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The quotation characteristic of Chatsky. AS Griboedov, "Woe from Wit"

AS Griboyedov decided to write his satirical work "Woe from Wit" for various reasons, and various people from his own society became stereotypes of fictional heroes. So, as for the protagonist Chatsky, some argued that this character really reminded very much of Griboyedov's friend, Pyotr Chaadayev, who sharply criticized the state system and who, too, at one time because of differences in views with society, was declared insane. But there is an opinion that this hero became the prototype of the author himself, on whom also the shadow of madness lay, and also because he went against the opinion of the established views in society, therefore he was sent to serve in East Asia. Now with great interest I want to deal with the topic of "Chitsky's Quotation Characteristic" and find out what kind of person this society was for the insane. Maybe this is the truth ...

The quotation characteristic of Chatsky. The appearance of the hero

All ingenious people are a little crazy, because they often look at other things, seemingly, the most usual things and circumstances. To such madmen for certain have attributed both Pushkin, and Lermontov with their freedom-loving poetry, exposing modern customs and rulers.

As for our topic "Chatsky's Quotation Characterization" ("Woe from Wit", 1 action), it can be started to be revealed from the explanation that Chatsky is a nobleman who returns to Moscow from abroad to meet Sofia Sophia Famusova as soon as possible . He had not seen her for almost three years. As a child they were friends, then their relationship grew into love, but Chatsky unexpectedly left without even informing Sofya about it. And in the first act he appears in the Famusovs' house and hurries to see Sofya, but she meets him very coldly, since she did not forgive him and is now very much interested in Molchalin.


He loves Griboedov to oppose the heroes, and, of course, the exact opposite of Chatsky, especially if we compare them by character, outlook and position in society, it's MOLCHALIN. He is a typical representative of the gradually degenerating Famusian era. MOLCHALIN in the work in dealing with people is meekness and upbringing, but he is the personification of selfishness, veneration and flattery. This hero is an impersonal quiet, about whom it is customary to say that he can reach the degrees of the known, "because now they love the dumb." He is ready to curry favor and admire anyone, just to please his own selfish goals. Career and obtaining a high rank for him above all. The concepts of honor and pride are absent. He is always ready to adjust to the powerful of this world, and even he himself notes that already in his year "one should not dare to have his own judgment".

MOLCHALIN is a two-faced young man, he deceives Sophia and, when no one sees, is hustling behind the maid Lisa. However, Griboyedov still diluted his numerous vices with moderation and accuracy.

New generation

The quotation characteristic of Chatsky is very different from that of Molchalin. Chatsky is a representative of a new emerging society and, on the contrary, a very open and confident young man. He is a real patriot, but left the service, because he did not see the use in it. Chatsky in the service does not benefit the state and the people, but if he only wanted, he could make a good career, "he is small with his head," and "gloriously writes, translates", that is, he knows languages. Apparently, the quotation characteristic of Chatsky and Molchalin speaks for itself.

Chatsky is a Decembrist plan man, he believes that Russia is on the brink of dawn, where there will be no unhappy and oppressed people, and sharply condemns serfdom. He is sure that society will sooner or later wake up. And as for the service, he throws a line that he is ready to serve the state, and not individuals. Or another well-known phrase: "to serve would be glad," but, as they say further, "it's nauseating to serve."

The citation of Chatsky ("Woe from Wit") - the philosophy of a new way of life

It's a pity, but people like Chatsky almost do not have friends, he is lonely, even the person whom he loved, became indifferent to him. Communication with others is based on conversations and monologues that cause controversy and conflict, and they are not primarily addressed to the opponent, but to the society as a whole.

Griboyedov specifically opposes these two heroes in order to reveal their essence and character more clearly. He presents them as two philosophies and two sciences of the life of the centuries past and present, but sympathizes and fully endorses the views and judgments of Chatsky - an intelligent, educated and honest man.


Secular society at that time in large numbers had such as Molchalin and Famusov, but it no longer has the power to clamp its ears and go away from the truthful speeches of such people as Chatsky, who still managed to dispel the proportionate life of the Moscow gentlemen. And this means that he came out victorious.

That's about like you can open the topic of the work "Quotation Character Chatsky." But the reasoning can be completely different, because everyone has their own point of view.

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