
The legendary sisters of Fontana. Biography

Three outstanding sisters were born in Italy, in a small town Traversecolo, located just outside the wonderful Parma. Mom Zoe, Giovanna and Mikol taught girls the basics of sewing in early childhood, but the fame came to them only after moving to Rome. Sisters Fontana, whose biography is full of acquaintances with eminent people of his era, were not rich, and the clothes sewn by them, at first was not popular. This is a story of hard work and extraordinary willpower.

Fontana is the sister of fashion

In 1907, the mother of the girls, Amabile Fontana, opens her little shop in Traverseco. Business is going well enough, but clothes are not in great demand. Everything will change when in the mid-1930s young and ambitious sisters move to a huge bustling Rome. The elder Zoya, who left her home after her marriage, first lived in Milan, later in Paris. In Rome, the whole family of Fontana is reunited. The sisters, whose biography begins to accumulate in avalanche with facts and new acquaintances, in 1943 open their own business, without the participation of the mother.

Fame comes to them at the very beginning of the 50s, when the superstar of those times Linda Christian ordered a wedding dress. The outfit was so exalted in the media that the fashion house of "Sisters of Fontana" literally took off to Hollywood Olympus. Already in early 1951, young fashion designers participated in their first show, arranged by the famous Giovanni Batista Georgini, in beautiful Florence. Enterprising Mikol in the same year goes to Hollywood, where he organizes a stunning display of clothes. After this presentation, the model house becomes very popular in the bohemian American environment, and the world learns a new name - Fontana's sisters. The biography of these gifted girls tells about famous and extraordinary clients. For example, the beautiful Ava Gardner has acquired a total of more than 150 outfits for filming in the film and personal wardrobe. In due time this Model House of Sisters dressed demanding actresses and elegant wives of politicians, such as Margaret Truman, Grace Kelly and Jacqueline Kennedy.

A prestigious order was the creation of a form for flight attendants and the crew of international air transportation Alitalia. In the 1960s, the pret-a-porter line, long awaited by the American market, was opened, which was developed personally by the Sisters of Fontana. The biography of this family tells about the well-coordinated work and fruitful cooperation of all its members. So, for example, cheerful and business Mikol was constantly on the road, searching for new fabrics and inspiration. Zoya devoted herself entirely to public relations and brand promotion. Giovanna rarely left Italy, preferring travel to constant monitoring of all stages of clothing production.

Fashion House "Sisters Fontana" today

In 1992, the label and the company itself were sold, as two of the three founders had already died, and Mikol was already tired of being active. In 1994, Sisters Fontana, whose biography was always closely intertwined, are no longer working, giving way to new trends and trends. Mikol created a special fund, designed to help young fashion designers around the world. November 8, 2013, she, the last of the legendary sisters, should be one hundred years old, 70 of which she devoted to the art of making clothes.

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