, tk. They are distinguished by good germination, contribute to the formation of more female flowers, and also accelerate fruiting. If the seeds of the harvest of last year are used, they are preheated to +56 ... + 60 ° С for 4-5 hours or kept at a temperature of +36 ... + 38 ° С for 2 months. In addition, before sowing seeds should be calibrated for about 10 minutes in a 3% solution of table salt. In the process of calibration, quality seeds will settle on the bottom, and empty and undeveloped will surface. Selected seeds must be washed in clean running water and then treated in solutions of manganese sulphate (0.5 g per liter of water), boric acid (0.1 g per 0.3 L of water), etc. Seeds soaked for 24 hours, And then dried. Microelements stimulate the vital activity of young plants and increase their resistance to diseases.

Care instructions

So, how to plant cucumbers on the trellis, we figured out. Now let's talk about care for tapestry plants. This process is completely uncomplicated. After planting, you need to tie the cucumber stalk to the trellis, and then as it grows, the tip periodically curl into the grid cells or the twine. There should also direct lateral shoots. It is not necessary to pinch the tops - if they reach the top of the trellis, they need to be smoothly bent down and again brought into the cells of the cucumber net, so that they do not hang out in the wind.


Collecting zelenots is best in the early morning, before the heat, then the fruit will remain dense, beautiful and will be able to be stored longer. Store cucumbers in a cool place with high humidity, for example, in a cellar or in a refrigerator.

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