Health, Acne
The Mind Will Win someday. Mystery of Alcohol Dependence
You can be a little shocked by the information I will be describing, and above all the facts that are known to very few people. To understand and understand, everything written by me must be followed by a few simple rules, it's just my advice, each of you is free to do what you want. If you already hold this book in your hands, it means that you have already felt that you have problems controlling the use of alcohol, and hope to get rid of this dependence forever. This book will help you to expose the illusions of alcoholic pleasure. You can, like me, and many other people, stop drinking alcohol, having understood all the secrets of addiction.
Read only in a good mood
Take everything seriously, this is a very serious topic
Believe all the facts that are contained in the book
These are easily executable rules. I want to add that all the information and all the facts that I will cite in my book have an evidentiary basis, everything has been tested and proven in practice. In order to get closer to the consideration of important moments in getting rid of alcohol dependence, we need to find the root cause, the source of information about the structure of the world and man, a kind of map of the movement through life - and this is not strange to you, there will be the Bible (translated from Greek - "books" ). I think in our age, when the persecution of Christians and clergymen by the Bolsheviks and Communists has passed in the past, this book is for sure in many houses. We came to the first shocking fact, and this fact was discovered by our compatriot Ivan Panin (1855-1942), Ivan was born in Russia, but in his youth he was forced to leave first for Germany, then he left for the USA where he graduated from Harvard University. As soon as he discovered certain regularities in the text of the Bible, he immediately abandoned all his affairs and work, went to Canada and settled on a small farm, together with his wife, 50 years before exhaustion worked on completing his proof. What did he do? He rigorously mathematically proved that all texts of the canonical Bible were "dictated", or rather put into the brains writing to their people, it was the Lord Himself who, and codified in the Bible texts certain numerical patterns, these patterns were discovered by Ivan Panin. Panin's discovery showed that in the Bible, in the Old and New Testaments, in every letter and in every word, the number 7 is unusually encoded, the same figure is encoded in our entire universe. If you remove at least one letter or word from the Bible, then all order and all patterns are violated! The probability theory strictly mathematically explains this: the numerical regularities found in the Bible could not have arisen accidentally, the probability of this is zero, these patterns are the result of a well-planned and feasible design. The Bible was written for 1600 years with a break before the New Testament in 400 years, hence it is clear that people (or rather their minds) who wrote the Bible and lived in different epochs could not make it, some of them were completely uneducated. So God planned the whole thing through the Holy Spirit. God dictated it to God. Such patterns are not found in any other human texts. Now you have to fundamentally reconsider your attitude to the Bible and to the Creator (and the evil one), and to look at your life with new eyes, including alcohol, nicotine, heroin dependence. Thanks to the opening of Ivan Panin, our compatriot, a well-known Belarusian scientist, a member of the Academy of Sciences, a professor, author of a dozen scientific books and hundreds of articles published in various countries of the world, VI. Veinik created a general theory of nature (OT), which contains a number of new laws, unknown before that, explaining the existence parallel to our apparently visible material world, the invisible, spiritual world. With the help of the OT, a new understanding of the nature of man has now been given, and mechanisms describing the dependence of the person's physical health on the individual's spiritual state are described. This helped me understand the myth created by the crafty mind (God's antipode), the incurability of alcohol, nicotine, and heroin addictions. The material science (medicine in particular) is built in most cases on a false, false foundation, by a crafty substitution of concepts, as a result of which a false conclusion was drawn about the primacy of matter and the secondary nature of the spirit, and that the human's material brain creates the thought that the living thing happened From the inanimate due to the natural course of evolution. In fact, the brain is not the organ of thinking! This we will consider in the following examples. Why do we need this, you ask? After all, alcohol dependence is not a physical dependence, it is not a physical illness, it is a disease of the spirit, psychological (from the Greek "psycho" - the soul), the disease in your head, to cope with this schizophrenia (mental disorder) is easy , The main thing to learn the principles of the work of the alcohol trap.
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