Health, Acne
How easy is it to Quit Smoking ??? Electronic Cigarette will help you !!!
Now the whole world is trying to come up with the most effective way to quit smoking. Invented a lot of substitutes .... Nicotine patches, hypnosis, chewing gum, sweets and much more ... Perhaps for some people these methods "work", and for others - ineffective. At first glance, it can not be said that there is a real way to quit smoking. But in 2003, electronic cigarettes were invented, and this is a good alternative to making the habit more harmless. If you want to quit smoking - then you will help an electronic cigarette !!!
Electronic cigarettes are a worthy invention of the 21st century. Electronic cigarette - this is a great analogue, replacing tobacco cigarettes.
The idea of the invention of this analogue to tobacco cigarettes arose from Chinese Khon Lika, who was very, very in a hurry to help a dying father who had cancer.
To date, there has been a lot of research in the field of electronic cigarettes, and all of them can not confirm the harmfulness of this device. Since the invention was only 8 years old, and electronic cigarettes are already known and popular throughout the world.
The first electronic cigarette Ritchy, appeared in Tomsk in 2010. This brand has instantly gained popularity. It worked here, so-called "word of mouth" people recognized, tried, and then advised each other.
The electronic cigarette Ritchy is a device that not only simulates the smoking process, but is a 100% substitute for conventional cigarettes, but with minimal harm to health. The smoke from Ritchy is a "tasty" steam cloudy with the aroma of expensive tobacco, or another chosen flavor.
The most basic details of an electronic cigarette are a battery, an atomizer (steam generator), a replaceable cartridge. At the electric smoking you do not need a lighter and an ashtray. Stop worrying bad breath, burnt clothes and yellow teeth. The smoker can only relax and enjoy smoking, but with much less harm to health, since there is no process of smoldering tobacco and paper. The most dangerous components of a regular cigarette are tobacco resins, they cause chronic cough, cancer and other diseases.
Liquid for electronic cigarettes "Liqua" - does not contain dangerous components present in a tobacco cigarette. With electronic smoking, the content of nicotine is chosen by the smoker for himself. The liquid for refilling the cartridge of an electronic cigarette can be chosen with a different taste - from mint-fruit-cherry to coffee.
12 advantages of electronic cigarettes:
1) The design of an electronic cigarette most often simulates a tobacco cigarette.
2) There is no fire and noxious smoke, which makes it fireproof, and allows smoking in the office, cafe and even on the plane.
3) The smoker independently chooses the nicotine content, and its gradual decrease will help you to give up the habit altogether.
4) You will save your money - the cost of electric smoking pays off many times. 1 cartridge can withstand 250-350 puffs and compare 1-2 packets of cigarettes.
5) There are no dangerous substances inherent in a tobacco cigarette.
6) There is no passive smoking around.
7) The process of smoking itself takes place in the form of inhalation by steam, so it does not cause coughing and chronic diseases.
8) Electronic cigarettes are non-waste, that is, accessories such as ashtrays, lighters and matches are not used.
9) You do not need to "smoke" a cigarette and leave it burning - once you stop dragging it into standby mode, you can put it in a cover or pocket until the next time.
10) You will not be bothered by plaque on the teeth and skin.
11) All clothing and hair, as well as premises, are not smoked.
12) 100% imitation of smoking, the tip of the electronic cigarette lights up simulating the smoldering process of a tobacco cigarette.
You can buy an electronic cigarette in Tomsk on the official dealer site of TM Ritchy There is also a forum about electronic cigarettes in Tomsk. With us you can definitely quit smoking !!!
Office-Showroom of the company is located: Tomsk, Komsomolskiy pr. 70/1 office 612-1. Tel. 8-923-434-40-40
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