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The purpose of the research is ... Subject, object, subject, objectives and purpose of the study

The process of preparing for any research of a scientific nature involves several stages. To date, there are many different recommendations and supporting methodological materials. All of them, however, relate not to the absence or presence of a particular stage, but, to a greater extent, their sequence. Common to all recommendations is the definition of the purpose of the study. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Key Elements

Research of a scientific nature, in contrast to traditional, everyday knowledge, has a systematic and targeted direction. In this regard, it is extremely important to establish the scope of study. As a certain system of coordinates, the object and purpose of the research are. Any work in scientific knowledge begins with the establishment of the system. After passing this stage, the topic is formulated. The purpose of the study is the end result. It should be the result of all the planned work.

Object area

It is a practical and scientific field. In its limits is actually the object of research. In the school course, this sphere can correspond to any particular discipline. For example, it could be biology, literature, mathematics, physics, history, etc. The object of research is a certain phenomenon or process that generates a problem. Activity is directed to it. The subject of the study is a specific site of the object, within which the search for solutions is carried out. As this element of the system can act as an event in general, its individual aspects, the relationship between any components, the interaction between one of them and the entire set of relationships. The boundaries between these elements are very arbitrary. What can be the object of research in one case, in the other will be the object domain. For example, scientific activity is aimed at studying the creative links of Russian and French literature of the 19th century. The subject of research in this case may be features of borrowing.


The purpose of the study, the object of research is related to a specific issue that needs to be resolved. The problem is considered a narrow area of study. Choosing a specific research topic for many is a rather difficult stage. Often the choice falls on difficult or large-scale problems. As part of the training study, they can become unbearable for full disclosure. In such cases, it is likely that the purpose and objectives of the study will not be realized until the end. There can be a different situation. For example, for one reason or another the student chooses a problem that has long been known to everyone and is incomprehensible only for a narrow circle of novice researchers.


You can refine the topic by studying the special literature on the problem. After this, you can proceed to establish a hypothesis. It is believed that this stage is the most responsible of all. To understand how to pass it successfully, you first need to clarify the concept itself. The hypothesis should:

  1. Be verifiable.
  2. Correspond to the facts.
  3. Do not be logically contradictory.
  4. Contain the assumption.

Once the hypothesis meets all the requirements, you can proceed to the next step.

Purpose and objectives of the study

In a broad sense, they should clarify the directions in which the proof of the hypothesis will be carried out. The purpose of the study is the result, which should be obtained after the study is completed. It can relate to:

  • Description of a new event, generalization;
  • The establishment of properties of phenomena not previously known;
  • Identification of common patterns;
  • Formation of classifications and so on.

There are various ways in which you can formulate the purpose of the study. For this, traditional cliches are used for scientific speech. For example, the study of the problem can be carried out in order to:

  • To reveal;
  • Justify;
  • Install;
  • Develop;
  • clarify .

Means and methods for achieving the result

With particular care, it is necessary to approach the question of formulating research tasks. This is due to the fact that the description of their decision will subsequently form the content of the chapters. Their headings are formed from the formulations of the tasks assigned. In general, this element can be defined as the choice of means and ways to achieve the set result in accordance with the hypothesis developed. It is more expedient to formulate tasks in the form of the statement of specific actions that need to be taken to achieve the goal. The enumeration must be built from simple to complex, labor-intensive. The number of them will depend on the depth of study. When they are set, the main goal of the research is divided into several smaller ones. Their consistent achievement allows for a deeper study of the issue.


The purpose of the study is an ideal vision of the outcome that directs the activity of a person. After formulating all the key elements of the system, it is necessary to choose the method of solving the problem. The methods can be divided into special and general. The latter include mathematical, empirical, theoretical. The choice of method plays a decisive role in the success of research. Correctly chosen way of solving issues ensures guaranteed achievement of the planned result.

Theoretical Receptions

In a number of cases, the aim of the study is a result that can be achieved only experimentally. In this situation, it is better to use the modeling method. It allows to study objects, direct access to which is difficult or impossible. Modeling involves the accomplishment of mental and practical actions with the model. There is another method that makes it possible to realize the purpose of the study. This technique is called abstraction. It consists in a mental abstraction from all non-essential aspects and focusing on one or several specific aspects of the subject. Analysis is another effective method. It involves the decomposition of the object into components. Synthesis is considered an opposite technique . This method involves joining the formed parts into a single whole. With the use of synthesis and analysis it is possible, for example, to study the literature on the chosen topic of scientific research. The ascent from the abstract element to the concrete is carried out in two stages. On the first, the object is divided into several parts and is described using judgments and concepts. Then, the original integrity is restored.

Empirical methods

They include:

  1. Comparison.
  2. Observation.
  3. Experiment.

The latter has certain advantages in comparison with others. The experiment allows not only to observe and compare, but also to change the conditions for studying, to track the dynamics.

Mathematical Methods

The purpose of the study can be achieved:

  1. Statistical methods,
  2. Models and methods of the theory of network modeling and graphs.
  3. Methods of dynamic programming.
  4. Models and methods of mass service.
  5. Visualization of information (charting, compilation of functions, etc.).

The choice of a specific method in the framework of the study is carried out under the guidance of the teacher.

Conducting the study

Scientific research as a whole includes two stages. The first is the actual study. It is called a "technological stage". The second stage is considered analytical, reflective. Before you start, you need to make a plan. There are three parts in it. In the first:

  1. The purpose of the study (planned experiments) is indicated.
  2. The list of necessary equipment for the performance of work is given.
  3. Describes the forms of entries in a draft notebook.

The first part should also contain the initial processing of the results obtained in the course of practical actions and their analysis, the stage of their verification. The plan should provide for everything that the researcher can foresee at the very first stage. Here, key elements of activity are formulated. The second part describes the experimental stage of the work. Its content will depend on the chosen topic, the sphere of scientific knowledge. They characterize the specifics of the study. The researcher needs to analyze how far the methods selected by him can confirm the hypothesis put forward. If necessary, the methods should be specified in accordance with the planned results.


This is the third part of the work plan. It prescribes the method of examination and provides the results obtained in the study - from the review to the discussion within the group and speaking at the conference. It is advisable to present the results of the work before a different audience. The more often the results are discussed, the better it will be for the researcher.


It is a more detailed, abstractive coverage of the issues on which it is planned to systematize the collected material. The plan-prospectus serves as a basis for further assessment by the head of scientific activity, establishing the correspondence of work to the goals and tasks set. It shows the key provisions of the content of the upcoming activity. There is a description of the principles of disclosure of the topic, the construction and correlation of the volumes of its individual parts. The plan-prospectus, in fact, acts as a draft of the work with an abstract description and the disclosure of the content of its sections. Its presence allows you to analyze the results of activities, verify compliance with the goals set at the first stage and make corrections if necessary.


To acquire knowledge, which together make it possible to clarify the problem, it is necessary to subdivide the study of its state. Such a division provides a description:

  1. The key characteristics of the phenomenon.
  2. Features of its development.
  3. Development or justification of the criteria for the indicators of the phenomenon being investigated.

The final results are formulated with the help of verbs. Tasks are private, independent goals with respect to one common goal.

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